Chapter 477: The Battle of Slashing the Sky Begins!

At this time, huge cracks began to crack on the earth, and these cracks continued to spread.Countless ancient relics, beasts, spirit beasts, and ordinary people were swallowed by these huge cracks!


“Roar, roar, roar!”

Countless ancient relics, wild beasts, and beasts roared frantically, and they continued to flee outside!

This scene is like the end of the world, and the whole world seems to be in ruin!

This scene not only happened in the heavens, but also in The Mortal Realm and even the other four realms!


Above the moon!

“Is the time finally up?”

Chen Zhan and Chen Nan stood on the top of the mountain, looking at the sky, their eyes seemed to be able to penetrate time and space, and they could see through the chaos above Nine Heavens!

“Nan’er! Let’s go!”

Chen Zhan murmured!


Chen Nan nodded firmly!

After speaking, the two quickly flew towards the chaos above Nine Heavens!

In a dark space!

A middle-aged man wearing a black robe, 873 on his head with a Tai Chi picture of the gods and devil, and holding the stage of worship in his hands, is also looking at the starry sky, his eyes are very solemn, and there is a hint of excitement in the solemnity!

There are several people standing behind the middle-aged man, all of them are extraordinary, and none of the Cultivation Base is below the heaven level!

“Father! Are we leaving now?”

At this time, a man behind the middle-aged man suddenly asked:

The man who asked this question was seven to eight points similar to the middle-aged man. It seemed that he was not the brother of the middle-aged man, or his heir!

“Yeah! Let’s go!”

Hearing this, the middle-aged man nodded and said!

After speaking, he was about to fly outside, but at this moment, the middle-aged man seemed to think of something suddenly. He paused in his body, then glanced at the people behind him and said: “Big Demon, Demon Master, Qianlong , You guys be careful!”

“Father Dage, Master, don’t worry, we know!”

Seeing this, the eyes of the few people behind could not help but a little strange, but they quickly converged, and then nodded and said!

“Just know!”

Hearing that, the middle-aged man wearing a black robe also nodded, and then said!

After speaking, he flew directly to the top of Nine Heavens!

Gods and Demons Cemetery!

Dugu Baitian looked at the chaos above Nine Heavens, his eyes were extremely firm, and the camp behind him was the same!

“Haha! Is it finally here?”

Shi Hao, who was standing next to Dugu Beitian, also laughed, his eyes filled with excitement, and a shock of warfare radiated from him!

When I thought of what Heavenly Dao general I encountered when I first opened this world, if it weren’t for the old Yinbi who was lonely and defeated the sky in the end, I’m afraid I would stop being bloody!

I think that when I came out of Shicun, I challenged an unknown number of strong people all the way, and the same was true in the heavens. Then I imagined that when I first came to this world, I would run away in sack. How could Shi Wu not be annoyed!

Standing in the battle of cutting the sky is about to start, how can Shi Hao not be excited!

Seeing Shi Hao so excited, the Dugu Defiant next to him couldn’t help but slap his tongue, and couldn’t help but think: “Sure enough, I won’t be a lunatic thinking about fighting all day long!”

“Old Yinbi! Shall we set off now?”

At this time, Shi Hao looked at Dugu Baitian with excitement, and then asked!

“Crazy man! Isn’t it okay if you don’t call you Master and Madam?”

Dugu Baitian asked hesitantly!

In his opinion, the Cultivation Base (agaj) of Shi Hao, the lunatic master and wife, is definitely higher than his own and others. If the two of them participated in this battle, he would definitely win. !

“What do you tell me Master and Madam? Lao Yinbi, don’t worry, if there are me and brother, then what Heavenly Dao is definitely not our opponent!”

Hearing this, Shi Hao disappeared for a moment, but soon understood, he immediately patted his chest and promised!

Although Shi Wu said this in his mouth, he was thinking: “If you call Master Master and Master Niang, what else is there for us? I’m afraid that Heavenly Dao was pinched to death by the finger of Master and his old man! ”

“What’s more, I have waited for so long, and finally waited for such a big battle, how could it be possible for Master and Madam to destroy it!”

“Ah! Brother Dugu, don’t worry, if we are not the opponents of Heavenly Dao, it will not be too late for me to respect his old man, and can I still watch me and Shi Wu being killed? Nothing?”

Seeing Dugu Baitian still hesitated, Ye Fan beside him couldn’t help but said with a smile:

“Brother Dugu”, we should be able to deal with Heavenly Dao! What’s more, based on my understanding of Tang senior, he shouldn’t participate in this kind of thing. So, no matter how much you talk about it, there is nothing. use!

At this time, the corpse immortal emperor beside him rolled his eyes and said!

“I said Lao Yinbi, can you not be such a mother-in-law! I think you are a little bit unworthy of the title of Taikoo No. 1 Taboo God-tier!”

Shi Wu was obviously a little impatient, and saw him glaring at Dugu Tian, ​​and then said!

Hearing this, Dugu defeated the sky and couldn’t help but stunned, thinking about it, when did I become such a mother-in-law, and what’s more, the battle of cutting the sky has already started, and it is useless to look forward and backward now!

No, it seems that after Tang Senior and the others came, I made it easy for me to be so mother-in-law. Could it be that when I asked Tang Senior about Heavenly Dao, I became like this when I was shocked?

“Haha! That said! Let’s go!”

Dugu Baitian suddenly laughed for a long time, and then said to Shi Hao and the others!

After speaking, he flew towards a place outside of Nine Heavens!

Seeing this, Ye Fan, Shi Hao, Immortal Corpse Emperor and Xuan Xuan, as well as those who came out of the entrance gate, also followed!

“Master! Seniors, Xuan Xuan Big sis, you have to be careful!”

Seeing Shi Hao and others gradually disappearing into the sky, Du Yuxin couldn’t help shouting!

In the cemetery of gods and demons!

Qin Xuan and others are also watching, the people who are gradually disappearing!

“Tang Dage! Shi Wu and the others will be fine, right?”

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