Chapter 475 Qin Xuan’s evil taste!

Seeing this, Shi Hao couldn’t help but shrank his neck, and he dared not continue to refute!

“Then Don Dage! Do you know why Heavenly Dao does this? Is it merciful?”

At this moment, Ye Qingxian, who was sitting next to Qin Xuan, also asked curiously!

You know, Ye Qingxian has been with Qin Xuan for so long, has also been to the prehistoric world, and met Heavenly Dao Hongjun, so he has some understanding of Heavenly Dao, knowing that Heavenly Dao is very difficult to produce wisdom, but this side The Heavenly Dao of the world not only produced Zhiling, but also was so strange that she couldn’t help but become a little curious at the moment!

Seeing that Ye Qingxian had asked like this, Qin Xuan closed his eyes and started to count!

After a while, Qin Xuan couldn’t help but feel a little stunned, a flash of light flashed in his eyes, and a playful smile appeared at the corner of his mouth!

“Tang senior! Have you figured out something?”

Seeing that Qin Xuan finally stopped shooting, at the moment, Dugu Baitian couldn’t help but asked anxiously!

“Oh! I didn’t count any information about Heavenly Dao!

Hearing that, Qin Xuan couldn’t help but sighed, and then replied!

Seeing this, the faces of Dugu Beitian and others couldn’t help showing disappointment!

Seeing everyone’s expressions of disappointment, Qin Xuan’s mouth raised a slight smile again!

After following Qin Xuan for the past 06 months, Ye Qingxian naturally understands his evil taste, knowing that he must have counted something, but he didn’t say it!

Right now, Ye Qingxian couldn’t help but Qin Xuan glanced at it!

Not only Ye Qingxian guessed, but Ye Fan on the other side also faintly guessed, but he was not so sure!

But even if the master really calculated something, Ye Fan wouldn’t ask, because he knew that if the unscrupulous master own didn’t want to say it, even if you were asking, you wouldn’t be able to ask anything!

“Haha! Lao Yinbi, even if Heavenly Dao is strong, how about it, are you afraid that it won’t work? What’s more, you have been in the business for so many years, do you still want to give up?”

Seeing Dugu Baitian’s disappointed look, Shi Hao couldn’t help laughing at the moment, and then said!

Hearing this, Dugu Baitian couldn’t help but stunned slightly. The reason he was stunned was not because he heard Shi Hao’s words, but he didn’t expect that Shi Hao, a lunatic, would comfort him when the sun hits. Come out to the west?

At the moment, I couldn’t help but looked at Shi Wu differently, and I was a little moved in my heart!

Although “how you are laying out, it is impossible to be Heavenly Dao’s opponent, but you just gave up like that, it won’t work! Of course, if it were me, it would not be a matter of minutes to clean up Heavenly Dao!”

Just when Dugu Baitian was a little touched, he only heard Shi Wu say it again!

Hearing this, Dugu Baitian’s forehead was covered with black lines, and he couldn’t help but sighed: “Hey! It seems that I think too much, how could Shi Hao, a lunatic, comfort people!”

“However, Shi Hao, a lunatic, was quite right. Did he know that Heavenly Dao was even more powerful, so he gave up? Is he still the number one taboo in the ancient times, god-tier, god-tier?”

Thinking of this, Dugu Baitian couldn’t help flashing a touch of firmness, and suddenly a wave of pride spread in his heart!


“Old Yinbi! What are you thinking? Have you heard anything?”

Just when Dugu defeated the sky with great pride, I suddenly felt Own’s shoulder being slapped, and I couldn’t help but turn his head and look at it!

When I saw Shi Hao’s face, Dugu Baitian’s face was also pulled down suddenly, and the pride in his heart disappeared without a trace!

“Is this Shi Hao an own nemesis? I managed to build up a little momentum, and he immediately lost his shot!

Dugu Baitian looked at Shi Wu suspiciously!

“Uh! What’s the matter? Why are you looking at me like this?”

Seeing this, Shi Hao couldn’t help but scratched his head, then asked with a puzzled expression!

“Oh! It’s okay!”

Dugu Baitian sighed helplessly, then waved his hand and said!

“It’s okay. You still look at me like this. If you have something, just say it. If you don’t tell me how I know, even if I know it, I won’t necessarily help you, but if you don’t say it, then there is no chance I will help you, so if you have anything to do, tell me!”

Shi Wu looked at Dugu Baitian, then said with a serious face!


Ye Fan and Immortal Corpse Corpse, who were drinking tea, suddenly spewed the tea out of their mouths, and then looked at Shi Wu with an incredible expression!

“Damn! Junior Brother Shi Wu still has Tang Seng attributes?”

Ye Fan secretly said in his heart!


Du Yuxin and Xuan Xuan couldn’t help but laughed, even the God of Liu who was teasing Xiao Ruoyu and Ye Qingxian couldn’t help laughing!

Only Dugu Baitian, and Shi Hao who was saying this, and Qin Xuan who looked at Shi Hao strangely!

The reason Dugu Baitian didn’t laugh was because he hadn’t recovered his senses yet.Now he was a little dazed by Shi Hao’s words, and he was looking at Shi Wu with doubts about his life!

“You, are you still the one I know, Shi Wu, a madman who can only fight?

Dugu Beitian stretched out his hand, squeezed Shi Hao’s face, and then asked suspiciously!


“Who can I be?”

Shi Wu slapped Dugu Baitian’s hand with a slap, and then replied in an angry tone:

“Are you really that lunatic Shi Hao?”

Dugu Baitian still looked at Shi Wu suspiciously and asked!

“Roll rough!

Hearing this, Shi Wu’s forehead could not help being covered with black lines, and then he shouted!

Hearing Shi Hao’s cursing, Dugu Baitian was not only not angry, but seemed to be relieved!

After that, everyone stopped asking questions about Heavenly Dao, because now they are only on paper. What’s more, the information that should be asked is also asked by Dugu Baitian, and it doesn’t make any sense to ask any more!

In the next period of time, Dugu Baitian and Immortal Corpse Lie asked Qin Xuan some questions about cultivation and future 873!

Qin Xuan didn’t hide it either, and answered them one by one!

Before long, Dugu defeated the sky, Emperor Corpse Immortal and the others said goodbye to Qin Xuan and went back to own residence!

“Master! How are Ling’er and Shi Huang doing now?”

Seeing Dugu Bietian, Immortal Emperor Corpse and others, all left, Shi Wu asked Qin Xuan!

“Ah! Shi Wu, don’t worry, Ling’er’s little girl is doing well now, Cultivation Base is already a quasi-immortal emperor, and Shi Huang is now a master of the fairy king level!”

Before Qin Xuan spoke, God Liu next to him smiled and said!

“Huh! That’s fine!”

Hearing this, Shi Hao also breathed a sigh of relief, and then replied!

But “Shi Hao, if you go back this time, be careful!”

“What’s wrong?”

Hearing this, Shi Hao couldn’t help but become a little anxious at the moment.I don’t understand why God Liu would have made him be careful.Is there something happening in the perfect world over there?

“Don’t worry, nothing happened, it’s just that the girl Ling’er is blaming you! I didn’t tell her a word when you left!”

Seeing Shi Hao’s anxious look, Liu Shen explained with a smile!

Hearing this, Shi Hao’s face couldn’t help showing an awkward look.

It seems that this kind of thing has happened twice, the first time I went to the heaven from the lower realm, and this time I came to this world from the original world. Get angry!

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