Chapter 476: Shi Hao’s Embarrassment!

Seeing this, everyone present also laughed!

“Shi Wu! It’s not that the teacher said you, if you leave next time, at least you have to talk very smartly, otherwise you will always worry that girl Ling’er!”

At this time, Ye Qingxian also exhorted Shi Wu!

After all, before she came to this world, she promised Huo Ling’er to be the master of her!

“Madam, don’t worry, I won’t be like this next time!

Hearing this, Shi Hao also assured him!

Shi Wu knows that the master of own seldom talks about people. If she does, it means she has done too much. At the moment, Shi Wu dare to hesitate and directly promise Ye Qingxian!

“Hey! Remember, you must apologize to that little girl Ling’er when you go back, you know?”

Seeing Shi Hao’s assurance in the third, Ye Qingxian also nodded, and then exhorted again!

Shi Wu nodded quickly!

“Master, Madam, senior Liushen. Or else! I’ll take you to see where you live!”

At this moment, Ye Fan stood up, and then asked Qin Xuan, Ye Qingxian and Liu Shen!


Hearing that, Qin Xuan also nodded, and then stood up too!

“Xiao Ruoyu! Let’s go and see our residence!”

Liu Shen also stood up, and then said to Xiao Ruoyu in his arms!

After speaking, I am ready to follow Qin Zhan!

At this moment, Xiao Ruoyu, who was still sitting quietly in her arms, said that she suddenly struggled!

“Huh? What’s the matter?”

God Liu stopped, then asked with a look of confusion!

“Liu Shen Big Sister, go! Ruoyu. Ruoyu will not go.”


I heard that Liu Shen was also very puzzled!

Oh woo woo “! Ruo Yu hasn’t seen Old Ancestor Shi Wu for a long time, so I want to play with Old Ancestor Shi Wu first, and then I’m looking for you!”

Xiao Ruo froze for a while, suddenly his eyes lit up, and then explained!

“Huh? Didn’t this Xiao Ruoyu always hate Shi Hao? Why would he want to play with him?”

Hearing this, Liu Shen suddenly glanced at Xiao Ruoyu a little strangely, and then secretly said in his heart!

Suddenly, God Liu seemed to think about what Shi Hao had said in the outskirts of the Mausoleum of Gods and Demons. He couldn’t help but smiled at the moment, and then said, “Hey! Then Xiao Ruoyu, you will have fun with your ancestor Shi Wu first. , When will I have enough, come to us!”

Hey hey “Hey! When Ruoyu has enough, I will go to the willow god Big Sister sister and grandmother grandmother!

Hearing this, Xiao Ruoyu nodded fiercely, and then said with a promise!

“Okay! Then Big Sister will leave first!”

Seeing this, Liu Shen didn’t give up on Xiao Ruoyu’s cautious thinking, just smiled, and then turned and left!

“Sister Liu Shen, Big Sister, go slowly!”

Seeing Liu Shen leaving, Xiao Ruoyu waved her hand and shouted happily!

Everyone in the hall left. Only Xiao Ruoyu and Shi Wu were present. Xiao Ruoyu turned around and looked at Shi Wu expectantly!

“Huh? What’s wrong with you, Xiao Ruoyu?”

Seeing Xiao Ruo Yuyu looking at him, Shi Hao asked very puzzled!

“Huh? Old ancestor Shi Wu, did you forget that you promised Ruoyu?”

Hearing this, Xiao Ruoyu frowned involuntarily, and then pursed her small mouth with dissatisfaction!

“Promise? What did I promise you?

After hearing Xiao Ruoyu’s words, Shi Hao suddenly became a little confused!

“Huh, sure enough, Shi Wu’s ancestor is a big liar. You just promised Ruoyu that you want to take Ruoyu to eat delicious food, why have you forgotten it now!”

Seeing that Shi Wu had forgotten, Xiao Ruoyu couldn’t help but foggy in her eyes, then pointed to Shi Wu and said loudly!

Seeing this, Shi Hao suddenly realized that when he was outside the Shenguang Cemetery, he seemed to have indeed promised Xiao Ruoyu, but he just couldn’t remember it for a while!

“Cough cough! Xiao Ruo Yuyu, don’t cry, the ancestor Shi Wu just couldn’t remember for a while, would you forgive the ancestor Shi Wu?”

Thinking of this, Shi Hao also showed a trace of embarrassment on his face, immediately coughed twice, and then explained!

He knows that Xiao Ruoyu is a small ancestor now. If he offends her, then she will make trouble. I am afraid that it is not only the willow god Big sis who will not let him go, but will also clean up his own!

“Oh! Am I her ancestor or is she my ancestor?”

Shi Wu couldn’t help sighing helplessly in his heart!

“Hmph, you can forgive you, unless you take Ruoyu out to eat delicious food, otherwise Ruoyuyu will not forgive you. Ruoyu will also tell Liu Shen Big Sister and grandmother, Shi Wu, ancestor. Bullying Ruoyu!”

Hearing this, Xiao Ruoyu couldn’t help but snorted, and then said. In the end, don’t forget to threaten Shi Hao!


Hearing Xiao Ruoyu’s threat, Shi Hao couldn’t help taking a breath, and thought, “Are all the kids so smart now? You still know how to threaten him!”

“Haha! What am I supposed to do! It turned out to be such a thing, if you don’t worry, Xiao Ancestor Shi Wu will take you to eat delicious food now!”

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Xiao Ruoyu’s reaction, he directly picked her up, and then cut through the space and left!

Time passes slowly again!

It has been nearly a thousand years since Qin Xuan and others came to the Cemetery of Gods and Demons!

In this thousand years, countless strong people have returned or recovered!

Now, the whole world is just like the ancient times, with a hundred schools of thought contending, and a world of ten thousand tribes contending!

this day.……………


I only heard a huge sound of a shock, the sound was like a divine sound from the ancient times, like a thousand thunders across the sky, (Qian Zhaohao) roared together, and the sound spread throughout the world in a short while !

This divine sound comes and goes quickly!

However, just after the divine voice disappeared, the entire sky gradually became gloomy, and the black pressure appeared extremely depressed!

Countless black clouds shrouded the sky of the entire world, and among the black clouds, a road of divine thunder was shining, like a white silver dragon across the sky!

After that, the whole land was shaking violently, countless mountains and forests, town houses collapsed, and countless people were buried inside!


“Come on! Who will save my child!”

“Get out of the way! Get out of me, don’t get in my way!”

“Flee! The end of the world is coming!”

In the town, there are people fleeing everywhere, and some people are at a loss. They are now in the same place. It seems that they have not yet reacted to the collapsed houses in the town. I don’t know how many people have been crushed to death!

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