Chapter 484

After hearing Chenhuo’s roar, everyone who knew about it was stunned!

Old Demon Chen said that he didn’t leave any predictions at all? What happened to the ancestral training of the Chen family?

Patriarch “! Are you kidding me!”

Chen Nan looked at Old Demon Chen in disbelief, and then asked with a look of disbelief!

“Little ghost! Old ancestors, I have returned, do I need to lie to you?”

Hearing that, Old Demon Chen couldn’t help but rolled his eyes, and then replied in an angry tone!

“What’s going on?”

Seeing this, Chen Nan suddenly stammered!

Chen Nan has also heard about the ancestor of his Chen family. He has always done things right and wrong, doing whatever he wants. He doesn’t care about fame at all, otherwise he won’t get the title of “Chen Old Demon!”

So, at this point, he doesn’t have to lie to himself at all!

However, the “Eight-Seven-Three” Chen family did have this ancestral precept. At that time, I did meet the eight masters of the Chen family and asked them about it. They did admit that they had this ancestral precept!

However, after Chen Zu was resurrected, he said that he hadn’t left such a prediction at all, and Chen Nan only felt that Own’s brain was a little confused now!

“Um! Well, although I don’t know what happened, from your words, I guessed a little bit. You said, did the Chen family fake this ancestral instruction?”

“As for who falsely passed on the ancestral training, it is not difficult to guess. As long as you see who gets the most benefits in this matter, whoever is the one who falsely passed the ancestral training! Of course, there may be more than one person! ”

At this time, after hearing the conversations of several people, Ye Fan who was next to him also understood a little, and he couldn’t help but guess at the moment!

“Fake ancestral training?

Hearing that, everyone present was stunned, they had never thought about this, but after Ye Fan said it, they thought it was possible!

“Old Great Ancestor Chen?”

Suddenly, Old Demon Chen, Chen Nan and Chen Nan seemed to think of something, and after looking at each other, they couldn’t help but exclaimed!

“Asshole! When I was resurrected, I felt weird. It turned out to be that asshole. I knew that I should slap him to death!”

Old Demon Chen roared unwillingly!

A terrifying and domineering aura radiated from him, like a living demon god!

The expressions of Chen Nan and Chen Zhan next to him were also very ugly.

“Haha! It’s really exciting! But there are even more exciting ones, I’m afraid you don’t know it!”

At this time, a joking voice came to everyone’s ears!

Following the reputation, I saw that the person who was speaking was actually “Netherworld!” from Heavenly Dao’s side.

“What’s the meaning?”

Chen Nan’s face sank, and then asked!

“Haha! What is the resurrection of the old Chen demon, what the ten outstanding Chen family, I didn’t expect that the little demon of the Chen family back then actually found this excuse!”

Who knows, after hearing Chen Nan’s question, Netherworld seemed to have thought of something funny, he couldn’t help but laughed!

“It’s you the ghost?”

Old Demon Chen glared at You Mingtian, and then shouted!

“Don’t wrong me. At that time, I saw Old Demon Chen that you have fallen, and I was afraid that the Chen family would withdraw from the stage from now on. So it was a secret method of absorbing the same clan and passed it on to the little ghost of the Chen family, so that your winners will come out with a peak. powerhouse!”

At that time, “When I taught him the secret method, I told him that this secret method is too vicious to be used indiscriminately, but I didn’t expect that the kid was so vicious that he actually used it!”

“I am so kind to help you Chen Family, you should thank me for guessing right! Why do you look at me with such a hateful look?”

You Mingtian looked at Old Demon Chen, Chen Nan and Chen Zhan playfully, and then said with a joking expression!

“Asshole! How dare you!”

Hearing that, Chen Zhan, Chen Nan immediately gritted his teeth and stared at You Ming Tian, ​​while Old Demon Chen lowered his head and muttered to himself, his hands clenched tightly!

The aura on the body is suddenly strong and weak, and it will explode at any time!

“Who gave you this courage, dare to count me as a winner! Give me death!

Suddenly, the aura on Old Demon Chen suddenly broke out, and the surrounding space seemed to have been under a lot of pressure, and it suddenly shattered!

Everyone saw an old demon Chen appearing behind him, and then he slammed a punch at Netherworld!

The terrifying Quan Jin tore through the space again, and then rushed towards the Netherworld!

You Mingtian also felt that Old Demon Chen’s punch was very terrifying, and his face became serious involuntarily!

I saw that Netherworld took a step forward, then pushed out his palms, and slowly moved his palms closer together, and then shouted!

Suddenly, the entire space seemed to darken, and I saw a huge black circle, slowly shrinking, and then shrouded the Chaos King, Qingtian and others!


The terrifying punch hit the black circle at once, and the black circle suddenly seemed to be unable to bear it.

Seeing that the own black circle actually couldn’t stop Chen Old Demon’s punch, You Mingtian’s expression was also slightly ugly, and he also threw a punch right now!


The terrifying fist wind spread all over, and countless mountain peaks were razed to the ground under the fist of Old Demon Chen and You Mingtian!

And the Chaos King, Qingtian and the others behind You Mingtian dodged and jumped away!

Seeing Netherworld blocking own’s punch, Old Demon Chen didn’t feel weird either. In their Realm, it can’t be solved with two punches….


At the moment, Old Demon Chen could scream, and then his whole body rushed towards Netherworld!

Seeing this, Netherworld was also worthwhile, and he directly greeted him.In an instant, the two of them fought together!

“Let’s go too!”

Seeing that Old Demon Chen had already come together in a very secluded battle, Dugu Baitian couldn’t help but shrugged at everyone, and then said!

After speaking, the person rushed towards the Chaos King on the other side by himself!

Seeing this, Shi Hao couldn’t help but burst into laughter with excitement, and then shouted: “Haha! It should have been like this long ago! I will fight two by myself. No, three!”

After shouting, Shi Wu pointed at Taishang, Guangyuan, and Huang Tian and said, “That’s the three of you! Come on! Let me have a good fight!”

After speaking, 0.9 didn’t hesitate, and rushed directly to the three!

Seeing this, Tai Shang, Guang Yuan and Huang Tian couldn’t help but glance at each other, and then looked at Shi Hao with incredible expressions, as if they were also shocked by Shi Hao’s arrogance!

“act recklessly!

Right now, Guangyuan punched Shi Wu directly, and the terrible fist wind immediately enveloped Shi Wu!

As for Taishang and Huang Tian, ​​they didn’t make any moves. Instead, they folded their hands on their chests and quietly looked at Shi Hao, who was rushing over. Everything was cleaned up by Guangyuan!

“Haha! Good coming!”

But what made them dumbfounded was that the kid who rushed over ignored Guangyuan’s boxing style and did not have any defense at all, allowing Guangyuan’s punch to hit Own, and then continued to rush towards them!,

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