Chapter 471 Qin Xuan and others are here!

“Haha! Since it is Brother Ye Fan’s master who is here, then we should indeed welcome it!

Dugu Baitian also stood up, and then laughed loudly!

For Qin Xuan, Dugu Baitian is also very curious. He also wants to see what kind of person it is to teach peak powerhouses like Ye Fan and Shi Wu, and they can be praised by the Emperor Corpse Immortal. in every possible way!

The periphery of the cemetery of gods and demons!

“Da Shuli! Do you have any delicious food here?”

Xiao Ruoyu raised her head, her big eyes flickered at the middle-aged man, and asked in this head!


Hearing that, the middle-aged man couldn’t help but froze for a while, and then smiled bitterly, because he didn’t seem to have eaten anything after he came out of the entrance door, and, here is a group of big masters, How could it be delicious!

“Um! Little Fairy! We don’t have any good food here! But there should be a lot of good food in the cemetery!”

The middle-aged man thought that it seemed that Mother Own Xuan Xuan could cook, so he said to Xiao Ruoyu!

When the middle-aged man said that there was no delicious food here, Xiao Ruoyu’s face couldn’t help showing a disappointed look, but when he heard that there might be delicious food in it, Xiao Ruoyuyu’s big eyes suddenly brightened. Up!

“Really? You are not allowed to rain!

Xiao Ruoyu stared at the middle-aged man and said with a serious face!

Serious? Is this serious? Although Xiao Ruoyu looks serious on her face, in the eyes of a middle-aged man, she feels very cute!

“Yeah! Don’t lie to you!”

The middle-aged man nodded with a certain face!

“Hehe! There is something delicious! Lao Shuli, thank you, this is from Ruoyu!”

Seeing the middle-aged man nodded with a certain face, Xiao Ruoyu jumped up excitedly at the moment, and then thanked the middle-aged man!

After thanking him, he took out another spirit fruit and handed it to the middle-aged man!


Seeing this, the middle-aged man couldn’t help but hesitated a little, and he didn’t dare to reach out to pick it up!

“Ah! It’s okay, since Xiao Ruoyu gave it to you, then you can take it!

Qin Xuan, who was next to him, suddenly noticed the hesitation of the middle-aged man, and immediately said with a smile!

Seeing that Qin Xuan said this, the middle-aged man didn’t say anything, he just reached out and took it, and then thought to Xiao Ruoyu to thank you: “Little fairy, thank you very much, Shuli!”

Although the spirit fruit that Xiao Ruoyu gave him is relatively rare, it is of no use to him at the current Cultivation Base, but it still makes him feel a little flattered!

“Hehe! Not angry!”

Hearing this, Xiao Ruoyu couldn’t help but squinted, and then I smiled and replied!

“Haha! Master did not expect it to be you!”

At this time, a happy cry came from a distance!

It’s still chapter 469. The previous chapter should be chapter 468, but the author made a mistake and can’t change it now. After a while, the author will contact the editor to make corrections. If there is any inconvenience, please ask Excuse me!

“Haha! Master did not expect it to be you!”

At this time, a happy cry came from a distance!

Hearing that, everyone couldn’t help but follow the prestige, but saw several people in the distance, flying towards!

After a while, these people stopped not far from Qin Xuan, and then walked towards it!

When Lao Zhou and the middle-aged man, as well as the people living here, saw Dugu Defeating Heaven among the people and the camp, they also hurriedly saluted and shouted: “I will wait to see the master, mistress!”

Seeing this, Dugu Baitian also nodded at them, and then said: “Don’t be polite, get up!”

After speaking, they continued to follow Ye Fan and Shi Hao towards Qin Xuan!

“The disciple Ye Fanshi Wu paid a visit to the master and his wife.

When Ye Fan and Shi Wu came to Qin Xuan and Ye Qingxian, they bent over and bowed in salute!

Seeing this, Qin Xuan and Ye Qingxian also nodded towards the two, and then signaled that they don’t have to be polite!

“I’ve seen two seniors in a while!”

At this time, Immortal Emperor Corpse and Dugu Beitian and the others also hurriedly cupped fist!

“Aha! You don’t need to be polite, you just do as usual, I don’t like this!

Qin Xuan waved his hands to everyone, then said with a smile!

When I heard the master and mistress of own, they actually called Qin Xuan and Ye Qingxian senior, except for the group of Ye Fan, as well as the willow god, Xiao Ruoyu, all were shocked and stunned!

The owner of oneself and others alone defeats the sky, who is that person, that is the existence of god-tier, Cultivation Base heaven-defying, the number one taboo in the world, and has lived for an unknown number of years, and now he actually calls others senior, how is this not? It shocked them!

“Liu Shen Big sis, Xiao Ruoyu, long time no see!”

After meeting Qin Xuan and Ye Qingxian, Shi Hao greeted Xiao Ruoyu towards the god Liu next to him!

“Aah! It’s been a long time since I saw you!

Hearing this, Liu Shen also smiled, then nodded and turned back!

“Huh! Big liar!”

Unexpectedly, after seeing Shi Wu, Xiao Ruoyu not only was not happy, but opened her eyes angrily, stared at him, and shouted!


Seeing this, Shi Hao’s smiling face suddenly froze, and finally looked at Xiao Ruoyu helplessly and said, “Xiao Ruoyu! You still remember that thing!”

In fact, it was just a trivial matter. When Shi Hao went out, he promised to bring back delicious food to Xiao Ruoyu, but he didn’t expect to encounter the Immortal Emperor Corpse, so he forgot when he came back.

Therefore, since then, every time Xiao Ruoyu saw Shi Hao, she called him a big liar. Originally, even Shi Wu himself had forgotten about this incident. Unexpectedly, Xiao Ruoyu remembered it!

“Humph! Of course Ruoyu remembers, Shi Wu ancestor is a big liar! So Ruo Yu doesn’t follow Shi Wu ancestor!”

Xiao Ruoyu snorted, and then replied with a certain face!

For Xiao Ruoyu, as long as it is about eating, he has a particularly good memory!


Shi Wu Shao (Qian Zhaohao) wiped the sweat from his forehead, and then said, “Xiao Ruoyu! It was Shi Wu’s ancestor that was not good at the time. Otherwise, wait for Shi Wu ancestor to take you out to eat delicious food. How about it!”

“A delicious ridge?”

Hearing this, Xiao Ruoyu’s eyes suddenly brightened, but as if thinking of nothing, she couldn’t help but looked at Shi Hao with suspicion, and then asked, “Really? You don’t lie to Ruoyu?”

Really”! This time, the ancestors of Shi Wu want you to promise that they will never lie to you!

Shi Wu patted own chest, and then promised!

“Okay! If the ancestor Shi Wu takes Ruoyu to eat delicious food, Ruoyu will like you in the future! But you are not allowed to lie to Ruoyu!”

Seeing Shi Wu’s assurance, Xiao Ruoyu also said excitedly!

“Hey hey hey! Don’t worry, Shi Wu ancestor will definitely not lie to Xiao Ruoyu this time!!”

Shi Hao nodded, and then replied with certainty!

“Hehe! Then what are we waiting for, go now?”

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