Chapter 486: Aftermath of the War!


After another violent collision, the entire Ninth Stage sky was in the battle of Dugu Defeat Heaven and others, and the mountain peaks and the land were suddenly shattered and cracked everywhere!

In the Ninth Stage, Sword Qi staggered, violent turbulence raged, pieces of space shattered, time and space storms rushed out of the shattered space, and spread everywhere!

As these time and space storms raged, the entire Ninth Stage day was violently shaken, and it seemed to be broken at any time!

“This Ninth Stage day seems to be unable to hold it anymore!

The corpse fairy emperor frowned, and then said to Ye Fan!

Hearing that, Ye Fan also nodded!

With so many battles of heaven-defying rank powerhouses, let alone this Ninth Stage day, I am afraid that over time, the world will not be able to withstand the aftermath of their battle!

“Then what do you do now? If you continue to fight like this, I’m afraid the aftermath will spread from here, and even the heavens will be affected by that time!!”

Immortal Emperor Corpse asked again!

“At this point, it is impossible for them to stop! You can only resist as much as you can! Try not to let the aftermath of their battle spread to the heavens, otherwise, the entire heavens will be destroyed!”

Hearing this, Ye Fan couldn’t help but frowned in thought, and then slowly said after a while:

After all, Dugu Defeated Heaven and they have been planning for this battle today for an unknown number of years, and they have no reason to stop them!

As for the side of Heavenly Dao, I don’t even know them, let alone stop them, and now I can only resist these aftermaths as much as possible, don’t let them spread out, do everything!

“Oh! It can only be so!

The corpse fairy emperor sighed, and then replied!

The corpse fairy emperor didn’t know, but he had nothing to do with it.Moreover, even if Dugu defeated the sky, the demon master and others, would Heavenly Dao give up?

“This time, I don’t know how many creatures will fall!”

The two secretly said in their hearts!

Thinking of this, Ye Fan couldn’t help but said to Chu Chu next to him: “Pupu fellow daoist, the aftermath of this war may spread to the heavens, and it may have a big impact on the heavens at that time!”

“Now what?”

Hearing this, Barba who was next to him suddenly became anxious, frowning involuntarily, and then asked!

For Xuan Xuan who was on the scene, how didn’t he know that the fierce battle was not for Ye Fan and Corpse Immortal Emperor to help them resist these aftermaths, I am afraid they would have been crushed by these aftermaths!

And now I heard Ye Fan say that the aftermath of the war is about to spread to the heavens. Although the aftermath of the war spreads to the heavens, it may not be powerful enough to go here, but it is enough to destroy the entire heavens, so how can she not be in a hurry? !

“I hope you take them back to the heavens, and then try to organize as many powerhouses as possible to resist these aftermaths and protect the heavens! There should be many hidden powerhouses in the heavens. I hope you can find them.”

“Not only the Celestial Realm, but even The Mortal Realm and even other interfaces. You should notify it. You know, the Celestial Realm is now a protective wall. If the Celestial Realm can’t resist it, I’m afraid the whole world will be in turmoil!”

Ye Fan said solemnly!

“Okay! Then I’ll leave it to you two!”

Hearing this, Pupu nodded and said!

“Yeah! Here we try to resist! The ones that are left out will be handed over to you!”

“Hey! Don’t worry, I’ll go back and make arrangements!”

Xuan Xuan nodded again!

After speaking, Xuan Xuan turned and flew back, came to the front of the immortals and gods, and then told the story of the matter!

When the gods understood the reason, they suddenly lost their color. You know, among these gods, there are many relatives and friends in the heavens. If the heavens are really destroyed, then their relatives and friends Can you survive?

Even if there are no relatives or friends in the heavens, once the heavens are destroyed, their place of sacrifice will be gone! So, can they not be shocked?

At the moment, the gods did not dare to hesitate any longer, disappeared and bowed to Ye Fan and the corpse fairy emperor, and then followed Xuan Xuan to leave the Ninth Stage, thinking about the direction of the heavens and flew quickly!

“The corpse fellow daoist! Then let’s do it! I will protect one side, and the other will be handed over to you!”

Seeing that Xuan Xuan and all the gods had left, Ye Fan said to the corpse fairy emperor!


Hearing that, Immortal Corpse Emperor was not talking, just nodded!

Seeing that the corpse immortal emperor agreed, Ye Fan was not hesitating, and flew directly in one direction. Seeing that Ye Fan had left, the corpse immortal emperor also flew in the other direction!

After a while, the corpse fairy emperor came to the edge of the Ninth Stage day!


Seeing that the aftermath of the war had spread to the Ninth Stage, the corpse Immortal Emperor couldn’t help but his face became solemn, and immediately screamed, only to see a primordial power emanating from him!

The original “Guardian of True Understanding!”

I saw a white phantom appearing behind him, and then it actually started to grow bigger.After a while, the white phantom had become extremely huge.I saw that huge white phantom held his hands together, and a white halo appeared out of thin air. , In an instant, nearly half of the Ninth Stage sky was enveloped!

After doing all this, the huge white phantom white slowly disappeared!

The corpse immortal emperor closed his eyes and stood there silently, as if it merged with the surrounding space.If it weren’t for the powerful aura from his body, I’m afraid he would have thought he had fallen!

On the other side, Ye Fan also came to the edge!

Seeing the aftermath of the war constantly tearing through the space, and then rushing out of the Ninth Stage sky, Ye Fan couldn’t help but feel helpless!

“Hey! Master, his old man is really too lazy, if he is here, how can there be such a trouble! I hope that the aftermath of these rushing out is not rushing to the heavens, otherwise things will be terrible!”

Nor “I know what happened to Xuan Xuan fellow daoist, did they return to the heaven?”

Ye Fan sighed (Qian Zhao is good), and then thought helplessly!



With another collision of forces, the space shattered again, and it continued to spread outwards, and the entire Ninth Stage sky shook violently with it!

Right now, Ye Fan didn’t dare to hesitate anymore, only to see his eyes closed, and his hands were constantly tapping the tactics. After a while, he suddenly sipped in his mouth: “Fate Feng Shui compass, come out!”

With Ye Fan’s loud shout, only a Feng Shui compass phantom emerged from behind him. This Feng Shui compass exudes a gray brilliance, a supreme, eternal, and vast breath, from the Feng Shui compass. It exudes from it, like an unknown existence high above, controlling the destiny of sentient beings!

As soon as the Feng Shui compass phantom that exuded gray and brilliance came out, the surrounding space and time suddenly became still, and the broken space actually began to be repaired, and the torn space was ready to be rushed out. The aftermath, unexpectedly, slowly dissipated silently!

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