Chapter 483 Time and Space God-tier and Chen Old Demon

But he said that when Dugu Baitian and the others came to the Ninth Stage, they saw the endless corpse and fell silent at the moment!

“Haha! You are here! I thought I would have to wait a while! I didn’t expect you to be here so soon!”

Just when Dugu Baitian and others fell into silence, a long laugh suddenly resounded through the world!

Following the prestige, there are eleven people floating in the air not far ahead!

“The King of Chaos, Guangyuan, Taishang, the Four Lords of Chaos, and a few incarnations of heaven! Unexpectedly, you all came out!”

Dugu Baitian, the demon master, the ghost master and others, their expressions became serious when they saw these eleven people!

These people in front of them, Dugu Defeating Heaven, the Demon Lord, the Ghost Lord, and the King of People have all fought against each other, and naturally they know how powerful these people are!

“Haha! Dugu Baitian, you have all killed Nine Heavens, can we not come out? If you don’t come out, you disturb the master, then we will die!”

Hearing this, the Chaos King couldn’t help laughing, and then said!

When the ten people next to the Chaos King heard this, they couldn’t help but sneer at Dugu Baitian and the others, as if suddenly they had eaten Dugu Baitian and others-people were eating to death!

“Hey! I said that what you say is the invincible peak powerhouse, why are you so willing to be Heavenly Dao’s lackey-?

Seeing this, Shi Hao couldn’t help but sighed, and then said with regret, it seemed that it was worthless for the Chaos King and others!

“Haha! You don’t understand the greatness of the master, boy, or you join us to ensure that you don’t have to hide like the old thief Dugu in the future! How about?”

At this moment, Guangyuan suddenly said to Shi Hao!

“Join your party? Be the lackey of Heavenly Dao? I don’t think you woke up! How about going back to sleep for a while?”

“What’s more, what qualifications does Heavenly Dao have to accept me? To put it ugly, Heavenly Dao is just a pile of dog pee in my opinion. No wonder, it’s not wrong to say that you are running dogs. You like to eat shit so much. !”

Seeing that Guangyuan still wanted to recruit himself, Shi Wu couldn’t help showing a look of disdain on his face, and then said!

“Bold! How dare to insult the master!”

To talk about lip service, even if you add a hundred Guangyuan, it is not necessarily an opponent of Shi Hao. After hearing Shi Wu say this, not only Guangyuan, even the ten people next to him stared at Shi Hao. !

Guangyuan was even more angry and wanted to rush forward and fight Shi Wu for life and death!

“Don’t worry about it!

Seeing this, although the Chaos King was also very angry, he was still somewhat sensible. He grabbed Guangyuan at the moment, then shook his head and continued: “Guangyuan, don’t be irritable, they won’t live long anyway, now he wants to say so. He said enough, otherwise he won’t have a chance to say it later!”

“Ah! It looks like you suddenly took us?”

Hearing that, Dugu Baitian couldn’t help but looked at Chaos King with a strange expression, and then asked!

“Haha! There are eleven heaven-defying steps on our side, but only nine on your side. What do you compare with us?”

After listening to Dugu Beitian’s words, the Chaos King couldn’t help but laughed, and then looked at Dugu Beitian with a disdainful face and said!

As for the creation and the immortal gods, the highest Cultivation Base is only the peak of the heavens. The Chaos King and others simply don’t To put in one’s eyes!

For the existence of these heavenly peaks, as long as the Chaos King and the others think, they can shoot a lot of them with one slap.The gap between the heavenly peak and the heaven-defying step is too large, and there is no comparison between the two!

“Haha! Who said there are only nine people on our side?”

Just when the Chaos King and others were proud, suddenly there was another voice in the distance!

Everyone followed the prestige, only to see two figures in the distance, flying towards this quickly!

“Huh? Chen Huo is actually resurrected! Next to him seems to be time and space!

Seeing the people coming, the demon master couldn’t help showing a strange look on his face!

Although the immortals don’t know who the visitor is, at least they know that the visitor is a friend but not an enemy. At the moment, they can’t help but smile!

Compared to the fairy gods, the Chaos King’s face looks ugly!

They also didn’t expect that there would be a heaven-defying peak powerhouse on the side of Dugu Defying Heaven at this time!

As for why they know that the person is the peak powerhouse of the heaven-defying order, although the owner of the laugh just has not arrived, they can still feel the aura of the heaven-defying peak powerhouse that the two of them exude. of!

In the blink of an eye, the two figures were alone next to the sky!

I saw an old man with silver hair draped irregularly on his shoulders, and a long beard!

The aura of this old man is very strange, it seems to be close in front of him, but when I feel it carefully, it seems to be hundreds of thousands of miles away!

The other is a rough middle-aged man, his muscles are high and bulging, and the breath he exudes is very domineering, facing him, it makes people feel a sense of breathing.

“Haha! Time and Space! Old Demon Chen, I didn’t expect it to be you! I thought they hadn’t recovered yet!

Seeing the visitor, Dugu Baitian couldn’t help but laughed, and then said happily!

“I just came over to look for you just after I recovered. I didn’t expect to run into this terrible old man Time and Space on the way, so I came with him!

The middle-aged man, the ancestor of the Chen family, the old demon Zong Chen, nodded towards Dugu Baitian, and then explained!

“Ancestor! Are you really resurrected?”

At this moment, Chen Nan walked over, and then asked a little surprised!

Now he still doesn’t understand how this ancestor resurrected without himself and his father!

“Haha! You are Chennan! I have heard of you. Yes, the Chen family can produce a character like you, so why not be strong!”

Seeing Chen Nan, Old Demon Chen felt that the blood of the Chen family was contained in Chen Nan’s body, and he couldn’t help but laughed and said!

“Old ancestor! Where is the ancestor? Also, how did you come back to life?”

Chen Nan asked curiously again!

“Great Patriarch? You mean the one who has been controlling my body, right!”

Hearing this, Old Demon Chen was taken aback for a moment, and then asked curiously!


Chen Nan nodded!

“Don’t mention that bastard! How could this kind of bastard appear in my Chen family?

Who knows, after hearing Chen Nan’s words, Chen’s face suddenly became ugly!

“Um? What’s the matter? Did the great ancestor do something?”

Seeing this, Chen Nan was a little puzzled!

“Humph! That kid actually planned to sacrifice the entire Chen family in blood in order to resurrect me! If I didn’t just wake up, I’m afraid the entire Chen family wouldn’t exist!”

Old Demon Chen’s face was even harder to look like, he couldn’t help but snorted coldly, and then explained!

“What? Blood sacrifice to the entire Chen family!”

Hearing this, Chen Nan was shocked and speechless!

He also did not expect that the great ancestor would be so crazy, in order to resurrect the ancestor, he would not hesitate to sacrifice the entire Chen family in blood!

“Old Demon Chen, you can’t blame others for this. Who told you to keep that one? Combining the prophecy that the ten masters of the Chen family will be able to resurrect you!”

At this time, the demon master next to him glanced at Old Demon Chen, and then said

“Shit! I didn’t really fall at all at that time, so how can I leave any predictions?”

After hearing the words of the demon master, the old demon Chen burst out, and couldn’t help but roar at the moment!

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