Chapter 466 Gods and Demons Cemetery!

“You are here for Junior Brother?”

Ye Fan looked at the corpse fairy emperor and Dugu Beitian and the others asked!

“Brother Ye Fan! What the hell is going on with Shi Wu, a lunatic? How can he exude his own aura for no reason?”

Dugu Baitian nodded, then asked with a puzzled look!

After hearing that, Ye Fan told what happened!

“What, Tang senior came to this world?”

Hearing this, the corpse fairy emperor couldn’t help but exclaimed in excitement!

For Qin Xuan, he only met a few times, so he didn’t know much about it!

But at least one thing he can be sure of is that Qin Xuan’s Cultivation Base is definitely much higher than him!

Moreover, he also has a lot of questions about cultivation, and he wants to ask Qin Xuan, so now that he heard that Qin Xuan came to this world, how could Immortal Corpse Emperor not be excited!

“This world? Brother Ye Fan, fellow daoist corpse, what are you two talking about!”

After hearing the conversation between Ye Fan and the Immortal Emperor Corpse, Dugu Beitian was also a little confused!

“Aha! Brother Baitian, as you have heard, that is the masters of Brothers Ye Fan and Brother Shi Wu, who have come to look for them across the border!”

The corpse fairy emperor smiled and explained!

“Wait! Brother Corpse! You mean that Brother Ye Fan, the lunatic Shi Hao, and you, are not people in this world, and the masters of the two of them have traveled to this world to find them. That’s it. Mean?”

Hearing that, Dugu Baitian asked with some uncertainty!

“Yeah! That’s what it means!

The corpse fairy emperor nodded with a smile on his face!

It turned out that “so! I’ll just say, you three have such a strong Cultivation Base, why there is no information at all, it turns out to be from another world!”

Seeing the corpse Immortal Emperor said with a certain face, Dugu Baitian also suddenly realized!

“Then how did you come to our world?

“There was a spatial channel before, and we came through that spatial channel together, but when we arrived, the spatial channel had already collapsed!”

Hearing that, Ye Fan couldn’t help but explain!

“It collapsed? That’s a shame!”

Listening to Ye Fan’s words, Dugu Baitian also said with a pity!

Seeing this, Ye Fan and the Immortal Corpse Emperor couldn’t help but looked at each other, and then they shrugged helplessly!

“Brother, I’m back… Hey, why are you all here?”

At this moment, I saw Shi Hao walking in from the outside with a depressed look.

“Ah…you lunatic, don’t you know if we are here?

Dugu Baitian glanced at Shi Wu, and then said angrily!

Hearing that, Shi Hao also reacted at this time.At that time, he only cared about Master and them, and he didn’t expect so many.Now thinking that there are Jianshe and Du Yuxin here, Shi Hao can’t help but feel a little embarrassed!

“Brother Shi, nothing happened to us, so you don’t need to care too much!

Seeing this, Xuan Xuan also waved her hand, and then said with a smile!

At the same time, I was very shocked by Shi Wu and their Cultivation Base!

Originally, she thought that Shi Hao and their Cultivation Base were not much higher than her, but from the aura of Shi Wu this time, it was a bit higher. She and them are clearly not on the same level. people!

“Junior Brother! What happened?”

At this time, Ye Fan also asked Shi Wu expectantly!

Hearing this, Shi Hao couldn’t help sighing!

“what’s wrong?

Everyone couldn’t help looking at Shi Hao, I don’t know why he sighed!

“Master, his elder said in a voice message that they will not come to us for the time being! As for the reason, I am not sure!”

Seeing this, Shi Hao couldn’t help but spread his hands, then said with a wry smile!

“Forget it! Since Master does not want to see us now, he has his reason naturally!

Ye Fan thought for a while, but couldn’t think of a reason, so in the end he could only shook his head and said!

If you let Ye Fan and Shi Wu know that Qin Xuan didn’t come to see them, just because they wanted Ye Qingxian and the others to have fun, so they didn’t have time to meet them, I’m afraid they would be even more depressed!

Hearing that, Immortal Emperor Corpse and Dugu Baitian beside him couldn’t help but feel a little disappointed.

Needless to say, Immortal Corpse Emperor, he wanted Tai Xuan to come over to ask some questions about cultivation.

The same is true for Dugu Baitian, but what he wants to ask is the road ahead.After all, at his level, it is impossible to go further. Even if he can make progress, he doesn’t know how to go on!

And now for him, Qin Xuan is an opportunity.After all, he can teach two Cultivation Base apprentices such as Ye Fan and Shi Wu, so you can imagine how high his Cultivation Base is!

So now I hear Shi Hao say that Qin Xuan is not here, how can Dugu Baitian not be disappointed!

“Huh? A strong man is coming to us!”

When everyone was disappointed, Ye Fan said suddenly!

Hearing that, everyone can’t help but be surprised that Ye Fan can be called a strong, how can Cultivation Base be low, at least it is at the same level as him!

Thinking of this, everyone couldn’t help but release their own Divine Sense, and explored the past, only to see two people in the distance who thought that they were similar, they were flying towards this!

One of them seems to be relatively mature.Although he did not exude any aura, everyone present could feel his shocking fighting spirit!

“Another lunatic!”

Feeling the earth-shaking warfare hidden by this person, Dugu Baitian couldn’t help but glanced at Shi Hao next to him, and then secretly said or!

Among the people he knows, apart from Shi Wu (Qian Li Zhao), this person also has the most amazing fighting spirit!

“Hey! Isn’t this the little guy I saved at the time? What’s the name? By the way, it seems to be Chennan! Unexpectedly, I haven’t seen you for a while, this little guy actually already has such a Cultivation Base! ”

After Shi Wu’s Divine Sense came to visit, he couldn’t help but say with surprise!

I can’t help that Shi Hao is not surprised.I remember that when Shi Wu saw Chen Nan, he was only a Cultivation Base at the level of the Immortal King.I didn’t expect that when I saw him again this time, he was already the Immortal Emperor!

“Hey! Junior brother, the little guy next to you, is the man named Chennan who mentioned you?”

Ye Fan also asked in surprise!

At the same time, he was also a little shocked in his heart.He didn’t expect that there are so many strong people in this world, and the two people who are coming, one of them should have a Cultivation Base not worse than Dugu Defeat, even if it is bad, it will not be much worse. !.

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