Chapter 457: The Terrifying Aura That Covers The Whole World!

After a long laugh or cry, everyone finally stopped. At this moment, only one of them walked up to the two brothers, and then said gratefully: “Two little brothers, if it weren’t for you this time, we wouldn’t I know how long I will be trapped! This is my TRANSSION jade brand. If you have anything to contact me, as long as I can help, I will definitely not refuse!

After speaking, he handed a jade medal to the two of them!

Seeing this, the two brothers couldn’t help but take the jade medal with excitement.Although they don’t know who these people are, judging from their aura, they are definitely strong, and they are not ordinary. The strong, at least two of them have been in the heavens for so long, and they have never seen such a strong person!

“Thank you, sir!”

Thinking of this, the two quickly thanked!

Haha “! It doesn’t have to be like that, if it weren’t for you two, I don’t know how long I will be in that ghost place!”

After speaking, he turned and walked away!

After he walked away, another person walked up to the two of them, and handed them a jade card, and then said: “This is also my TRANSSION jade card. If you want to help, you can contact me! ”

After speaking, he patted the shoulders of the two of them, and then walked away!

After that, one after another strong 717 people contacted own to the jade card, or the jade talisman to the two, indicating that they can contact themselves if they have something to do!

Seeing dozens of jade plaques and jade charms in their hands, the two suddenly smiled and cocked their mouths!

Although the two of them didn’t get anything from it this time, it was better than any treasure for so many strong men to owe them the favor!

At this time, I saw a woman named Na Xuan Xuan also walked over, and then said to the two of them: “With their help, you two should be able to walk sideways in the heavens. I have nothing for you. But I have this trick here, do you two want to learn it?”

Yes “! Sir, we are willing!”

Hearing this, the two nodded quickly!

“Aha! Okay, this move is called Niranyi Style, I hope you don’t fall into its name!”

Seeing this, Xuan Xuan’s woman couldn’t help but smiled, and then asked!

After speaking, she waved her hand, and saw a ray of light shoot out from her hand, and it disappeared into the two people’s minds!

“What? Ms. Xuan Xuan actually passed her master to them!”

After hearing the words of the woman named Na Yingying, the strong people present couldn’t help but say in shock!

Seeing those strong men present all looked at themselves with envy, and the two brothers also knew at this time that this trick called Niranyi style may be a very extraordinary move.

Therefore, even the detective did not check, and thanked the woman: “Thank you, my lord! Thank you, my lord!

“Well! So then we will leave first!”

The woman waved her hand and said.

After speaking, he soared into the air, and then flew quickly toward the sky!

Seeing this, that kind of strong man who came out of the entrance door also chased up!

In the end, only the two who are still excited are left!

Dage “! Who do you think they are? Why are they so strong?”

After seeing those strong men left, Little Brother of the two asked!

“I don’t know what they are, but this time we came to the right place and received so many favors from the strong. As long as we don’t die in the heavens, we will never be in any danger. What’s more, just now The trick that the woman gave us is definitely not that simple!”

Dage said!

“Dage! How do you know that the trick that the woman gave us is not easy?”

The Little Brother of the two couldn’t help but ask curiously at the moment!

“Idiot, haven’t you seen those strong men just now, are you looking at us enviously?”

Dage glared at himself, Little Brother, and said with a hatred of iron and steel!

“Okay! Let’s go back and talk about it!”

After speaking, without waiting for my Little Brother to react, he directly rose into the air, and then flew forward quickly!

“Hey! Dage, wait for me!”

It wasn’t until his own Dage was about to disappear into the sky that Little Brother came back to his senses, yelled loudly, and quickly chased after him!

After everyone left, the Chaos Gate on the cliff (agaj) slowly closed. Suddenly, the entire valley became quiet, only the sound of waiting for it to blow!

a perfect world!

In the emperor pass!


On this day, a powerful aura suddenly rose up from a certain part of the Imperial Pass, and quickly spread to the outside. After a while, this aura engulfed the entire perfect world!

From this momentum, all creatures felt that the vast, supreme, and vast aura made people have an urge to kneel down and worship!

Whether it is an ordinary person, a powerful cultivator, or even a quasi-immortal emperor, under this momentum, they will feel this way!

Under this vast and vast momentum, the sky of the entire perfect world gradually became gloomy, and countless huge electric lights filled the sky of the entire world, like the end of the world!

“This is

“Is it the end of the world?

“What kind of aura is this person, how can it be so powerful, it actually makes me have the urge to kneel down and worship!”

After feeling this momentum, people began to talk!

Some powerful quasi-immortal emperors, or the immortal kings, struggled to resist, hoping to drive this feeling out of their hearts.

But no matter how these quasi-immortal emperors and immortal kings resisted, the feeling naturally did not disappear, and the more they resisted, the stronger the feeling would be!

Even some fairy kings with a low Cultivation Base finally couldn’t bear the pressure, and they knelt down, and then bowed in the direction of the emperor!

But strangely speaking, after those who knelt down, the strange feeling started to disappear!

As time passed, that feeling became stronger and stronger.In the end, the more powerful immortal kings finally couldn’t resist the pressure and knelt down.Only the quasi immortal emperor at the top of the pyramid was still struggling to support!

The sky seemed to suddenly change to become more gloomy and depressing, and the thunder light in the clouds also became more intense.


A huge thunder light flashed across the entire world and hit a mountain range. Suddenly, this mountain range instantly turned into ashes. Together with the ancient relics, spirit beasts and divine beasts in the mountain range, they all turned into ashes!

The lightning flickered more and more plain, countless mountain peaks, even villages and towns, were hit by the lightning and turned into ashes!

“Ah! Help!

“Get off, don’t be my way!”

“Is the end of the world really coming?”

The end of the world “comes, everyone is running away!”

“how so?”

Countless creatures fled everywhere, and there were desperate roars and crazy shouts everywhere!

At this time, the aura that enveloped the entire world actually slowly converged. After the aura converged, the originally gloomy and depressing sky actually slowly disappeared!

There is also the thunder light that destroyed the sky and the earth, and disappeared without a trace in an instant.If it weren’t for the countless mountains, villages, and towns destroyed, everyone would think it was just their illusion just now!

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