Chapter 468 Chen Zhan, Chen Nan’s Arrival!

“Unexpectedly, there are actually three Cultivation Bases in this cemetery of Gods and Demons that are comparable to oneself, even surpassing one’s own, and there is also a person who can’t see Cultivation Base at all!”

Chen Zhan, who was walking into the house, couldn’t help but think of it!

In the house!

After everyone sat down, Ye Fan said to Chen Zhan and Chen Nan: “Brother Chen Zhan, Chen Nan’s little brother, named Ye Fan, is also Shi Hao’s senior.”

“I have seen Ye Fan fellow daoist Ye Fan senior!”

Hearing this, Chen Zhan quickly stood up, and then hugged the cupped fist towards Ye Fan!

Seeing this, Ye Fan waved his hand, and then pointed to the Immortal Corpse Emperor next to him, and continued: “This is my friend Corpse Immortal Emperor, you can call him the Corpse Fellow Daoist. Next to him is him. Du Yuxin’s disciple!”

“I have seen the corpse fellow daoist and the corpse senior of Du Xiaoyou, Du Fairy!”

Chen Zhan, Chen Nan hugged the cupped fist again!

Seeing this, the corpse fairy emperor also smiled at the two, which is regarded as a return!

And Du Yuxin didn’t dare to follow her master’s doing this. After all, which one of the Cultivation Bases here is not the highest-level existence, she is only entrusted with her master’s blessing to be here!

Therefore, she waved her hand quickly, and then respectfully responded: “Du Yuxin has met two seniors!

Seeing this, Immortal Corpse Emperor also nodded in satisfaction!

After that, Ye Fan pointed to Dugu Baitian, and then said: “As for this one, I shouldn’t be able to introduce it! You should know him better than me! As for the next person, it is his dao companion Xuan Xuan!”

After the introduction, Ye Fan sat down again, and then asked Chen, “I don’t know why Brother Chen Zhan came here this time?”

However, after Shi Hao felt the breath of God Liu and Xiao Ruoyu, he knew that Master Own Qin Xuan had also come to this world. Because he could not find them, he immediately released his own aura to attract Qin Xuan to come and look for them.

But unexpectedly, Qin Xuan was not attracted by his aura, but instead attracted Chen Zhan and Chen Nan!

In the hall!

“I don’t know why Brother Chen Zhan came here this time?”

Ye Fan hugged the cupped fist towards Chen Zhan, and then asked!

“Ah! Originally, I was only attracted by Shi Wu’s aura. Later, I heard Xiaoer Chennan say that this aura is very similar to the senior who rescued him, so I came over together and prepared to thank Shi Wuzhong. of!

“I never thought that there are so many peak powerhouses hidden in a cemetery of gods and demons!

Hearing that, Chen Zhan did not hide it, but said directly!

I see!

After listening to Chen Zhan’s explanation, everyone present couldn’t help but suddenly realized!

“Haha! I’ve said it, I’m just passing by. As for Jiu Chennan, it was only on him at the time that he felt the aura of the old Yinbi like Dugu Defeating Heaven, so I just handled it!”

After listening to Chen Zhan’s words, Shi Hao couldn’t help laughing out now!

“Huh? I have the aura of Dugu Baitian senior?”

Hearing this, I don’t know if it is Chen Zhan, even Chen Nan next to him was taken aback, and then asked with a puzzled look!

After finishing speaking, he also looked at Dugu Defeated Heaven with a strange expression!

“Yes! It’s not just the breath of the old Yinbi like Dugu Baitian, I still feel in you, several powerful breaths!”

Seeing this, Shi Wu continued to add fuel to the fire!

After finishing speaking, he looked at Dugu defeating the sky with a joking look!

About this matter, Shi Hao had asked Dugu Tian several times, but was dismissed by Dugu Baitian on the grounds that he couldn’t say it!

Now that the party Chen Nan is here, why doesn’t Shi Hao add oil and vinegar?

After listening to Shi Hao’s words, Chen Nan’s expression was also a little difficult to look like, looking at Dugu Baitian’s gaze, it seemed very unkind!

The time Shi Hao senior rescued him, he once told him that after thinking about it, he found that it might be related to his resurrection, but at that time his Cultivation Base was low, so he didn’t dare to think too much.

And now, since I saw Dugu Baitian here, Shi Hao senior mentioned this matter again, he must figure out this matter, otherwise this matter will become own Heart’s Demon in the future, don’t talk about Ascension Cultivation Base at that time Yes, I am afraid that it is good if Cultivation Base goes backwards!

“Dugu senior! Can you explain, why do you breathe in me?”

Thinking of this, Chen Nan stood up, then hugged the cupped fist toward Dugu Beitian and asked!

0……Look for flowers………

Everyone present looked at Dugu Baitian, and they were also very curious in their hearts!

Seeing this, Dugu Baitian couldn’t help falling into silence!

“Okay! Nan’er, don’t ask more about this. When I go back, I will tell you the whole story!

Just when everyone thought Dugu Beitian would explain, Chen Zhan, who had been silent next to him, suddenly spoke!


Everyone looked at Chen Zhan and Dugu Baitian in surprise, it seems that there is some amazing secret in this!


Chen Nan was a little unacceptable, looking at own father Chen Zhan!

Chen Nan is not slow, how can people who can reach this level of Cultivation Base be slow?

From his father’s words, he guessed that his father might be involved in the matter of his resurrection!

In fact, Chen Nan is not to blame his own father Chen Zhan.He is not to blame for his involvement in his resurrection. Chen Nan believes that he must have his reason to do this. He just can’t accept it. Chen Zhan is still hiding from him. !

“I don’t want to keep this from you, but I don’t know how to tell you. I will tell you the whole story when I go back!”

Seeing this, Chen Zhan patted Chen Nan on the shoulder, and then explained!

After listening to Chen Zhan’s words, a bright light flashed in Ye Fan’s eyes!

From Chen Zhan’s words, Ye Fan can easily guess that Chen Zhan and Dugu Beitian had known each other a long time ago, but just now when he waited for someone to go out to meet him, the two pretended not to know each other, and it seemed that he didn’t want to wait. People know one thing they know each other.

However, why don’t the two want to let themselves and others know? There must be some shocking layout in this, and it is absolutely impossible for the participants to only have Chen Zhan and Dugu Defeat Heaven, there may be more peak powerhouses, and Chen Nan is That important chess piece!

As for what is the reason, so many peak powerhouses have made such a big game, and treated so cautiously, I want to come in addition to the experience that Shi Wu started to come here, and the Heavenly Dao mentioned by Dugu Bai Tianchang, Ye Fan I can’t think of what kind of existence can allow so many peak powerhouses to set up such a long game! Nine

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