Chapter 473 Ye Fan: Junior Brother Shi Wu is really going to die this time!

“Back to senior, Shi Hao, a lunatic, somehow, he actually ran to Nine Heavens. You know, Heavenly Dao’s territory above Nine Heavens, so he was abused by Heavenly Dao.

“But fortunately, Heavenly Dao’s body should be asleep at that time. Therefore, a consciousness was separated. Otherwise, I am afraid that Shi Wu, a lunatic, can live or not!

Before Shi Wu spoke, Dugu Baitian next to him couldn’t help but glanced at him, and then complained!

Hearing that, Qin Xuan’s forehead was involuntarily covered with black lines.

However, I didn’t expect that Shi Wu, the stinky boy, just came into this world and started to provoke Heavenly Dao, the world’s ultimate dad, Qin Zhenxuan didn’t know what to say!

“Huh! Old Yinbi, even if you didn’t make a move at the time, I would flee from that Heavenly Dao!”

Seeing Dugu Baitian actually talking about himself like this, Shi Hao suddenly said with a little dissatisfaction!

“Ahem! Shi Wu, you really don’t want to say, if Dugu defeats the sky, you won’t necessarily run away when Heavenly Dao’s body comes out! Of course, unless you teach me your cultivation technique and cultivation to the highest level Realm, then you have the capital to get rid of Heavenly Dao!”

Seeing that Shi Hao was a little unconvinced, Qin Xuan couldn’t help rolling his eyes, and then said angrily!

You know, this Heavenly Dao is the will of all living beings. Since its birth, it has been invincible in this world. Although it is very prehistoric, Heavenly Dao is nothing compared to it. Cultivation Base is at least the Chaos Supreme Golden Immortal Realm, although it has been experienced later. Dugu Baitian and the others, many times fell into the sky, was seriously injured and had to fall asleep, and the Cultivation Base also dropped a lot!

However, the Heavenly Dao’s Cultivation Base in this world is now at least between the Chaos Supreme Golden Immortal and Chaos Supreme Golden Immortal Realm-.

And Shi Hao is just a member of the Chaos Daluo Jinxian Cultivation Base now, how could he be the opponent of Heavenly Dao, that time Heavenly Dao didn’t leave him behind, and he has already fortuned his life!

“Master! Is Heavenly Dao really as strong as you said?”

After listening to Qin Xuan’s words, Shi Hao couldn’t help but ask suspiciously!

After all, he was in that unknown space at the time, but he injured that Heavenly Dao with a punch. Now, listening to Qin Xuan say this, Shi Hao still doesn’t believe it!

“Boy, you dare to doubt what I said!”

Hearing that, Qin Xuan couldn’t help but stared at Shi Wu fiercely, and then said dissatisfied!

“Um! Master, it’s not that I didn’t believe what you said, but when I fought against that Heavenly Dao, I didn’t feel how strong he was!”

Seeing this, he immediately struck a clever, and then stammered in reply!

“If you don’t believe me, you are going to try it!”

Qin Xuan said angrily!

At the same time, I couldn’t help thinking: “This kid is a little familiar after leaving this time, and has forgotten his own means? It seems that I have to find a time to teach him a little lesson!”

Thinking of this, Qin Xuan looked at Shi Hao’s eyes, and a dangerous light flashed through it!

But Shi Wu didn’t notice all of this.He only felt a chill in Own’s body, thinking it was Own’s illusion, so he couldn’t help it!

Shi Hao didn’t notice it, but Ye Fan, who had been paying attention to their words next to him, found the dangerous light in Qin Xuan’s eyes. When he saw his junior brother Shi Hao, he still looked indifferent, and Ye Fan couldn’t help but patted it. Own forehead, thought: “This time Junior Brother Shi Wu may be miserable by Master!”

“Um. Tang senior, do you know something about Heavenly Dao?”

Just when Shi Hao wanted to say something, Dugu Baitian beside him already asked excitedly!

Hearing that, everyone present all looked at Qin Xuan to see how he answered!

For Dugu Defying Heaven, I have fought Heavenly Dao many times, but every time he fell asleep with Heavenly Dao injured, and their side is even more miserable. I don’t know how many creatures have fallen, even, heaven-defying The existence of the level has also fallen a lot!

However, as the main force in the battle of slashing the sky, Dugu Defeat Heaven does not know Heavenly Dao very well, but only knows some basic news about Heavenly Dao, and these news are based on Heavenly Dao’s guess!

So, now I see Qin Xuan may know some, they don’t know the information about Heavenly Dao, how can this not make Dugu Baitian excited? Qin Xuan glanced at Dugu Baitian, and then slowly said!

0……Look for flowers………


“Yes! It is a living being. Originally, Heavenly Dao was born because of the will of all living beings. Its existence should be fair and just, ruthless, without any emotions and desires!”

“And now, Heavenly Dao in your world has produced emotions and desires, and has lost the original fairness and justice. Therefore, Heavenly Dao in this world is already counted as a creature!”

After Qin Xuan looked around for a week, he explained!

“Tang! What would happen to this world without Heavenly Dao?”

Immortal Emperor Corpse asked curiously!

When other people heard this question, they all looked at Qin Xuan, especially Dugu Defeating Heaven. You know, he was planning to kill Heavenly Dao for many years. Therefore, when he heard this question, I felt very much in my heart. nervous!

“A world is gone Heavenly Dao?”

Hearing that, Qin Xuan was taken aback for a moment, then smiled, and then said: “Heavenly Dao can be said to be the core of a world, and it is also the law of operation of everything in the world.”

“You said, what would happen if the laws of all things in the world suddenly stopped working?”

Hearing that, everyone present looked at Qin Zhan blankly, and didn’t know what would happen if the laws of a world suddenly stopped working! Only Ye Qingxian understood a little bit!

“If you know that the laws of the world stop functioning, then the world will be both good and evil at that time, the universe will be difficult to distinguish, and the laws of heaven and earth will not be obvious. By then, let alone the Ascension Cultivation Base, I am afraid that even the cultivation will be difficult! ”

Seeing this, Qin Xuan said again!


After hearing Qin Xuan’s explanation, everyone’s expressions became serious, and Dugu Baitian’s expression became abnormally pale!

I can’t help but Dugu Baitian’s face is not pale. I don’t know how much manpower, material resources, and even some heaven-defying levels of existence have been consumed for so many years of layout.

What are they paying for over the years? It’s not to eliminate Heavenly Dao, but now I heard Qin Xuan say that Fire Fighting Avenue will have such serious consequences, then their previous layout was in vain? Nine

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