Chapter 485: The Depression of the Too Three!

Not only Tai Shang, Guang Yuan and Huang Tian were dumbfounded, and even the Demon Lord, Ghost Lord, Chen Zhan, Chen Nan and others on the other side were also dumbfounded!

You know, this Guangyuan is of the heaven-defying tier, and his punch can be imagined. Even if he is confronted, he has to guard carefully, but what’s the matter with this person?

I actually ignored this punch of the heaven-defying rank of Guangyuan, and didn’t have a defensive posture at all, but just rushed past it like this!

“Ye Fan fellow daoist! Your junior, is this really okay?”

The ghost master next to Ye Fan suddenly asked him!

“Aha! Don’t worry! It’s okay!”

Hearing this, Ye Fan shook his head and said with a smile!

For Junior Brother Own, can Ye Fan still not understand?

With the perverted physical strength of Junior Brother Wu, if he is using the Faxiang Tiandi, even if he does not use his destiny Feng Shui compass, it may be difficult to break through his physical defenses!

The corpse immortal emperor next to him also nodded.He has a deep understanding of Shi Hao’s physical defenses.At the beginning, Shi Wu relied on this abnormal physical strength to defeat the source of darkness!

To say that the person who knows Shi Hao best at the scene, I am afraid that Duke 06 is Lonely Defeated. From the first day he met Shi Hao, he was either dragged by Shi Hao to compete, or on the way to the competition.

For Shi Hao’s abnormal body, he was very helpless. He just stood there and let you fight, but you just couldn’t break his defense.

What’s more, that lunatic still has a perverted secret method that is related to heaven and earth.If he uses it, even if he uses the inverse chaos style to break his defense, he will recover in the blink of an eye!

Moreover, Shi Hao is more helpless than the way of fighting, because he is not defensive at all, he will only chase you like a rash, there is quite a way that you can hit you, anyway, I only need to hit you. Just one punch!

If that’s the case, but this guy’s body is not only a strong metamorphosis, his strength is even more metamorphosis, he was accidentally rubbed by his fist wind at the time, and he lay directly for more than a hundred years before he recovered!

Although they were basically no longer fighting, but thinking about the perverted power of that lunatic Shi Wu, Dugu defeated the sky and shuddered involuntarily!


Sure enough, Guangyuan’s punch hit Shi Hao, only to make him pause a little, and then he continued to rush towards the three of them!

Seeing this, everyone couldn’t help feeling, a feeling of sore teeth!

“This… the physique of this strength is too abnormal!”

Seeing this scene, the Demon Lord, Chen Zhan and the King of Humans couldn’t help but be stunned!

Not only the demon masters, but even Taishang, Guangyuan and Huang Tian, ​​they also looked at Shi Hao dumbfounded, and when Shi Hao had rushed to the front of him and the others, they reacted! At the moment they couldn’t help but run away in a panic!

“Hey! Don’t be in a daze! I think you and them should be regarded as looking at your opponents, and the remaining five people will be handed over to you! Me and the corpse will not do anything!”

Seeing the Demon Lord, Zhan and the others, still in a daze, Ye Fan frowned and received it!

I thought to myself, with this kind of psychological quality, if Shi Hao was using Fa Xiangtian, you wouldn’t be stunned on the spot!

“Ah.. now! Yes, yes, yes! Leave the remaining five people to us! Ye Fan fellow daoist and corpse fellow daoist, just look at it!”

Hearing that, Demon Lord, Chen Zhan and others also recovered, and immediately nodded and said!

After finishing speaking, the devil master, ghost master, Chen Zhan, Chen Nan and the human king rushed towards the Chaos King and the Chaos Four Lords, and then they fought together!




Under the fierce battle of a dozen heaven-defying stages, the aftermath formed suddenly tore the space, and countless mountain ranges were instantly razed to the ground in the battle of a dozen people!

The wind is surging, the thunder is shining, and the entire space is shaking with understanding, as if it will be broken at any time!

Looking at the sky, the dozens of heaven-defying peak powerhouses that are fighting, their every move is extremely simple, but they contain terrible intentions and momentum. Under the original extremely simple moves, they have become even more terrifying. !

Seeing this, those who are watching the battle below can’t help but slap their tongues a little!

“Is this a heaven-defying level battle?”

A celestial peak who was watching the battle couldn’t help being stunned!

“This space seems to be overwhelming!

A strong Heavenly Rank said suddenly!

He also felt that in these heaven-defying-level battles, this space seemed unbearable, and it might be broken at any time!

You know, although this is only a space, it is not much smaller than the heavens. Moreover, the hardness of the space here is harder than the heavens! This space is equivalent to an enhanced version of the heavens! The update is the fastest,

Even so, I still can’t bear the aftermath of these heaven-defying battles!

From these aftermaths, they can still feel that there is a powerful force in this, and they feel that as long as they are rubbed by these aftermaths, they will probably be turned into ashes!

However, these aftermaths disappeared without a trace when they approached them, and they were not stupid. They didn’t understand where they saw this scene, knowing that they were the two people in front, Ye Fan and the corpse fairy emperor. Wait for someone by yourself!

At the moment, the body involuntarily moved in the direction of Ye Fan and the Immortal Emperor Corpse!

To say, in this battle, Shi Wu is the most dazzling, but he is one to three, and he still chases three people to fight, the scene is indescribably funny!

Taishang Guangyuan and Huang Tian felt very uncomfortable, because no matter how they bombard Shi Hao, they could only stop him for a while, and then continue to chase 873 and wait for others to fight!

If that’s the case, but this guy’s power is also strong and perverted, as long as it is slightly rubbed, it will feel a surge of blood, so now they can only blindly dodge, and they don’t dare to get Shi Wu close!

“Hey! I said, did the three of you belong to the loach in your previous life? So you can hide, can you just face me like a man?”

Seeing the three of them just blindly dodge, Shi Wu also stopped immediately, and then said silently:

Hearing that, Taishang, Guangyuan and Huang Tian flushed immediately, thinking that there are not a few of them who have gone through the battle, when they have been so useless, and what is more, they are still in a one-to-three situation, and now they are hearing Shi Hao’s After speaking, there was an urge to vomit blood!

But they didn’t know how to refute Shi Hao’s words, because what Shi Wu said was true!

“Frontal rigid? We haven’t lived enough yet? The tightness is just a fist, which makes us surging with blood, and we can’t break your defenses. Why does this make us fight with you head-on?”

However, thinking of Shi Hao’s perverted power and body, they still did not dare to say these words, and directly chose to continue to be a waste!

“If you know it will be like this, even if you have a one-on-one match against Dugu Defeat, you won’t fight this pervert!”

Taishang, Guangyuan and Huang Tian couldn’t help but secretly said in their hearts!

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