Chapter 482


Seeing the immortals and gods rushing over, the giants couldn’t help but roared, and then greeted them!

Moreover, the giants behind gathered more and more, and in the end there were as many as tens of millions.The huge body was like a mountain, and the end could not be seen at a glance. The light net shrouded towards the fairy gods.

No one would doubt the power of the light net, because the void had silently shattered during the landing of the light net, and then annihilated, and the space of this world was rapidly shrinking!

The horrible fluctuations, vast as the sky and sea, like Hongyu, make people feel trembling from the soul.


The two sides smashed together, and there was a violent collision.In an instant, a small number of people on both sides melted away!


Countless magical powers continue to bombard the giant.Although the giant body is like a golden stone, it is extremely hard, but it can’t stand this endless magical powers, and a large part of it will fall in a short time!

Seeing this, the remaining small group of giants, unwilling to show weakness, shot out thunders from their eyes, these thunders turned into a giant net, and then 873 enveloped the gods, and in an instant, half of the gods fell. Under this giant net of thunder!

Seeing that half of the fairy gods actually fell under this trick, and the Dugu Baitian and others standing behind, they couldn’t help but frowned!

They also didn’t expect that Heavenly Dao sent so many giants to guard this place on the second floor of the sky. Although these giants are slow to move, their bodies are extremely hard, like golden stones, and they can actually shoot out of the eyes of these giants. Thunder, under this move, nearly half of the fairy gods fell here!

If you go down here, let alone kill Nine Heavens, I am afraid that the fifth or even the fourth heaven will not be able to survive!

“I go!

At this moment, Chen Nan seemed to be unable to bear it anymore, so he stood up, gave a violent drink, and then rushed towards the giants!

Chen Nan is still young after all, and he can’t live and die as indifferently as Dugu Beitian and others!

In an instant, Chen Nan came to the sky above the giants, and a strong aura radiated from him.Under this strong aura, whether it was the giants or the gods, the body was fierce. Pause, it seems to be under tremendous (agaj) pressure!


At this time, I saw Chen Nan slowly stretched out his hand, and then slapped it in the direction of the giant!

In an instant, above the giants, a giant hand that was transformed by energy appeared out of thin air.The giant hand exuded a terrifying and destructive aura, and all the gods present couldn’t help but take a breath. The aura of destruction on this giant hand was something they had never felt before in their lives!


The giants also felt that the power of destroying the heaven and the earth contained in the hands of the trembling giant could not help but roar at the moment, and then gathered together one after another, hoping to block the next blow of the world!

After the giant Ang Tian roared, his body unexpectedly grew again, the muscles on his body suddenly bulged, and the whole body turned blue, and bursts of terrible aura spread from these giants!

Speaking of it later, it was fast, I saw that the sky-shaking giant hand in the sky slammed down!



The space seemed to be unable to withstand the power of this giant hand, and it suddenly shattered!

Just hearing a “bang” sound, those seemingly powerful giants, under this shaking giant hand, could not even hold an eye in the blink of an eye, and instantly fell under the palm of the hand, and disappeared!


When the smoke and dust cleared, looking at the scene in front of them, the immortals couldn’t help but breathe in cold air again!

I saw that everything in this radius of a million miles was destroyed, and only a scary seal of nearly one hundred thousand meters was left in the middle!

In the palm prints left behind, there are still waves of destruction, and it seems that as soon as you get close to this huge palm print, you will be swallowed by these destruction aura!

“That… that person, well, it seems to be Chen Nan from the Chen family! I saw him last time!”

At this time, among the immortals, suddenly I didn’t know who shouted!

“Chen family? Is it the Chen family above the moon?”

“That’s right! It’s the Chen family, I’ve seen this Chennan too, but I’ve only seen it once from a distance!

“It’s so strong! Is this the peak powerhouse of the heaven-defying tier? If Chen Nan is so strong, what if Dugu god-tier shoots? Will this level of heaven be destroyed?”

Among the immortal gods, there were obviously some who recognized that publishing was coming from the south, and they couldn’t help but talk now!

“Okay! Everyone, since Chen Nan has solved the giants, let’s set off!

Seeing that Chen Nan had already solved the giants, Shi Hao couldn’t help but say excitedly!

Now his own blood is boiling, he just wants to reach Nine Heavens sooner, so that he can fight Heavenly Dao again!

Ye Fan, the demon initiative also nodded one after another!

Everyone, “Since the second layer has been solved by ourselves, let’s set off!”

Dugu Baitian shouted loudly to the immortals and gods who were still discussing!

After speaking, he took the lead and flew forward!

In this way, one layer after another, every First Stage day is guarded by someone. If Dugu Baitian and others do not take action, I am afraid these fairy gods will not even be able to survive the third stage!

Of course, every time those immortal gods are not opponents, Chen Nan will make a move, with one blow, every time it is a blow, and all those guarding them will be wiped out!

Before they knew it, everyone had arrived at the Ninth Stage, and when they came to Nine Heavens, there were not many fairy gods left!

When I was on the Ninth Stage, there were hundreds of millions of people who came here. Of course, there were not many Cultivation Bases that reached the Celestial Stage among the fairy gods this evening. Most of the Cultivation Bases were just below the Celestial Stage.

Moreover, when fighting against the Chaos Clan halfway, a large part of it has fallen, and when facing the giant in the second stage, it has also fallen nearly half!

Therefore, when reaching the second layer of heaven, there are only a few hundred people left, and these hundreds of people are in the Cultivation Base, no one is lower than the sky, and the highest is the existence of the peak of the sky!

Therefore, those who can drive to the Ninth Stage are definitely the strong ones!

On the Ninth Stage day, the clouds were densely covered. Here, the Killing intent is dense, and there are many bones on the ground. These bones are completely different from the current ones. They are almost transparent, as if they are condensed from liquid. Obviously this is no longer a myth. The bones of the times are gone, left over from endless years.

The miserable and broken bones, scattered all over the rocks, seemed to be chanting the old tragedy, the heaven-defying road, and countless strong men fell in the Ninth Stage. .

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