Chapter 458 Everyone’s Changes in the Perfect World!

Emperor Pass

In front of a house in Qin Xuan Manor!

“Big sis of the willow god! Could it be that the teacher’s wife came to see that momentum just now?”

Huo Ling’er asked curiously!

God Liu nodded!

“Miss, Miss…

At this time, a maid ran in from outside. This maid was Xiao Hong who usually followed Huo Ling’er.

“Why do you stumble like this? Cheng He Titong, didn’t see the willow god Big sis still-here?”

Seeing Xiaohong running to her, Huo Ling’er frowned, and then reprimanded!

“Ah… I’m sorry Miss. Xiaohong has seen Lord Liu Shen, and all the adults!”

Hearing this, Xiao Hong was also shocked, and then hurriedly bowed and saluted everyone present!

“Okay! Don’t blame you, what happened?”

Seeing this, Liu Shen waved his hand, motioned her not to be afraid, and then asked!

“Liu Shen, Miss, sirs, there are a lot of people outside the manor, they said, they want to come in and visit the owner of this manor!”

After hearing God Liu’s words, Xiaohong couldn’t help but heaved a sigh of relief, and then said directly!

“Willow God Big sis! Are those outside who are here to visit you?”

Huo Ling’er asked suspiciously!

It should be “No! Maybe it was for Qingxian Big sis!

Liu Shen shook his head, and then said!


Hearing that, Huo Linger’s brows wrinkled involuntarily. Didn’t the teacher be in Closed Door Training all the time? How could those people come to the teacher?

“Yeah! They should have noticed that the momentum is emanating from here, so they came here to figure it out!”

In addition to this reason, Liu Shen really can’t think of what they are here for!

You must know that after Tang Senior and Shi Wu left, they went out with them. They were all sitting in the manor, so that no one would disturb Ye Qingxian who was in Closed Door Training!

“What about the kid?

“What else can I do, of course, is to let them go! You know, now Qingxian Big sis may leave the customs at any time, if she encounters this kind of thing when she leaves the customs, then they will not be able to apologize even if they die. NS!”

Liu Shen didn’t even think about it, so he said directly!

“Yeah! It’s true!”

Hearing this, Huo Ling’er couldn’t help but nod and said in agreement!

“Fatty, dead dog, you two go out with Xiao Hong, and chase away those people!

Cao Yusheng and Black Emperor who were next to Huo Ling’er said, motioning for the two of them to go out with Xiaohong, and the matter was resolved!

Although the character of this person and dog is not very good, Huo Linger still agrees with the Cultivation Base of the two of them. Therefore, it should be no problem to solve the people outside!

This man-and-dog Cultivation Base is now at the Immortal King’s Dzogchen level, and it is still the kind that can break through the quasi-immortal emperor at any time!

“Why are we two again?”

Hearing this, Cao Yusheng couldn’t help muttering softly!

“Huh? Why, you two are not willing?”

Cao Yusheng’s voice was small, but how could it be possible to hide it from Huo Ling’er. At the moment, Huo Ling’er’s eyes twitched slightly, and then he asked!

“Haha, why would you be unwilling! Huo Ling’er Big Sister told us to do something, we are too happy to be too late! Do you think it is, dead dog!”

Seeing Huo Ling’er, who was constantly shining with cold light, Cao Yusheng couldn’t help but slapped a clever one, immediately kicked the Black Emperor, and then replied!

“Yeah, yeah, we are happy!

Seeing this, the Black Emperor also nodded quickly in response!

The Black Emperor knew that if he said a no word, he would have to peel off his skin even if he didn’t die!

Which Cultivation Base present is not higher than the two of them, even Shi Huang, who came from the lower realm, Cultivation Base is already a fairy king level existence, I believe that it will take a long time to catch up with the two of them!

And Xiao Ruoyu, who came up with Shi Huang, is not as exaggerated as Shi Huang, but now she is still at the level of a true fairy. Woolen cloth?

All kinds of spiritual fruit fairy grass rewards, so that she basically can’t finish eating, so if the Cultivation Base is still unhappy, then it won’t be justified!

I don’t know what bloodline this family is, the Cultivation Base is so fast!

Needless to say, Shi Hao is at the level of the immortal emperor, and Shi Yi and Huo Ling’er are also at the level of the immortal emperor, and they will still be able to break through the immortal emperor’s existence at any time. The only difference is an opportunity. !

Even Shi Huang is like this now. It can be said that now the Shi family is not one of the strongest families in the world.

“Since I’m happy, don’t hurry up to get things done!”

Huo Ling’er glared at the two men fiercely, and then said!

Seeing this, Cao Yusheng and the Black Emperor didn’t dare to hesitate, and immediately took Xiao Hong and walked outside!

0……Look for flowers…………

“Aha! Ling’er, if you do this, Cao Yusheng and the Black Emperor will complain!”

Seeing this, Liu Shen couldn’t help but smiled, and then said helplessly!

“Hmph! They dare! You know, I am their Big Sister. If you dare to complain, see if I can take care of them!”

Who knows that Huo Ling’er listened, but snorted coldly, and then said indifferently!

Old ancestor “My wife is the best!”

Xiao Ruoyu next to him looked at Huo Ling’er with a look of admiration, and then nodded and shouted!

“Okay! Ling’er waits for you to go to the orchard to pick some spiritual fruits, and then send some to Cao Yusheng and the Black Emperor. I see their Cultivation Base, at the level of the Immortal King’s Dzogchen, and staying in self-motivation for a long time, hope With these spiritual fruits, they can break through to the quasi-immortal emperor Realm!

Seeing Huo Linger’s indifferent expression, Liu Shen couldn’t help but shook his head, and then said to her!



“Oh! Linger knows it!”

Hearing that, Huo Ling’er nodded and said!

After all, she is not an ignorant person. After all, she was also the Holy Maiden of the Huo Clan for a period of time before coming to the Imperial Pass. She naturally knew the Daoist of Daoist.

“Orchard? Big Sister, grandma, Ruoyu will go too!!

Xiao Ruo Yuyu next to him, after hearing the words of God Liu, his eyes suddenly brightened, and then he said in a hurry!

“Ah! Great! When Xiao Ruoyu will go with your grandma!”

Seeing this, Liu Shen also said with a smile!

Outside the manor!

At this moment, the manor was surrounded by a group of people, all of whom were some big forces near the Emperor Pass, and just now from the legendary momentum in the Emperor City, how could they not know that there was such a big movement, so, Unite now, go to the manor and prepare to find out!


Just when everyone was talking about it, suddenly, the door of the manor opened, and a man, a woman, and a dog walked out of it. These two people and a dog are not Cao Yusheng, Xiao Hong, and the Black Emperor, who else can there be!

“Hey! What are you doing around our manor?”

After Cao Yusheng walked out of the gate, he shouted to everyone outside!

Seeing this, everyone present also looked at each other, and saw an old man with long white hair and a white beard coming out, then hugged the cupped fist towards Cao Yusheng and said, “This little friend, we It’s not to surround Xiaoyou Manor. It’s just to figure out some things! “Nine.

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