Chapter 472 Master and Apprentice Ends!

Seeing this, Xiao Ruoyu jumped up happily, and then asked expectantly!

“Um! Not right now! Xiao Ruoyu, look at Master and Madam Liu Shen Big sis. It’s hard to come here. Should I entertain them first?”

Hearing this, Shi Hao couldn’t help but a black line appeared on his forehead, so he explained!

Suddenly Shi Wu thought of something. He couldn’t help but point to the camp and Du Yuxin not far away, and then asked, “By the way, have you seen your two big sis?”

“Hmm! I saw it! What’s the matter?”

“The food made by those two Big sis is delicious! Don’t Xiao Ruoyu want to try it?”

“Really? Not lying to Ruoyu?”

“Yeah! Really! What’s more, if Xiao Ruo two find it not delicious, it’s not too late for us to go out!”

Shi Wu said again!


Hearing this, Xiao Ruoyu also nodded in agreement!

Regardless of Shi Hao and Xiao Ruoyu on this side, Ye Fan on the other side also hugged the cupped fist towards Qin Xuan and Ye Qingxian, and then respectfully asked: “Master, Madam! How about we go to my residence first? Say it again!”

“Yeah! Good! Lead the way!

Hearing that, Qin Xuan and Ye Qingxian also nodded in agreement!

So, but with Ye Fan leading the way, Qin Xuan and others followed!


Gods and Demons Cemetery!

In the hall!

“Master, Madam, Willow God Big sis, this is Dugu fellow daoist Dugu Baitian. We came to this world to get to know him. Next to him is his Dao companion Puying.

“As for the corpse Immortal Emperor Master, you have already seen it, so I don’t need to introduce it. Next to him is the fellow daoist Du Yuxin, the apprentice of the corpse fellow daoist here and the world!”

After everyone was seated, Ye Fan pointed to Dugu Baitian, built, as well as the corpse immortal emperor and Du Yuxin, and then introduced to Qin Xuan, Ye Qingxian, and Liu Shen!

“Dugu defeated heaven?

Hearing Ye Fan said that this middle-aged man was a lonely man, Qin Xuan couldn’t help but glanced at him!

In the previous life, Dugu Baitian was the protagonist of a certain Zhong, that is the existence of a famous name, how could Qin Xuan not know!

Now he should have experienced the tenth Samsara, and finally in the eleventh Samsara, did he become the first taboo of the ancient times, god-tier, lonely and defeated!

What Qin Xuan likes the most in the past life is his saying “(agaj) Thousands of weights, hard for a hundred years, rushed in the past, between the fingers. Immortal body, immortal soul, shocking the ancient and the present, unmatched! Wait until Yin & Yang In the rebellion, stain the sky with my devil blood!”

Every time I see this sentence, Qin Xuan feels his blood is boiling!

“Um! Senior knows me?

Seeing Qin Xuan looking at herself, Dugu Baitian was also very strange in her heart, and couldn’t help but ask in doubt!

“Uh! I’ve heard of it, but this is the first time I see you!”

Qin Xuan nodded, then shook his head again and said!

“Hey! That’s it!”

Hearing this, Dugu Baitian suddenly realized it!

After hearing Qin Xuan’s words, Dugu Baitian thought that Qin Xuan heard the legend about him in this world, so he looked at himself strangely.

But what Dugu Baitian doesn’t know is that Qin Xuan didn’t know him in this world at all, but a long time ago, when Qin Xuan was a mortal, he already knew him! For Qin Xuan, he knew Dugu Baitian. , The people present did not feel strange. After all, Dugu Defeated Heaven is in this world. That is the famous God-tier of Taikoo’s No. 1 Taboo. The legend about him is even more unknown. Therefore, for Qin Xuan, he can know him, Everyone is not surprised!

“Master! You should have come to this world more than a hundred years ago, why didn’t you come to us at that time?”

At this time, Shi Hao suddenly asked Qin Xuan!

At that time, he was also afraid that Qin Xuan would not know where he and others were, so he exuded his own aura so that Qin Xuan and the others would know.

However, I didn’t expect that more than a hundred years passed before Qin Xuan found them, so Shi Hao is not surprised, because he respected his old man’s Cultivation Base and realized that his aura should be very simple!

“Late! Your Madam and the others just came to this world, so they wanted to have fun and see how this world is different from the original, so it was postponed until now!”

Hearing that, Qin Xuan also explained!

“How, how are you guys experiencing in this world?”

“Oh! Master, don’t mention it. Brother and the fellow fellow daoist are better. When I first came to this world, I was brutally abused. If it weren’t for the old yin ratio of Dugu Defeating Heaven, I am afraid I will be abused. It’s worse!

Hearing Qin Xuan’s question, Shi Wu said with a gloomy expression!

Although Shi Wu always opposes Dugu Defeat, but he is still more grateful for Dugu Defeat!

In that unknown space, if it weren’t for Dugu’s defeat, he would definitely be abused into a dog by that Heavenly Dao. Although he wouldn’t be life-threatening, he wouldn’t be able to escape so easily!

I don’t know what kind of existence the person in the unknown space is, and he can easily defeat himself based on this consciousness. It turned out to be almost the same!

If you want to win that Heavenly Dao, at least you have to teach your master and his elders to own Cultivation Technique, cultivation to the ninth level, before you have a chance to defeat that Heavenly Dao!

By the way! I don’t know, what about Heavenly Dao compared to Master and his elders, who is stronger? It should be Master who is stronger!

Shi Hao secretly guessed in his heart!

“Yeah! Someone can abuse you into a dog?

Hearing this, Qin Xuan suddenly became curious. With his understanding of the world, no one should be able to easily defeat Shi Wu.

But now I heard Shi Hao say that he was brutally abused for a while as soon as he arrived, how can this not make Qin Xuan curious!

“Come on! Tell me well, who the hell is that can beat you to blood!”

Qin Xuan asked curiously!

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