Chapter 444 The Lord of Light Was Killed By Lin Lei?

You know, that is a dominance level existence, not a cat or a dog, just stand there and let you kill!

That is the top existence in the world now. It is absolutely invincible when the Supreme God does not appear. If before, someone said that it could kill the Lord of Light and severely wound the Lord of Destiny, everyone would definitely feel that there is a fantasy!

However, after the news came out, some main gods personally rushed to the face of the god of light to determine whether the news was true or not.Unexpectedly, when the main gods arrived there, they found that the face of the god of light was destroyed. More than half, and there are countless angels fleeing from the face of the god of light!

I heard the angels who fled said that the reason why the face of the God of Light was destroyed more than half was caused by the self-destruction of the Lord of Light. Otherwise, the face of the God of Light would not be destroyed so badly!

The Underworld!

“Augusta died like this?

Destroyer Utrecht “Five Zero Zero” looked at the Lord God below, and then asked with an incredible expression!

“Return to the master! When the subordinates arrived at the Bright God Realm, they did find that the entire Bright God Realm was destroyed by more than half! Moreover, many angels who had escaped were also found, and it seemed that those angels were not under control!”

The one Destroyer Lord God below replied respectfully!

“What about Off? How is he now?”

Hearing this, Destruction Lord Utreid frowned involuntarily, and then asked again!

“Go back to Lord Master! When we went there, we didn’t find Destiny Master Lord! But we have inquired about those angels, and they all said Destiny Master escaped back to the heaven!”

The main god replied again!

After hearing the words of the Lord God, the Lord of Destruction couldn’t help knocking on the handrail, and then closed his eyes and meditated.The Great Hall fell into a strange silence, which seemed extremely depressed!

After a while, the Destruction Lord slowly opened his eyes, and then asked the Lord Gods below: “Where is Lin Lei? After Lin killed Augusta, where did he go?”

“Master Master! When we went, Lin Lei was no longer there! But if you want to come, he should know The Netherworld!

A main god replied!

“Yeah! I see! Go down!”

Hearing that, the Destruction Lord waved to the Lord Gods below, and then signaled that they can all leave!


The main gods hurriedly responded, and then left the Great Hall one after another!

“Lei lei, lei.

After the Lord Gods left the Great Hall, the Lord of Destruction couldn’t help muttering Lin Lei’s name!

Suddenly, the Dominator’s eyes suddenly brightened, as if thinking of something, then he exclaimed excitedly: “That’s right! Bridget was also like this some time ago, and it became very strong now, and now Lin Lei is like this! Is there anything in between? What is the connection? Or how come they are all the same and suddenly become so strong?”

When I thought, the last time I was abused by Death Lord Bridget in The Netherworld, the Destruction Lord couldn’t help but itch with hatred!

“Why don’t you go to The Netherworld! See if you can get any news. After all, the relationship with Vivia is pretty good, and Bridget and Vivia are sisters. What’s more, go on your own Didn’t you also help Lin Lei this time? I want to ask them about the news, they probably won’t refuse it!”

Destroy the secret path that the master can’t help!

The more I think about it, the more I feel that this is feasible.At the moment, the Destruction Lord can’t control so much, he stood up directly, and then broke through the space and headed in the direction of The Netherworld.After all, this is about my future achievements, and my own face must be thick. a little!

The Netherworld

In the Nether Hotel.

“Sure enough! Augusta is still dead in your hands!”

The lady boss gave Lin Lei a look, and then said!

“Lin Lei! Did you really kill Augusta, Lord of Light?

Beirut, who was next to him, also looked at Lin Lei in shock, and then asked!

“Yeah! I did kill him!”

Hearing this, Lin Lei nodded and admitted!

Lin Lei had no regrets for killing Augusta. Whether he attacked himself when he made a breakthrough, or controlled his mother for so many years, Lin Lei could not have let him go.

What’s more, Lin Lei is not a person who knows indecision. If he wasn’t sure if he killed him last time, it would harm his mother, otherwise, he would have been killed last time, and he would not wait until now. !

Looking at his parents with a bright smile next to him, Lin Lei felt that everything he did was worth it!

What’s more, I don’t know how long I will leave this time.If I don’t kill Augusta, who knows if he will attack his parents again after he leaves.Although The Netherworld has a boss wife sitting on the ground, she is not afraid of it. I’m afraid of it in case.

Therefore, I directly kill the danger to avoid future troubles, so as not to put my parents in danger.


Seeing Lin Lei nodded and admitted, Beirut and others who were present couldn’t help taking a breath!

“Son! If you kill the Lord of Light, will those supreme gods come to trouble you?”

Linna, who was standing next to Hogg, couldn’t help but looked at Own’s son with a worried look, and then asked!

After all, she was dedicated to the Lord of Light when he was young, and it is not easy to reunite with him now. She doesn’t want to put her son in danger because of her relationship!

“Ah! Mother, don’t worry, Lord Master told me that the Supreme God will not attack me!”

Seeing his mother look worried, Lin Lei couldn’t help but smiled and replied!

As for killing the Lord of Light, why the Supreme God didn’t shoot himself, I don’t know this, and Lord Death did not say!

In fact, what Lin Lei didn’t know was that it was not that the supreme god didn’t want to take the right shot, but he didn’t dare. Let’s not say whether the supreme gods are opponents or not. Just because Death dominates them, they can’t afford to offend 0…

They know that Death dominates, although it can’t be compared with their master, Hongmeng, but it is also an existence that transcends this world.

Maybe in the future, like your own master, you will become an existence that can open up the world.Do you think that such an existence is an existence that can be offended by the Supreme God in your own district?

After hearing what their son said, Hogg and Linna finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Regarding the master of their son’s mouth, they of course know that it is not the death of the master, who else can be. Regarding the death of the master, Hogg and Linna still believe it very much!

Not to mention that she saved Hogg, and George and the others, she alone helped Lin Lei many times!

“Unexpectedly, when I first saw you, you were just a high-ranking god, but only a million years later, your Cultivation Base has already surpassed me!”

The lady boss looked at Lin Lei, and said with a sigh!

“Haha! Boss, I’m just one step ahead of you, I believe it won’t be long before you can catch up!”

Hearing this, Lin Lei couldn’t help laughing, and then said with a humble expression!

“Ah! I borrow your good words!

Looking at Lin Lei with a humble expression, the lady boss couldn’t help but shook her head helplessly, and then said with a smile!

“Huh? Someone came over!”

Suddenly, Lin Lei frowned slightly, and then said in surprise!

The lady boss next to Lin Lei had just finished speaking, and she felt it, and then said with a puzzled look: “Utreide. What is he doing here?”

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