Chapter 481 Dugu Defeating Heaven’s Flicker!

This time, “Why did we come here for? Heavenly Dao has already developed selfish desires, is unfair, and wants to destroy all beings. Since Heavenly Dao won’t give us a way to survive, what should we do?”

Seeing this, Dugu Baitian took a step forward, and then watched everyone continue to speak loudly!

“Since Heavenly Dao doesn’t give us a way to survive, then we will destroy it!”

“Destroy it!”

“Destroy Heavenly Dao!”

Hearing that, everyone present also responded loudly!

After hearing the words of Dugu Defeat Heaven, everyone’s emotions continued to rise, and they shouted loudly!

Seeing this, Ye Fan, the Demon Lord and the others behind Dugu Bietian couldn’t help but twitched their mouths, looking at Dugu Bietian, they couldn’t help but become a little weird!

“This kind of scene, how can there be a feeling of an ancient uprising when the earth is covering the world!”

Looking at this weird picture, Ye Fan couldn’t help but secretly said!

Why do you want to destroy the sky, in fact, the demon master and others know the reason, and the words of lonely defeating the sky are actually a bit of an exaggeration. Heavenly Dao wants to destroy them, because Heavenly Dao feels that they have threatened the status of own, so what Heavenly Dao wants to destroy is People who threaten it!

Rather than destroy all sentient beings as Dugu Baitian said, of course, they just thought about these words in their hearts, it is impossible to say them, it is very impossible to tell the people present!

If these people knew the real reason, would it still destroy the sky?

“As everyone knows, this is not the first battle to kill the sky. Our senior, the ancients, has destroyed the sky more than once, but they have not succeeded. Do you know why this is?”

Seeing that everyone was in high spirits, Dugu Baitian’s mouth couldn’t help but for a moment, and then continued!

We “Isn’t it the first time now?”

“What? Before us, there have been countless seniors, ancient people, who have started the battle of slashing the sky?

“What is the reason that the previous seniors did not succeed in destroying the sky?”

After hearing the words of Dugu Baitian, everyone couldn’t help but talk!

“Well! It’s really not the first time we destroy the sky, I just lingered from the last battle of cutting the sky||!”

“Yes! At that time, my relatives and friends, as well as countless seniors, fell on this road!

Some of the older generations who survived the last battle of Slashing the Sky also sighed after hearing the words of Dugu Defeating Heaven!

“Those ancient people, seniors, have cut the sky so many times, and none of them succeeded. The main reason is that they didn’t think about conserving their physical strength. Without physical strength, when they saw Heavenly Dao, they simply displayed their peak combat power. How can I win?”

Dugu Baitian explained again!

“It turns out that the reason why those seniors did not succeed in destroying the sky is for this reason!”

“Then what should we do?”

“Yes! What should we do!”

Hearing that, everyone suddenly realized it, and then asked!

“I thought of one way!”

Seeing this, Dugu Baitian couldn’t help but smile!

“what way?

“That’s right! What method? Dugu god-tier, you really said it!”

Seeing everyone yelling again, Dugu Baitian raised his hand and pressed it, and then slowly said, “Ahem! The way is for you to clear the obstacles for us, let us save our strength, and when we see Heavenly Dao, we will be able to Show off your peak combat power! I believe we will definitely succeed in destroying the sky this time!”

“Yeah! This method is really good!

“Idol is so powerful, I can think of such a good method!”

You know! Cannao fan!

If it is normal, people like them will definitely feel that Dugu Bietian’s words are not right, but people nowadays, their emotions have been driven by Dugu Bietian, how can they think so much!

Of course, there are still some sane people, and they also faintly guessed that this Dugu Defeat might have used them as guns, but when they saw the high-spirited crowd, they couldn’t help swallowing!

Because they knew that if they had said this, the people present might not listen at all, but they would have committed public anger instead.

You know, there are a lot of remnant fans here who can be beaten to death by people at that time, so those who know them have to hide what they guessed in their hearts!


After hearing Dugu Beitian’s words, Ye Fan, the Demon Lord and the others standing behind him couldn’t help cursing secretly in their hearts!

At the same time, I also admire Dugu Bengtian’s reputation and ability to mobilize the atmosphere. I didn’t expect Dugu Bengtian to be able to use so many people as guns in just a few words!

“It seems that I have to be careful about this lone lonely defeat in the future, otherwise I don’t know if I was used as a gun!”

Ye Fan, the Demon Lord and the others couldn’t help thinking!

And their gazes looking at Dugu Baitian, they are also more alert!

Dugu Baitian may not know it yet. Ye Fan and Guangzhu put a warning sign on him. If he knew, I am afraid he himself would Didn’t know whether to laugh or cry!

You know, being careful is not only helping yourself, but they are also serving it again, why are they backing the pot for no reason now!

“In that case, let’s set off in the world!”

Seeing that these people had been fooled, the corner of Dugu Baitian’s mouth couldn’t help but said:

After speaking, Dugu Baitian turned around and blinked at Ye Fan and the others, but saw Ye Fan, the Demon Lord and the others looking at him with guard, and they couldn’t help but wonder!

However, now he couldn’t think of so much, so he soared into the air, and then quickly flew towards the second sky!

Seeing this, Ye Fan, the Demon Lord and others also rose into the air, and then followed!

And those who were stunned by Dugu Defeat Heaven, also soared into the air, and then they chased them toward Dugu Defeat!

After a while, everyone has already arrived at the Second Stage!

On the second stage, the clouds were misty and the vastness was hundreds of thousands of miles away. The pressure here is obviously heavier than the first stage day! In the fierce wind raging, here is full of endless Killing intents!

Those who participated in the battle for cutting the sky for the first time, after seeing this scene, couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief!

“What a rich Killing intent!”

“Yes! I don’t know how many people died here to form such a strong Killing intent!”

“This is only the second stage day, so there is such a strong Killing intent, then the third, fourth fifth stage, or even the Ninth stage day (Qian Zhaohao)? How strong should the killing intent be?”

On entering the Second Stage, seeing the person full of endless Killing intents, I couldn’t help but exclaim at the moment!

At this time, a fierce wind hit, all the clouds and fog were blown away, and the earth trembling, the endless giant in front, like a tsunami, rushed like a tsunami, as if the sky was about to burst, and the second stage was shaking frantically. Ridge.

“The giant is so big”

“Why are there so many giants?”

Seeing the giant that covered the sky and the sun, everyone couldn’t help taking a breath!

“What are you waiting for? Have you forgotten what God-tier Dugu said? Let me kill them! Clear obstacles for God-tier Dugu!”

At this time, there was a shout from the crowd!

“Kill! Clear all obstacles for idols!



At this time, everyone came back to their senses, and then remembered what Dugu Baitian had said, and immediately sacrificed their own weapons, and then rushed towards the sky and sun!

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