Chapter 446

After listening to Lin Lei’s account of his breakthrough, the Destruction Lord couldn’t help frowning!

The reason why the Destruction Lord frowned is not because of how difficult this method is, but because this method does not work, because he also tried this method at the time. !

Otherwise, he wouldn’t only have a clone of the main god! But he said that after hearing Lin Lei’s method, the master of destruction frowned involuntarily!

Because this method is not only tried by him, the other three rule masters, and even some rule masters have tried it but they have not succeeded!

You know, destroying and ruling this person is not just as simple as a cultivation madman, the most important thing is for cultivation, and it can even put oneself in danger.

Once, in order to study the methods and tricks of Ascension Cultivation Base, he was stunned to get himself seriously injured.After tens of millions of years of cultivation, he was able to recover, and he did this more than once!

“Mr. Lin Lei! Think about it carefully, is there anything missing? For example, when you were cultivating, there were some unknown upgrades in your body, or what spirit fruit fairy grass you ate?”

The Destruction Lord asked unwillingly!

“Eh? Huh! When you said that, I remembered it, that was once, I experienced an upgrade!”

Hearing this, Lin Lei began to ponder. Suddenly, his eyes suddenly lit up, as if thinking of something, he said excitedly at the moment!

“Let me just say it! If you follow your method, it won’t work at all. It turns out that your soul is upgraded to succeed!

The Destruction Lord also suddenly realized, and immediately continued to ask: “Mr. Lin Lei! Do you remember how your soul was upgraded?”

“Huh? How did Utrede know that this method won’t work? Has he tried it?”

Hearing this, Lin Lei couldn’t help but wondered for a while, and then said with a wry smile: “Utreide, I am afraid this will disappoint you, because I was seriously injured and fell into a coma at that time. My soul was upgraded, so I knew exactly how my soul was upgraded at that time!


After listening to Lin Lei’s account, the Destruction Lord couldn’t help but sighed, and then shook his head with regret.

Suddenly, the Destruction Lord couldn’t help but think of something. He lowered his head and muttered, “Or else try to hurt myself seriously, and then see if I can upgrade my soul?”

Although the voice of the Destroyer Lord was small, with Lin Lei’s current Cultivation Base, how could the Destroyer Lord’s words be concealed from him, and she couldn’t help but become speechless to the Destroyer Lord at the moment!

As the rumor said, the Destroyer Lord, in order to be the Ascension Cultivation Base, the werewolf who can put himself in danger!

“Mr. Utrede, although my method doesn’t work, but you don’t need to bet your own life, right?”

Lin Lei couldn’t help but said helplessly!

“Um! I just want to try it!”

Hearing this, the Destruction Lord couldn’t help showing an awkward look on his face, and he said with a little embarrassment at the moment!

“Try it?

After listening to his words, Lin Lei rolled his eyes without going away!

“Ahem! Mr. Tread, I know a way that might make your Cultivation Base ascension fast!”

“what way?”

Hearing this, the Destroyer Lord’s eyes suddenly lit up, and then he grabbed Lin Lei’s hand and asked impatiently!

“Uh! Don’t worry.

Lin Lei looked at the ruin master silently!

“Um! Mr. Lin Lei, I’m really embarrassed!”

Hearing this, the Destruction Lord let go of Lin Lei’s hand a little embarrassingly, and then said nonchalantly!

“In fact, I only know that there is such a method, but I don’t know exactly how to do it!”

Seeing that the Lord of Destruction finally calmed down, Lin Lei said again!

“Uh? Why don’t you…”

“Stop! Can you listen to me first? If you’re interrupting, I won’t say anything!”

Seeing that the Destruction Lord wanted to interrupt again, Lin Lei shouted at him directly, and then said angrily!

Hearing that, the Destruction Lord dared not say anything, so he couldn’t help but sit down at the moment!

“Although I don’t know exactly how to do this method, there is one person who decides on one, and she has succeeded!”

Seeing that the Lord of Destruction finally calmed down, Lin Lei continued!


“Death rules your lord!”


I was shocked to hear that it was the Lord of Death, and the Lord of Destroy was shocked at the moment, but he recovered quickly, and then suddenly said: “No wonder she hurt me badly with a slap last time! By the way, then you know that Bu Where is Rickett now?

“Huh? Lord Death is not by the lake right now, he’s in the palace on the top of Nether Mountain!

Hearing this, Lin Lei also said with some uncertainty!

“By the lake? I’ll go and see Bridget now!”

After listening to Lin Lei’s words, the Destruction Lord stood up directly, and then couldn’t wait to walk outside!

Seeing this, Lin Lei couldn’t help but shook his head helplessly, and then hurriedly followed!

By the lake!

“Why are you here? By the way, what about that kid Lin Lei?”

Lord Death was fishing with Qin Xuan fisherman by the lake, when he suddenly saw the proprietress and others, he couldn’t help but ask a little strangely!

“Uh! It’s not Utrede, he came to you and Lin Lei, and now he is chatting with Lin Lei in the hotel? I don’t know what to talk about, I’m afraid we know!”

Hearing that, the lady boss also said with a dissatisfaction!

“Utreide? Is that guy looking for me?”

After listening to the boss’s wife, Lord Death couldn’t help but froze for a moment, and then asked a little strangely!

“How do I know (Li Dehao)? When he comes, ask him yourself!”

The lady boss shrugged, and then said!

After speaking, he sat down next to Qin Xuan, then took out his own fishing rod and started fishing!

Hogg, George and others also sat down, and then caught fish!

“Senior! Do you dare to compare with me?”

George took out his own fishing rod, and then provoked towards Qin Xuan next to him!

“Good, good!”

Qin Xuan agreed without thinking!

“Senior! Since you are going to compete, there will always be some success!

Seeing Qin Xuan’s promise, George couldn’t help but feel happy, and immediately said it again!

Hearing that, Qin Xuan rolled his eyes, and then said angrily: “I think it is fake that you are trying to compare with me, it is true that you want to get some color from me!

“Ah! Anyway, you don’t look down on those seniors, so let me forget it!”

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