Chapter 456 A group of strong people coming out of the entrance door!

In this way, three days have passed, and the two of them don’t know how far they have flown, but this passage seems to reach the end, and there is no change in the slightest!

Just when the two are about to give up!


Suddenly, there was an abnormal sound in front of him, as if thousands of horses were galloping in front of him.

Hearing this, the two couldn’t help but glance at each other, and both saw joy in each other’s eyes, and immediately rushed forward.

I saw that a large chaotic wave was surging in front, close to the chaotic channel, and a huge stone monument stood in the surging chaotic wave.

There are a few ancient characters written on the giant monument. Although neither of them knows the old characters on the monument, but through Divine Sense exploration, a spiritual imprint appeared in the minds of the two of them: The Eternal Road

“The Eternal Way?”

“Dage! Do you know where these eternal roads are?”

One of them turned towards the other and asked curiously!

“never heard of that!”

The person called Dage shook his head and replied!

“Dage! Are we going to continue?”

One of them asked again!

“Stupid! I didn’t see this huge monument appearing here, it proved that it was almost at an end, so of course we have to continue!”

Hearing that, the person called Dage glared at him fiercely, and then said angrily!

“let’s go!”

After speaking, he flew directly to the front!

Seeing this, the second brother had to chase after him!

After flying for a while, the two of them saw countless overlapping broken spaces, and almost all the broken spaces were extremely silent. But in a dilapidated space, there is a stream of light passing by from time to time, that is the mark of life!

Dage “! What the hell is this place, why are there so many broken spaces?”

When the two saw so many broken spaces, they were shocked, and the second brother couldn’t help but asked in shock!

“Don’t ask too much! Let’s keep going!”

He gritted his teeth and said, and then continued to fly forward quickly!

After a while, the two found that a huge stone gate was standing not far in front!

“The door to the lead?”

When the two came to this huge stone gate, they felt that there was some more information in their minds!

“This should be the end, right?”

Dage looked at the huge stone gate and couldn’t help muttering to himself!

“Dage! What should I do now?”

Asked the second brother!

We “try to see if we can open it!”

Hearing that, Dage replied without even thinking about it!

Seeing this, the second brother also nodded in agreement!

This place should be the end point.Since you are here, there is no reason to go back.At the moment, the two of them no longer hesitate, gather the power of the whole body, and push towards the giant gate!


Under the power of the two, the giant door slowly opened!

As soon as the giant door opened, an incomparable and powerful breath came out along the space passages overwhelmingly.

It’s terrible! The vast energy is unimaginable, and the powerful aura surpasses any powerhouse the two have ever encountered before.

However, the two did not feel that a powerful breath had any maliciousness. The powerful energy fluctuations that overwhelmed the sky were full of complex emotions, but most of them were excited…

Desolate, the bleak breath is permeating.

“There are still people in this place?”

When they felt this powerful breath, the two of them couldn’t help but panic!

After this breath, another breath rose into the sky.Although this breath was not as strong as the previous one, it was already incredible for the two of them!

But just when the two of them thought it was over, another breath rose into the sky.

These powerful auras add up to at least dozens of them!

After feeling these breaths, the two of them suddenly lived in Spartans!

“Did you two broke into a certain magic cave?”

A thought flashed through their minds!

“Someone opened the entrance door from outside?”

Suddenly, an excited voice resounded throughout the world!

Just as the two were stunned, they saw a stream of light flying in the distance quickly!

In just a moment, dozens of figures stood in front of the two of them.These figures all have one thing in common, that is, the aura that they exude, which is extremely powerful!

Just when the two people thought they were going to die, they found that these people’s eyes were full of excitement, and even the two of them felt that these people’s eyes were full of gratitude!

In front of the many powerful men, there is a woman who is like a fairy and a Fairy, the whole person’s heaven and earth clock is very intelligent, ethereal and ethereal, and seems to be the leader of the crowd.

I saw the woman walked a few steps forward, and then asked the two of them: “You opened this door?”

“Master Huihui! This door was indeed opened by the two of us!”

Hearing that, the two couldn’t help but replied tremblingly!

As soon as the words of the two of them fell silent, those people suddenly roared with excitement, and they all looked very excited!

We “finally get out of trouble!”

“Haha, we finally see the sun again!”

“Ah…I can finally leave this ghost place!”

Seeing this, the two of them couldn’t help but feel a little dumbfounded. What is going on with these people? Why are they so excited? There is no strong posture at all!

Only the woman in front is normal. Although it is not difficult to tell from her face, she is also very excited, but not like the people behind!


At this moment, the woman suddenly shouted!

Suddenly, those excited people finally stopped. After seeing everyone stopped, the woman said, “Don’t be too happy now, let’s talk about it when we go out!”

Hearing that, everyone behind the woman also nodded.

“Yes, yes! Little Master Xuan Xuan is right!”

“Yes! It’s not too late for us to be happy when we go out!”

“Then what are you waiting for! I haven’t seen the outside world myself for many years! Little Master Xuan Xuan, let’s go out quickly!!

Seeing this, the woman called the little master of the construction nodded happily, and then said to the two of them: “Two little brothers, let me take you a ride!”

After finishing speaking, they didn’t wait for any reaction from the two of them.When they saw her wave their hands, the two felt that their own body was pulled up by a powerful force, and then rushed towards the outside quickly!



Seeing the scene of fast retreat, the two of them couldn’t help but secretly said!

(Zhao’s) It took the two of them several days to get to the passage here, but in the blink of an eye, they came out of it!

When they saw the sun, the two of them reacted at this time, and they and others had already come out of the passage!

“Haha…come out! My Zhou Aotian finally came out of that ghost place!”

“Haha… Bright Martial Saint is back!”

“Haha! It’s coming out, ooh, how many years, I finally don’t have to stay in that ghost place!”

When they saw the outside world, the powerful people who came out of the entrance door couldn’t help shouting happily, or they were crying!

And the woman named Xuan Xuan also had a calm face, but her eyes were full of excitement!

“My camp has finally come out! I don’t know how my father is now!”

The woman looked into the distance and couldn’t help muttering to herself!

Looking at a group of powerful people who were laughing with excitement, or were crying with headaches, the two brothers who opened the entrance door couldn’t help but glance at each other, don’t understand what they are excited about!

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