Chapter 459 Cao Yusheng, Black Emperor! Rogue Immortal King?

“Woo! Old man, you all can’t vent the water around the manor, and you can’t even fly a fly out. Do you dare to say that they didn’t surround the manor, you still don’t wanting face?”

After listening to the white-haired old man, Cao Yusheng suddenly jumped his feet in anger, and then without thinking about it, he pointed at the white-haired old man and shouted!

Hearing this, the white-haired old man couldn’t help showing some embarrassment on his face. After all, he knew that what the other party said was indeed the truth. Cheeky and said!

“Um! This little friend…

“Little, what is your right to call me a little friend? Don’t you hurry up and get out of here, otherwise, don’t blame me for being angry!”

Unexpectedly, the old man was interrupted by Cao Yusheng before he finished speaking, and saw him pointing at the people present, and then cursed without a word!

I want to be a dignified existence of the Immortal King Dzogchen, but I am actually a little friend who is only a real immortal Cultivation Base “Seven Six Three”. How can this make Cao Yuyusheng bear it!

I usually have the least status in the manor, and now I see an old man from the true fairy Cultivation Base, and he dares to call himself a little friend, which makes Cao Yusheng tolerate it, that’s weird!

You know, this is a world where the strong are respected and the talents are first, how can Cao Yusheng tolerate it, a person whose Cultivation Base is lower than himself calls himself this way!


Seeing Cao Yusheng looking at him with disdain, the old man flushed with anger, pointing to Cao Yusheng’s stunnedness, but he couldn’t say a word!

“Why? Don’t you still want to do it?”

Seeing this, Cao Yusheng narrowed his eyes slightly, and his whole body exuded a terrible chill!

Suddenly, everyone present couldn’t help but slapped wit, and their hearts were also very puzzled.How can I feel cold for no reason?

“Hey! Fatty, today is the day that the adult leaves the customs. If you are beaten and killed, if you are blamed by then, don’t bother me!”

At this moment, the black emperor next to him suddenly gave Cao Yusheng a message!

Hearing this, Cao Yusheng’s body was also fierce, and he suddenly remembered what he was doing when he came out, and the chill on his body quickly subsided.

“Huh! Do you feel that Fatty and that black dog are a bit familiar?”

At this time, a doubtful voice came from the crowd!

“Well! I heard you say this, but I feel a bit familiar!”

“Yeah, yeah! I feel familiar too.”

“I seem to have seen it somewhere, but I just can’t remember it!”

At this time, everyone present also began to discuss!


At this moment, a scream suddenly sounded from the crowd!

“Damn! What’s your name? You want to scare people to death, don’t you?”

“Yes, that’s right! If you are screaming, see if I don’t clean up you!

“If you want to scream, get out and scream, don’t yell next to me!”

The person screaming next to him couldn’t help but preach to him angrily!

“No, I thought about who the two of them are!”

The screaming person, seeing that he was guilty of public anger, immediately explained!

“Listen! Who is it?

Hearing that, everyone couldn’t help looking at him!

“A fatty, a black dog! Isn’t that the pair of rogue fairy kings who made a lot of noise in the imperial city some time ago?”

Seeing everyone looking at him, the man hurriedly shouted!

“Rogue Immortal King! Huh? Immortal King?”

Hearing this, everyone couldn’t help looking towards Cao Yusheng and the Black Emperor, and saw that they really went to what the person said.At this time, many people in the room also thought of these two people, and couldn’t help but take a breath at the moment. The scene fell into silence for a while!

It’s really “It’s the two of them!

“What to do, that’s the fairy king!”

“It’s over, we actually surrounded the fairy king’s manor, and these two immortal kings are the most shameless existence. When that time, they slap them down, we will not be wiped out!”

“Then what are you waiting for, don’t run away!”


“Uh? What’s the matter?

Seeing everyone present ran away, Cao Yusheng and the Black Emperor couldn’t help being a little dumbfounded!

“Hee hee! I didn’t expect that the reputation of Master Cao Yusheng and Master Black Emperor was so powerful that it would make people run away all at once!”

At this time, Xiao Hong next to him couldn’t help but said with a smile!

“Scared away by our reputation? Dead dog, is the reputation of the two of us really so powerful?”

Hearing that, Cao Yusheng couldn’t help kicking the Black Emperor, and then asked a little strangely!

Just now they were discussing how to drive these people away without using force, but it was only a blink of an eye, and the people ran away, which made them even unable to react!

“I am not sure as well!

The Black Emperor also said in a daze!

“Xiao Hong! Those people just now were really scared off by hearing the reputation of the two of us?”

Cao Yusheng asked towards Xiao Hong next to him!

“Yeah! They did hear your name, Lord Black Emperor, and they were scared away!”

Xiao Hong stroked her mouth, held back her smile, and replied with a positive expression on her face!

“Haha! The Black Emperor, I didn’t expect our two names to be so famous now. With just one name, they scared those people away!”

Hearing this, Cao Yusheng couldn’t help but laughed, and then said smugly!

“Yeah! It seems that our reputation is still very big! Fatty, do you think we are well-known now?”

The Black Emperor also nodded proudly, and then asked!

“Of course! I didn’t see that, did we scare those people away just by being famous? You say we are not so famous!”

Hearing this, Cao Yusheng said with a certain face!

Cao Yusheng “My lord, Black Emperor, take your time, I will go back to my life first!”

Hearing the conversation between the two of them, Xiao Hong, who was next to him, flushed with endurance, and saw that she hugged the cupped fist towards Cao Yusheng and the Black Emperor, and then said!

“Hey! Go back to your life first! I have something to discuss with the Black Emperor!”

Hearing this, Cao Yusheng waved his hand and said!

Seeing this, Xiao Hong hurriedly walked inside. After walking into the manor, she couldn’t help it anymore, and couldn’t help laughing!

“Haha…cough…haha! No, I can’t help it! Master Cao Yusheng and Master Black Emperor are so cute!”

Outside the door, Cao Yusheng and Heihuang laughed suddenly when they heard Xiaohong, they couldn’t help but glance at each other.0.9 didn’t understand why Xiaohong laughed for no reason!

“Forget it! Regardless of her, we still discuss how to make our reputation spread throughout the world!”

“Okay! We can do this… and then this… and finally this…

In the end, I really couldn’t think of why Xiaohong was laughing, so the two of them simply didn’t want to think about it!

Therefore, the two of them began to discuss how to make themselves famous all over the world!

After Xiao Hong went back, Huo Ling’er saw her face flushed, and immediately asked strangely: “Xiao Hong, why is your face so red?”

“Miss, I am holding back! Master Cao Yusheng and Master Black Emperor were really funny just now!”

Hearing that, Xiaohong also quickly explained!

“Huh? What did the two of them do?”

Hearing Xiao Hong’s words like this, Huo Ling’er couldn’t help but raise a trace of interest in her heart, and asked immediately!

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