Chapter 467

“Well! He is the person I mentioned to you at the beginning!”

Shi Hao nodded and turned back!

“Since you know people, they should be friends and not enemies. Let’s go out and meet them!”

Hearing that, Ye Fan also nodded, and then said to everyone!

After speaking, he stood up and walked outside!

Seeing this, everyone didn’t say anything, they also followed!

Only Dugu Baitian next to him didn’t know what he was thinking, his face kept changing unpredictably, and he seemed to be extremely entangled!

In the end, I didn’t know what I thought of again, and sighed heavily, and then followed everyone out!

“What happened to you?”

Xuan Xuan also felt the strangeness of Dugu Baitian just now, and she couldn’t help but ask in doubt!

“It’s okay! Go, let’s follow them first!”

Hearing that, Dugu Baitian couldn’t help but shook his head helplessly, and then smiled bitterly!

After speaking, I walked towards the front!

Seeing this, Xuan Xuan was also very puzzled, but she didn’t continue to ask!

the other side!

Chen and Chennan, who were flying towards the cemetery of the gods and demons, suddenly stiffened, and then they all stopped!

“The strong!”

The two looked at each other, and 857 flashed in their hearts!

“Do you feel it? Among the Divine Sense that came to us just now, there are four Divine Sense that are extremely powerful!”

Chen Zhan’s eyes twitched slightly, and then said!

“Well! Of these four Divine Senses, I feel very familiar with one of them. I think it should be the senior’s Divine Sense!”

Chen Nan nodded, then said!

“Go! Let’s go over! Don’t let people wait for a long time!”

Hearing this, Chen Zhan said a word, and then flew forward without hesitation!

Seeing this, Chen Nan hurriedly followed!


Ye Fan looked at the two dark shadows in the sky, and then said!

In the blink of an eye, two black shadows came to the front of everyone, these two figures are not others, it is Chen Nan and his father Chen Zhan!

“Haha! Senior hasn’t seen you in a long time!”

After Chen Nanwai saw Shi Wu, he laughed happily, then respectfully hugged the cupped fist to him and said!

“Okay, you kid, I haven’t seen you in a while, your Cultivation Base is so fast!

Hearing this, Shi Hao also smiled, then looked at Chen Nan carefully before speaking slowly!

“Haha! Where, my Cultivation Base, compared with senior, is far worse!”

I heard that Chen Nan couldn’t help showing a proud look on his face, but he said modestly in his mouth!

It is also “Although your Cultivation Base Ascension is fast, it is still impossible to catch up with me!”

Seeing Chen Nan saying this, Shi Hao nodded and said!

Hearing that, everyone’s parents couldn’t help but raise black lines, thinking, can’t you be a little humble?

“This should be your father, right?”

Shi Hao didn’t care about everyone’s eyes at all, instead he took a look at Chen Zhan next to him, and then asked curiously!

“Well! This is my father Chen Zhan. Father, because I mentioned to you, the senior who saved me!”

Seeing Shi Hao staring at own father curiously, Chen Nan also quickly introduced!

“Thanks to this fellow daoist for saving the child!”

Hearing that, Chen Zhan hugged the cupped fist towards Shi Wu, and then thanked him!

“No thanks! I was just passing by at the time, and saw that he was in danger, so I just saved her!”

Shi Wu waved his hand, and then replied!

“Regardless of the reason, you really saved this child’s life!”

Chen Zhan still bowed towards Shi Wu, then said firmly!

“Forget it! Whatever you think! Also, you are very strong!”

Seeing this, Shi Hao was not declining either, but shrugged helplessly, and then said!

At the moment Chen Zhan arrived, Shi Wu felt that the man in front of him contained powerful power, and this power was almost the same as his own, it was the power of the flesh, (agaj) caused his body to be suppressed for a long time. His fighting spirit has gradually come to his senses!

“You are also very strong!”

Chen Nan’s eyes twitched slightly, and then he said in a deep voice!

Not only Shi Wu felt that his flesh contained powerful power, but he also felt that vast power from Shi Hao’s body!

The intent to fight also gradually rose in his heart, you know, he was originally a warlike person, otherwise he wouldn’t have this name!

“Ahem! You two stop for a while! Now is not the time for you to fight!”

At this time, Dugu Beitian suddenly coughed twice, and then said to the two!

“You are?”

Chen Zhan looked at Dugu Baitian curiously, and then asked suspiciously!

Although he doesn’t know who this person is, he feels abnormal danger from this person, and he can still feel that the powerful force contained in this person’s body is definitely not weaker than himself, and may even be stronger than himself!

In the next “Dugu defeated the sky!

“Lonely defeats the sky? The first taboo in the ancient world, god-tier alone defeats the sky?”

Hearing this, Chen Zhan couldn’t help being surprised!

Compared to Shi Hao, this lonely defeated heaven is a well-known existence, and there are some legends about him in his own family!

“Unexpectedly, I actually ran into you here this time, this legendary character, it seems that this time is not in vain!”

Chen Zhan said flatly!

“Huh? Is this old Yinbi so famous?”

At this time, Shi Hao suddenly gave Dugu Baitian a look, and then asked Chen Zhan!

“Old Yin Ratio?”

Hearing this, Chen Zhan couldn’t help but was slightly taken aback at the moment!

“Ah! Since the little brother Chennan knows Junior Brother Shi Wu, he is considered to be his own! Everyone, please, let us talk about it if there is anything!

At this time, Ye Fan, who had not spoken, suddenly took a step forward, and then said to everyone present!

After finishing speaking, he put on a please pose towards Chen Zhan and Chen Nan!

“So, then bother!”

Hearing that, Chen Zhan did not refuse, but smiled and hugged the cupped fist to Ye Fan, and then walked inside!

Although Chen Zhan’s face did not change, he was truly shocked.Just now, he thought it was Shi Hao and Dugu Baitian, and the corpse of the man in white who had not spoken next to him, and Ye Fan was just one of them. It’s just relatives!

Unexpectedly, the real master here is this ordinary person who looks unusually ordinary!

Yes, it is an ordinary person, because when he first arrived here, he can basically guess one or two of the Cultivation Base of everyone present, but he can’t see Ye Fan’s Cultivation Base at all, just like an ordinary person, so He would think that Ye Fan is just an ordinary person without a Cultivation Base!.

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