Chapter 455: Chen Family’s Crazy!

“As long as they can gather the part of the soul power in the body, they can remotely sense the broken part of the soul power between the world and the earth, and they can gather the ancestor’s soul bit by bit.”

“There is an old prophecy that the Chen family will have ten sages, and all ten people will be earth-shattering characters. According to legend, their blood is extremely special. It is almost the same as the ancestor of the Chen family. Ten of them condensed and shattered the soul power. It is comparable to the sum of all the people of the Chen family in the past. The broken souls gathered by the ten saints can awaken the Spiritual Sense of that great man in the ancient times, and the ancestor of the Chen family can completely embark on the road to resurrection.

Speaking of this, Chen Zhan couldn’t help showing a look of disdain in his eyes!

This disdain, seems to be disdain for the entire Chen family not to make progress, and to live under the protection of others forever!

When Chen Nan heard this, there was a faint guess in his heart, and there was a hint of panic in his eyes, but he did not interrupt his father now, but wanted to continue listening to see if the guess in his heart was correct!

“The first eight sages among the ten sages, as expected, accumulated enough power to smash their souls. After success, they died to pieces.

“Father, you judged the publisher because…

Hearing this, Chen Nan still didn’t understand what his father meant, and couldn’t help exclaiming now!

06 “Yes! I am the ninth person, which is why I was sentenced to the Chen family.”

Hearing that, Chen Zhan nodded involuntarily, and then continued with a confident look: “I think Chen Zhan is not weaker than others in my life, and believes in “My life is involuntary, so how can I be willing to marry others? Yi, even if the Chen Zu is really resurrected, I believe that I will not be worse than him, or even stronger than him!”

“The person who cultivates the Summoning Sutra must accumulate enough power to smash the soul, and then finally get to pieces. Father cultivation Summoning Sutra is the ninth person, so then, I am the tenth person?”

After listening to Chen Zhan’s words, Chen Nan finally got a clear picture of what happened, and couldn’t help but say at the moment!

At this moment, Chen Nan’s heart was surging with a huge wave. The family and family inherited profound arts have such a shocking secret, which is beyond his imagination.

The truth is getting closer and closer, and it has almost come to light, but Chen Nan’s heart is very confused…

“Well! It’s exactly as you guessed it!”

Hearing this, Chen Zhan also nodded and said!

“So, the so-called Ten Sages of the Chen Family are not the top ten strong men at all, but ten calamities, ten unlucky ones?!”

Chen Nan’s eyes couldn’t help flashing a cold light, and then he narrowed and said!

“Chen Family Ten Saints? Haha! Indeed!”

Hearing the words “Ten Saints of the Chen Family, Chen Zhan couldn’t help but froze for a moment and then laughed wildly!

“Then the aura I felt in the Chen family before, should be the so-called Chen Zu resurrected!”

Chen Nan seemed to have thought of something, and couldn’t help muttering to himself at the moment!

Although Chen Nan’s voice was small, how could it be possible to hide from Chen Zhan, so after hearing his words, Chen Zhan also nodded and said: “Hey! That aura is indeed very powerful, and, in the Chen family, Except for that Chen Zu, no one should have such a powerful aura!”

“Haha! It seems that in order to bring this Chenzu back to life, these old antiques sacrificed more than half of the tribe before, and they may even include them!”

“No wonder! Let me just say, how can the breath of those old antiques disappear for no reason? It turns out that they used themselves as sacrifices!”

Hearing that, Chen Nan couldn’t help but slap her tongue a little!

Chen Nan didn’t expect that these old antiques in the Chen family could give up their own lives in order to resurrect this ancestor Chen. I really don’t know if they are stupid or loyal!

In an unknown valley, a Chaos Gate unexpectedly appeared on the cliff, where the light was dim, and in the tumbling magic cloud, it was so eye-catching, and it gave out bursts of strange waves.



Two air-breaking sounds came!

I saw two silhouettes, thinking about flying from a distance, these two silhouettes seemed to be attracted by the strange waves emitted by the Chaos Gate!

“Huh! That fluctuation came from this door!”

The two figures were very fast, and they came to the Chaos Gate in the blink of an eye, and saw one of them staring at the Chaos Gate on the edge of the cliff and said!

“Well! The fluctuations really came from this door! Is there an unknown relic behind this door?”

The other person also nodded and said!

Forget it, “Why do you think so much! Don’t we know if we go in and take a look?”

The first person to speak, said!

“Are there any dangers inside?”

The other person looked at the Chaos Gate, and then said hesitantly!

“What about danger? I wait for the cultivator to accompany danger all the way? And, isn’t our practice just sailing against the current, and then retreating if we don’t advance? What’s more, the courageous, starving to death, maybe this. There are some treasures inside, we don’t go in and take a look, it’s not a pity for a lifetime!”

The first person to speak gave him a blank look, and then said angrily!

“Okay! Listen to you! Let’s go in!”

Hearing that, the man also gritted his teeth and said!

After speaking, the two of them soared into the air, and then rushed to the Chaos Gate, and they fell into the Chaos Gate at once!

After the two entered the Chaos Gate, the empty chaotic passage inside was very silent, with no sound.

Walking in the deadly space-time passage, the two suddenly felt like walking alone in a ruined world, as if the whole world had been destroyed. No matter it was a civilian or a powerful master of Cultivation Base, none of them survived. Only they themselves, tirelessly moving forward forever.

This really seemed to be an endless passage, and the two seemed to be walking towards the other side of the lonely lonely shore.

In the end, the two of them Ascension speed, endless light 653 quickly retreated.

At the beginning, nothing was noticed, but as time went on, the two felt a trace of negative emotions. This seemed to be a path of despair. There was never an end, and there was no hope for people to see.

Since it has advanced far. The two of them didn’t plan to give up halfway, and continued the Ascension speed, but they still couldn’t feel the end and didn’t give anyone any hope.

In the twilight, the two felt the Divine Sense of their bodies loosened, and it seemed that they had returned to the power that was confined by the ancient sky!

The road to despair suddenly gave the two a glimmer of hope!

Did they fly out of this channel along this space channel? Continue to fly, and power returns. Now their speed can be called an instant tens of thousands of miles! It turned into a dazzling divine light moving.

After flying in this way for a long time, the two were shocked. Where did this chaotic passage lead? Flying at such an absolute speed seemed to never end.

Dage “! This passage seems to have no end, or let’s go back!”

The person who was a little hesitant at the beginning, looking at the invisible passage, couldn’t help but feel a little timid, and couldn’t help but say to the other person at the moment!

“Second brother! Hold on for a while, I feel that this channel is about to end!”

The person called Dage couldn’t help but hesitate in his eyes, but in the end he seemed to think of something and gritted his teeth right now!

After speaking, he flew directly to the front.

Seeing this, the one called the second brother had to follow him!

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