Chapter 454

Seeing Shi Wu’s fighting spirit converged, Dugu Defeated Heaven couldn’t help but heaved a sigh of relief, and then said!

You know, although those people have returned, they have not fully recovered, so they must hurry to recover. If Shi Wu, a fighting lunatic, disturbs them again at this time, I am afraid, they will not want to recover by then!

“That’s right! Father, do you know Dugu Baitian this person?

Suddenly, Chen Nan seemed to think of something, and couldn’t help but ask Chen Zhan!

“Dugu defeated the sky?”

Hearing this, Chen Zhan frowned involuntarily, and then asked: “Yes! Have you seen him?”


Chen Nan shook his head, and then replied!

“No? Without why did you mention him?”

Chen Zhan asked with a strange expression!

Regarding Taikoo’s first taboo god-tier defeating the sky alone, how could Chen Zhan have never heard of it, but he seemed to have suffered the last battle of Destroying the sky, so he should fall into a deep sleep before “six, two, three” Yes, his son How could it be possible to mention him?

Think about it now that he should also be awake, but I don’t know if he will take action in this battle of Destroying the Sky!

“Father! I heard a senior mention it!

Chen Nan said!

“A senior?

Chen Zhan turned his head and glanced at Chen Nan, then asked uncertainly!

“Yeah! This is how things are… So, if it weren’t for this Shi Wu senior at the time, I might have died!”

Chen Nan told all the story of the matter!

Hearing this, Chen Zhan’s face couldn’t help showing a hint of surprise, but he did not rush to speak, but signaled Chen Nan to continue speaking!

“Moreover, this senior once said that he felt a few powerful auras in me. In this almost powerful aura, there is the breath of loneliness and defeat in it! So I suspect that the reason why I am resurrected may be related to loneliness. It’s about defeating the sky!”

After thinking about it, Chen Nan told his own guess!

“Shi Wu?

After listening to Chen Nan’s words, Chen Nan couldn’t help but mutter in his heart!

He thought about it and found that he didn’t know Shi Wu at all, and when he checked the memory in his mind, he found that there was no memory in his mind about Shi Wu alone!

Could it be that “This Shi Hao is an old monster left over from the Primordial Era? This time it was because of the Battle of the Extinction that he left early?”

“However, if he was left over from the ancient times, then how could there not even be a trace of his rumors in the world?”

Chen Zhan couldn’t help but guess!

“Nan’er, do you remember, did he say anything at the time?”

After pondering for a while, Chen Zhan couldn’t think of a reason, so he asked immediately!

“Yeah… By the way! He seemed to be looking for this Dugu Defeating Heaven, and looking at his posture, it seemed that Lonely Defeating Heaven was very afraid of him and avoided him!”

Hearing his father’s question, Chen Nan couldn’t help but recall the scene of his encounter with Shi Wu, and said immediately!

“Lonely Baitian is very afraid of him, and still avoiding him?”

After hearing Dinan’s words, Chen Zhan couldn’t help but stunned!

Who is Dugu Baitian? That is Swire’s No. 1 Taboo God-tier, even if Chen Zhan is now confident in own Cultivation Base, but if he is facing the Swire God-tier, Swire’s No. 1 Taboo God-tier, he is definitely not. His opponent!

But with such a terrifying existence, he was actually very afraid of a person, and he was hiding from this person.If he hadn’t seen his son’s serious appearance, Chen Zhan would have thought he was joking with him!

“It seems that this battle of Destroying the Sky will be very interesting!”

Thinking of this, Chen Zhan couldn’t help but smiled, and then said to Chen Nan: “Nan’er! Don’t think too much about the lonely defeat of the sky, we will naturally know when he shows up!”

Hearing that, Chen Nan thinks about it and feels that it is useless to think too much now, it is better to wait for him to appear and ask yourself!

“Father! Why did you betray the Chen family back then?”

Chen Nan asked curiously!

This matter is also his heart knot, so he must figure it out. If this matter is not figured out, his heart knot will be difficult to untie!

“Betrayed from the Chen family? Aah! That’s true! I was indeed betrayed from the Chen family!”

Hearing this, Chen Zhan couldn’t help but stunned slightly, and then said with a smile!

After listening to his father’s words, Nan couldn’t help but fell silent, but he believed that his father would have his reason for doing this, so he didn’t ask, but continued to listen!

“Nan’er! Do you know the martial arts of the Chen family?”

Chen Zhan looked into the distance plainly in his eyes, and then asked Chen Nan!

“Wu Dian? You know! That’s a marvelous skill that can be said to tremble the ancients and the modern. I am now cultivating it!”

Hearing that, although Chen Nan wondered why his father would ask this, he nodded honestly and turned back!

Regarding his own martial arts, how could Chen Nan not know, that martial arts is all-encompassing, extremely powerful profound arts!

“Ah! Wudian?”

Hearing that, Chen Zhan showed a look of disdain, and then continued: “The martial arts are indeed all-encompassing and can be called the marvelous work of shocking the ancient and the modern, but they are not the first in the world. There are several kinds of metaphysics that can be compared with it. .But the real scary thing about martial arts comes from its other nickname: Summoning Magic Sutra. It is not so much a cultivation technique, as it is a set of taboo formations! It is a formation with a human body as a tool.”

“What? Wudian is a taboo formation? Father, what’s going on at this time?”

Hearing this, Chen Nan couldn’t help showing a look of horror on his face, and then asked quickly!

Seeing this, Chen Zhan waved his hand to him, signaled him not to be nervous, and then continued: “Nan’er, you know that our Chen family was not strong at the time, but the god kings of the heavens, why are they all taboos about the Chen family? ?”

Chen Nan shook his head, saying that he didn’t know!

“According to legend, our Chen family has been passed on since the ancient times. Although not many people believe this rumor, no one of the heavenly god king level dares to underestimate our Chen family.”

“Legend, the Chen family wants to summon a strong man who fell in the Primordial Era, and wants to resurrect him again! For this crazy and unrealistic ideal, according to legend, we have been implementing it since ancient times.”

Speaking of this, Chen Zhan couldn’t help but pause. Seeing that Chen Nan was still shocked, he immediately continued: “Legend, the person who is going to resurrect the Chen family is also the ancestor of the Chen family. There has always been one in the Chen family. A rumor is that the ancestor in the Primordial Era… is a person who shakes the world and is proud of the world. Therefore, they are so persistent to resurrect him. They want to use him to restore the Chen Family to the Primordial Era. Brilliance!”

Of course Chen Nan knew who his father’s 0.9 were referring to, and who else could there be besides the current ancestor of the Chen family!

Seeing that Chen Nan was still listening carefully, Chen Zhan continued to say: “There has been such a legend in the Chen family, that is, the ancestor of the Chen family, Innate, is indestructible and difficult to bury. The broken soul is overwhelming. Between the world and the earth, eternal life is difficult to completely destroy. And the blood of the ancient ancestors flows in the body of the Chen family. According to legend, there is also a small part of his broken soul power. This broken soul power is passed on from generation to generation.

“And the uniqueness of the so-called Demon Sutra is not the various Secret Techniques added later. The most essential part is the general outline of only a few thousand words. And the exercise route. That is for the Chen family. Physically and exclusively created, the people of the Chen family who practice this cultivation technique can slowly gather together the broken soul power scattered in the blood.”

Speaking of this, Lian Chenzhan’s face couldn’t help showing a trace of approval, I don’t know whether he praised the evocation sutra or the unknown ancestor!

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