Chapter 487 Dugu Defeating Heaven VS Chaos King

“Destiny Feng Shui compass, out!”

With Ye Fan’s loud shout, only a Feng Shui compass phantom emerged from behind him. This Feng Shui compass exudes a gray brilliance, a supreme, eternal, and vast breath, from the Feng Shui compass. It exudes from it, like an unknown existence high above, controlling the destiny of sentient beings!

After the appearance of the destiny Feng Shui compass, whether it was the broken space or the aftermath of the war, it gradually repaired or disappeared!


Ye Fan still kept holding the magic formula, and then he gave a sharp drink in his mouth!

I saw that the destiny Feng Shui compass behind him suddenly gave out a burst of gray brilliance in his eyes, and these brilliance spread in an instant. Disappeared!

After doing this, Ye Fan couldn’t help but sighed, and then said to himself: “Oh! This destiny Feng Shui compass is still not fully integrated! If it is fully integrated, you can only summon its clone directly. At that time, the power will also be greatly Ascension, you don’t need to be like this, you can only summon a phantom to come over!”

After speaking, Ye Fan closed his eyes, and then stood there silently, if it weren’t for seeing it with the naked eye, I’m afraid no one would be able to find a person there now!


The entire sky trembled fiercely, and after the violent collision between Dugu Beitian and Chaos King 890, they retreated one after another!

“Dugu defeated the sky! I didn’t expect that since the last fight, your combat power has actually been ascensioned so much!

The King of Chaos stared at Dugu Baitian, his eyes kept shining with cold light, and then said!

“Ascension? No, my combat power is not as strong as Ascension, but you regressed!” The update is the fastest,

Dugu Baitian shook his head, and then said!

“Regress? This is impossible!”

“Haha! Nothing is impossible! If your combat power is only like this, you must fall here today!”

Seeing that the King of Chaos didn’t believe it, Dugu Baitian couldn’t help but laughed, and then said!

It has been unknown how many years have passed since I fought against him in the last time in the battle of cutting the sky. In these years, his Chaos King has basically been in the Closed Door Training state.

Originally, I was similar to him, but since I met Shi Wu this madman, I basically resurrected in a fight with him. The battle that I had almost forgotten before, in so many fights with Shi Hao, finally returned to the original. Look like!

“Haha! Fallen here? Dugu defeated the sky, are you kidding me?

Hearing this, Chaos King temporarily suppressed the mania in his heart, and then smiled disdainfully!

He and Dugu Defying Heaven were originally at the same level. Even if he hasn’t fought for many years, his fighting consciousness has almost forgotten, but he is also a heaven-defying existence!

Although it may not be better than Dugu Defeat, in this world, at least it must be how good it is to bite Dugu Defeat the sky!

Suddenly I heard Dugu Baitian say that he would fall here, how can Chaos King not feel funny!

“Is it true? I only found out after I tried it!”

Seeing this, Dugu Baitian didn’t want to do nonsense anymore, and directly shouted:

“Inverse chaos!

With a loud shout. Dugu Baitian’s whole figure seemed to have vaporized, forming a hazy white mist. The endless cold Sword Qi radiates from the white mist, and every Sword Qi exudes a sharp cold light, which makes people feel the chill unconsciously!

In an instant, Sword Qi, who rushed out of the white mist, swept toward the Chaos King with a fierce one.


Seeing this, the Chaos King roared with anger, and fought fiercely like the sky shaking.

The space quickly annihilated in an instant. The dazzling light and violent energy fluctuations had already exceeded the limit of the fluctuations. Under the roar of the doctor, the endless space was completely annihilated in an instant.

In an instant, the fierce energy emitted by the Chaos King instantly met with the Sword Qi of Dugu Defeating Heaven!


The terrible collision of the two energies, suddenly, the entire space burst into huge gusts, and countless space-time storms burst out!

But for these, Dugu Baitian didn’t pay attention to it at all, and directly swung a sword at the Chaos King again!

In an instant, Sword Qi suddenly swelled and turned into a giant (agai) Sword Qi, and then rushed towards the Chaos King!

And when he collided with Dugu Tian just now, Chaos King realized that he was not his opponent at all now!

The Sword Qi collided with the energy just now, and even a few Sword Qi passed through the energy blockade and bombarded themselves on the body!

Therefore, when I saw the Sword Qi who was defeated by Dugu Defeated Heaven, I didn’t even think about resisting it positively, but avoided it!

But just as he was about to evade, he suddenly found that the space he was in was also locked by this Sword Qi! He couldn’t help being scared into a cold sweat at the moment!


Knowing that I can’t escape, I can only take the chaos king of Sword Qi head-on, and I can’t help but curse!

Although the mouth was cursing, but the hands were not slow, I saw the Chaos King suddenly appeared, a pair of blood-red armor, this armor instantly emitted a colored halo, and instantly enveloped the Chaos King inside!



Wanzhang Sword Qi instantly bombarded the red light circle, and I saw that the space around the Chaos King was instantly annihilated!

With a muffled hum, a trace of blood overflowed from the corner of Chaos King’s mouth, and the armor on his body was also instantly shattered, turning into specks of light and disappeared!

“Dugu defeated the sky! I underestimated you. I didn’t expect that your combat power is so much Ascension!”

The King of Chaos looked at Dugu defeating the sky, and said with an extremely solemn expression!

He also didn’t expect that this Dugu Defeated Heaven would hurt himself with just two moves.He used to fight him back and forth. Could it be that he really regressed over the years?

Chaos King couldn’t help but doubt it!

“Enough to kill you?!”

Dugu Baitian stared at the Chaos King with a cold expression. He had already been promoted to a state of killing intent, and his endless murderous aura was like a cold wind sweeping fallen leaves. If the existence of the heaven-defying level is not a heaven-defying level, I am afraid that he will not be able to bear this. Killing intent!

“Haha! Kill me? Not enough!”

Hearing this, the Chaos King showed disdain, and then he laughed!

I saw that the Chaos King’s body suddenly turned into a huge height. After Wanzhang’s body, a nine-layer space appeared again. Although the nine-layer space is not as large as the Ninth Stage, it is not much different. Moreover, the nine-layer space is actually completely dark. , Like the nine-story The Underworld!

After these nine layers of pitch-black space appeared, the breath of Chaos King’s ten-thousand-foot body suddenly soared, and then stretched out his hands and grabbed it towards Dugu Baitian.

The giant claws with hands like mountains are no longer shattering time and space, but completely annihilating time and space, and the space where they pass by is shrinking sharply.

Seeing this, Dugu Baitian couldn’t help but his face became solemn, and he saw a sword suddenly appeared in his hand!

Dugu “It’s been a long time since I saw you! This time we are going to fight together again!”

Dugu Baitian stroked the sword in his hand, and then muttered to himself!

The sword that suddenly appeared, suddenly felt the meaning of Dugu defeating the sky, and couldn’t help but groan at the moment!

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