Chapter 445

Lin Lei! Has something happened?”

Everyone looked at Lin Lei with doubts, and then asked!

“The Destruction Lord is here!”

Seeing everyone looking confused, Lin Lei explained!

“The Lord of Destruction has come to The Netherworld? Boss! Could it be that you are here to trouble you?”

Hearing that, Bei Bei couldn’t help asking!

“do not know!

Lin Lei shook his head, then said!

“Okay! We don’t have to guess at random! Just go out and ask him, right?”

At this time, the lady boss also said!

After speaking, I walked outside!

Seeing this, everyone quickly followed!

Outside the Nether Hotel, the Destruction Lord also walked around a little Jiaozuo!

At this time, he saw everyone walking out of it, and stopped right now!

“Utreide, what are you doing here?”

The lady boss glanced at Destruction Dominator, and then asked a little strangely!

“Um! I have seen the boss, Mr. Lin Lei, and everyone!”

The Destruction Lord took a punch at the crowd, and then called!

06 Seeing this, in addition to the lady boss and Lin Lei nodded slightly at him, everyone else also hurriedly replied: “I have seen Lord Destruction Lord!

After all, this world is respected by the strong, and they can’t compare with the boss’s wife and Lin Lei, so no matter what, you still have to maintain some awe for the existence that is stronger than yourself!

“Utreide! You haven’t said yet, what are you doing here?

The lady boss asked again!

Regarding the destruction of the ruler of Utrede, the proprietress can’t be like the Guangming ruler. Not to mention that he helped himself and Lin Lei last time. Although he is not familiar with him, he and Vivia seem to have a good relationship. If you click yourself, you can’t ignore him!

“Ah! I’m here to find your deity Death Lord, and Mr. Lin Lei!”

The Lord of Destruction did not conceal it, and there is no need to conceal it.

“Looking for the deity and Lin Lei?

Hearing this, the lady boss looked at the Destroyer Master with a strange look, and then said: “The deity is not here now, by the way! Is there anything you want to do with them?”

“Uh! I just want to ask them about something!

Destruction dominates the way back!

“Lin Lei! I’m looking for you!”

Hearing this, the lady boss glanced at Lin Lei sideways, and then shouted!

“I wonder if Master Utrede is looking for anything important?”

At this moment, Lin Lei came out from behind, and asked curiously!

Lin Lei still has some good feelings about the Destruction Lord. Not to mention his previous breakthrough, he helped himself to block the Light Lord. When he was at the top of The Underworld, he also gave himself a lot of help. What’s more, he and him. There is no hatred, so Lin Lei still gives enough respect to the master of destruction!

“Um! Mr. Lin Lei, you still call me by name! I can’t bear the word sir!”

Hearing this, the Destruction Lord couldn’t help but stunned, and he couldn’t help but joy. It seemed that Lin Lei didn’t feel bad for him, and immediately waved his hand and said!

“Aha! Utreide, you are angry!”

Seeing this, Lin Lei couldn’t help but smiled, and then said modestly!

“Okay! Let’s talk about something inside. If someone sees it outside, I think I won’t let you in!”

At this moment, the lady boss saw that the two were still modest to each other, she couldn’t help but roll her eyes, and then said angrily!

After speaking, he walked towards the Nether Hotel!

Seeing this, Lin Lei and the Lord of Destruction looked at each other with a smile, and then followed!

“I wonder if Utreide are you here this time?”

After everyone sat down, Lin Lei asked curiously!


Hearing this, the Destroyer Master saw the curious people, and suddenly became a little embarrassed, and the one who faltered at the moment did not speak:

Seeing this, everyone understood, and saw that the lady boss glanced at him disdainfully, and then said: “Cut! You talk slowly, we won’t mix up. Beirut, let’s go to the lake!”

After speaking, he led people to the lake, and the entire Nether Hotel was left with Lin Lei, and the ruined master!

“Okay! Mr. Utrede, what can I say now!”

With everyone leaving behind, Lin Lei couldn’t help but shook his head, and then asked:

“Mr. Lin Lei! This is how things are, I want to ask, did you succeed in breakthrough that time? Has Cultivation Base surpassed the level of dominance?”

Seeing everyone leaving, the Destruction Lord couldn’t help but heaved a sigh of relief, and immediately asked with curiosity!

“Huh? You are here to ask this question?”

Hearing that, Lin Lei couldn’t help but froze for a moment, and then asked a little bit Didn’t know whether to laugh or cry!

“um, yes!

The Destruction Lord nodded!

“Hmm… to be honest, last time I couldn’t say that the breakthrough was completely successful, it was only half of the breakthrough! As for what kind of Cultivation Base I am now, I am not sure about it, but at least I can be sure that it is my battle. Power definitely exceeds this level of dominance!”

Seeing the affirmative look of Destruction Lord, Lin Lei couldn’t help groaning for a while, and then slowly said!

“Unexpectedly, the breakthrough was not successful?”

Hearing that, the destruction dominates the whole person can’t help but stunned for a while, and after returning to his senses, he asked in disbelief, “Mr. Lin Lei, what you mean is that you didn’t have a breakthrough that time, and your combat power surpassed the dominator. This level?”

Lin Lei nodded definitely!

“Huh! Mr. Lin Lei, can you tell me how you cultivated!”

Seeing Lin Lei nodded affirmatively, Destruction Lord 500 couldn’t help but smiled bitterly, and then asked Lin Lei!

I have been cultivating for so many years, and I have been surpassed by a person who has been cultivation for only a few million years. How can this not let him be discouraged!

Could it be that I have not been able to cultivate in all these years? What’s more, I haven’t neglected cultivation. Is this the difference between myself and the peerless evildoer?

“How to cultivate? Mr. Utrede, Mr. Sai, this question really stumps me, because I feel that my cultivation is no different from others, and it is not regular cultivation?”

Lin Lei replied with a wry smile!

“Then your current Cultivation Base.

The Destruction Lord looked at him strangely, and then asked inexplicably!

“It should be caused by my breakthrough last time!”

“Ah! Mr. Lin Lei, can you tell me how you made the breakthrough last time?”

Hearing that, the Destruction Lord suddenly became interested, and he couldn’t help but ask with excitement!

Seeing the Excited Destroyer Dominator, Lin Lei couldn’t help but shook his head, and couldn’t help thinking in his heart that the Destroyer Dominator was indeed a madman who only knew cultivation.

Although Lin Lei couldn’t help but complain, he still told the Destruction Lord about his breakthrough!

“God clone refining the main godhead? Gray energy?”

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