Chapter 469: Shocking Layout?

Thinking of this, the corners of Ye Fan’s mouth couldn’t help thinking, and he smiled!

It was not only Ye Fan who guessed, but everyone present was not stupid, and he thought for a moment, after combining Chen Zhan and Chen Nan, he guessed one or two!

Du Yuxin was the only one present with a blank face, and he didn’t know what happened. Why did everyone look at Dugu Senior, He Chen Zhan and Chen Nan Senior with such strange eyes!

“Huh! I know my father!”

Hearing that, Chen Nan exhaled, then nodded and turned back!

Now that my father said so, I don’t like to rush for a while, and after I go back, I just need to clarify the matter!

“Yu Xin! Go and prepare a few dishes, and let me entertain Brother Zhan Zhan and Brother Chen Nan!

At this moment, Ye Fan saw that the scene fell into a weird atmosphere, and he couldn’t help but command Du Yuxin!

“Yes! Yuxin will prepare now!”

Hearing this, Du Yuxin stood up quickly, and then responded: “Eight Seven Three”

After speaking, I am ready to walk outside!

“Yuxin, wait! I’ll go with you too!”

Just when Du Yuxin was about to leave, Pupu, who had not spoken, also stood up and said to her!


Seeing this, Du Yuxin also nodded in agreement!

After that, the two left the hall and prepared meals for everyone!

“Ah! Brother Chen Zhan, little brother Chen Nan, you have finally come here, we will have two good drinks later!”

After seeing the two women leave, Ye Fan smiled at Chao Chenzhan and Chen Nan said!

The two also knew that Ye Fan wanted to change the subject at this time, so as to dispel the weird atmosphere!

“Haha! Definitely, but Brother Ye Fan, don’t be stingy, how can you get a few cups?”

Chen Zhan also followed Ye Fan’s words!

Haha “! Don’t worry, I’ll walk as much as Brother Chen Zhan can drink, and make sure to measure enough!”

Hearing that, Ye Fan also laughed loudly, and then assured him!

But even though Ye Fan said the strongest, he was thinking, “I have wine, I’m afraid you will not drink too much when it comes!!”

Ye Fan usually only drank a little of this wine, not too much, because this wine was made by his master Qin Xuan, and he took a few before opening this world!

“I don’t know how the master of this wine brews his old man. Even people at the Cultivation Base of his level can get drunk if they drink too much!”

Ye Fan couldn’t help but think of it!

The years are in a hurry!

It has been nearly a hundred years since Tai Xuan, Ye Qingxian and others came to this world!

In a town, there were countless people coming and going on the street, and only two women were flashing a cute little girl walking on the street. The little girl was holding a string of snacks in her hand, and behind them, A man is following!

These four people are Qin Xuan, Ye Qingxian and Liu Shen, and the little girl is not Xiao Ruoyu, who else can there be!

“Tang Dage! We are almost playing in this world, or let’s go to Ye Fanse, Shiwu and the others!”

Ye Qingxian, who was walking forward, stopped suddenly, and then said to Qin Xuan behind him!

“Huh? Have you played enough?”

Hearing that, Qin Xuan looked at them strangely, and then asked back!

“Well! It’s all like that anyway, it doesn’t make sense to continue!”

Ye Qingxian nodded and replied!

“No! If Yu hasn’t eaten enough yet!”

At this moment, Xiao Ruoyu interrupted in a hurry!

For Xiao Ruoyu, as long as there is a delicious place, that is the most fun place!

Seeing Grandpa’s mother-in-law say this now, how can she not be anxious?

“I’m free, anyway, this time I brought you out to play, you can go anywhere you want!”

Seeing this, Qin Xuan also ignored Xiao Ruoyu, but shrugged towards Ye Qingxian and Liu Shen, and then said indifferently!

“Okay! Then let’s go find Ye Fan and Shi Wu!

Listening to what Qin Xuan said, Ye Qingxian was settled!

“Right! Tang senior, do you know where Shi Wu and the others are?”

After Ye Qingxian was determined, God Liu seemed to have thought of something, and couldn’t help but ask!

“Yeah. I know!”

Qin Xuan nodded and replied!

“Yeah! Let’s go then!

After speaking, Qin Xuan waved his hand, and the four of them disappeared!

The Mausoleum of Gods and Demons is located in the central area of ​​the Tianyuan Continent. The entire cemetery is buried with the strongest humans in the history and the top cultivation of different species. Each of the other graves is buried with an ancient god or demon. This is a piece of gods. The resting place of the devil.

The cemetery is full of green grass and fragrant flowers. If there is no forest of steles, it would not be an exaggeration to call it a garden. The surrounding cemetery is surrounded by tall snow maple trees, which are unique to the cemetery of the gods and demons. According to legend, they were transformed by the dead gods and demons, Spiritual Qi.

The green branches and leaves of the snow maple tree are lush, swaying gently with the breeze, as if reminiscing the glory of the past, and the white petals are white and flawless, floating in the air like snowflakes. These are the tears of the gods, as if they are telling the sadness of the past. .

The day and night in the cemetery are completely opposite.

In the daytime, there is a fairy atmosphere, and the sacred brilliance spreads over every inch of the cemetery. You can see all kinds of gods transformed by the immortal and strong god-tier thoughts of ancient gods and demons. You can even see western angels dancing and listening. To the Oriental Fairy to sing, the whole cemetery is in a Sacred atmosphere 0…

If this is the paradise of gods during the day, then it is the pure land of demons at night.

Whenever the setting sun goes down and the night falls, the dark magic energy begins to surging out from the cemetery, making Xingyue bleak, and making heaven and earth bleak.

At this time, you can see the legendary phantom of the evil god and Devil raging in the cemetery, and you can hear the scalp-numbing long beak of the ancient evil spirit.

On the periphery of the cemetery of the gods and demons, houses have been built at some time, and these houses are all living with people.Although there are only a few dozen people, they also have the atmosphere of a small village!

You know, this is the cemetery of the gods and demons, and those who are buried here are some powerful people, even if it is the periphery of the cemetery of the gods and demons, not everything can live here.

If the Cultivation Base is low, or ordinary people staying here for one night, I am afraid that they will be invaded by the dead energy here. Then, even if they are not dead, they will peel off!

Therefore, there is not a single person who can live here, and these people living on the periphery are the group of people who followed Xuan Xuan out of the door of the entrance!

Although their Cultivation Base is not the strongest existence, all of the worst have a Celestial Cultivation Base. Therefore, the death of the Gods and Demons Cemetery is nothing to them!

“Lao Zhou! Do you say that you are going to play a chess? You either regret the chess or have to lie. Will someone play with you in the future?”

A middle-aged man said helplessly to the old man sitting opposite him!

“Lao Bai, what do you mean? When did you see me regret playing rogue chess?”

In 0.9 words, Lao Zhou suddenly refused to accept it, immediately glared at the middle-aged man, and then said!

“Okay! You don’t regret the game? Don’t be a rascal, it’s me who said the wrong thing, let’s do it!”

Seeing this, the middle-aged man couldn’t help showing a helpless look on his face, and then said!

“I didn’t think what you said!”

Lao Zhou nodded with satisfaction!

After speaking, he picked up the chess piece on the table, and then put it down again!

“Lao Zhou, are you sure to take this step?

The middle-aged man glanced at the old man, and then asked!

“Exactly…wait, I’m looking at it!

Hearing this, the old man suddenly said hesitantly!

After a while!

“Lao Zhou, are you still unsure? Does it take so long to watch the next move?”

Seeing that the old man was naturally hesitating, the middle-aged man also said a little impatiently!

“Okay! I’ll take this step!,

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