Chapter 439 Twelve Winged Angel Linna

“Say! How can the angel be restored to freedom?”

Lin Lei waved his hand and directly shook the scarred Augusta over, and then asked!

Keke “Cough…haha! Lin Lei! You…you die this heart! I…hehe, I won’t tell you!”

Augusta looked at Lin Lei with craziness in his eyes, and then laughed frantically!

“Huh? Are you really not afraid of death? I heard that no ruler has fallen since so far! It seems that you want to set a precedent and become the first ruler to fall?”

Lin Lei couldn’t help but a trace of Killing intent appeared in his eyes, then stared at Augusta and said!

Hearing this, Augusta couldn’t help but panicked, and he could feel that this Lin Lei was really not a joke, if he didn’t tell him, he would really kill himself!

At this time, the master of fate, Ov and the “four six seven” gods of light, also flew out of the huge palm print!

But they didn’t dare to approach Lin Lei, they just looked at here from a distance!

“Say! Are you going to let people go?”

Lin Lei asked again!

Feeling that Lin Lei’s killing intent was getting heavier and heavier, Augusta couldn’t help but say: “I let it go! I let it go!”

Hearing this, Lin Lei couldn’t help but heaved a sigh of relief.After all, this matter was about Own’s mother.

“Wait first!”

After letting go of Augusta, Lin Lei said again!

After speaking, he waved his hand and a door of space appeared in front of him!

After a while, a figure walked out of the door of space.This person is not someone else, it is his father, Cui Ge!

“Lin Lei! What happened?”

After Hogg walked out, after looking around, he asked Lin Lei!

“Yeah! It’s okay, now as long as you find your mother, Augusta will restore her freedom!”

Hearing this, Lin Lei also nodded, then said with a smile!

“Huh! I’m relieved!”

After listening to Lin Lei’s words, Hogg was also worried at the moment, and his face finally showed a smile!

“Augusta! Can you make the person I am looking for laugh out of?

Lin Lei asked towards Augusta!

After all, there are too many angels with the face of the God of Light.Although the face of the God of Light is not as big as the highest rank The Netherworld, it is not available.

As for why Lin Lei doesn’t use Divine Sense to investigate the entire Bright God Realm? The main reason is that Lin Lei is afraid of this Augusta, and, except for the angels in the entire Bright God face and the Bright Lord God, they are all controlled by the Lord of Light. It shouldn’t be too difficult for one person!

“As long as you tell me her name, where she came from, and when she came here, I can find her!”

Augusta said quickly!


Lin Lei looked at Hogg beside him!

“My lord! The name I’m looking for is Linna, who came from the Magnolia Continent! As for when I came here, I don’t know exactly!”

Hogg looked at Augusta expectantly, and then said!

“It’s okay! Just know the name and where it comes from!!

Augusta said!

After speaking, he closed his eyes and opened them again after a while, and then said to Lin Lei and Hogg: “My men have found out. Indeed, it was in the Magnolia mainland on January 1, 9987. On that day, a female soul was offered up. The soul was very pure. After being bred in the reincarnating pool of the angel, she eventually became the twelve-winged god angel. When this angel was offered up, her name was also Linna!

“Then don’t hurry up and bring her!

Lin Lei shouted!

For this controlling his mother and wanting to kill the owner, Lin Lei would not be angry with him. If it weren’t for certainty, killing him would cause harm to his mother, otherwise Lin Lei would have slapped him to death. !

As for why Lin Lei is not worried, this Augusta will use his mother to threaten him and make himself subordinate. The main reason is that he knows from Qin Xuan that even the souls can be resurrected. Therefore, he is not worried about Augusta at all. The threat of doing this is mainly because I am afraid of trouble!

“Ok…Okay! I have ordered my subordinates to bring them together! You will be there in a while!

Seeing this, Augusta also quickly replied!

At this time, I saw a group of angels flying in the distance. When these angels came to Augusta, they respectfully saluted: “Worship the master!”

At this time, Lin Lei suddenly found Own’s father, staring at the angel headed, with indescribable excitement in his eyes!

Speaking of his gaze, a female angel dressed in white is now there. This female angel has the same long brown hair as Lin Lei, and the pair of white wings are spreading out. This beautiful brown-haired angel, only on her appearance. , And a bit like myself 0…

When my mother died, she was only four or five years old, and now she has no memory at all. But Lin Lei looked at this fair-skinned beautiful woman, but felt a tremor in the soul.

“Is this mother own?”

Lin Lei felt a slight throb in his heart when he saw this female angel.

To really confirm, it still depends on the father. Father and mother are dependent on life and death, and they can definitely be clearly identified.

“Father! Is that her?”

Lin Lei turned his head to look at Hogg, and then asked!

“You can’t go wrong! Lin Lei, she is your mother!”

The corner of Hogg’s mouth trembled slightly, and then he said affirmatively!

After hearing Hogg’s words, Augusta next to him couldn’t help but a gleam of light flashed in his eyes.Not only him, but also the fate master Ov who was not far away, his eyes were slightly squinted, and the corners of his mouth couldn’t help but curl up!

“Augusta! Don’t you let her be free soon!”

Lin Lei said towards Augusta!

“Ah! Don’t worry, I will release her control so that she can regain her freedom!”

Hearing that, Augusta smiled and said!

After speaking, he gritted his teeth and closed his eyes at 0.9!

Lin Lei’s Divine Sense also noticed that Augusta extended a Divine Sense into his mother’s mind. Gradually, Augusta’s face paled slightly.

Augusta groaned.

In an instant, Augusta’s face turned pale, and his whole body shook uncontrollably.Seeing this, the angels next to him hurriedly stepped forward to support him, and this prevented him from falling!

Seeing this, Lin Lei frowned slightly, and couldn’t help forgetting Augusta at the moment!

Although Lin Lei has not yet cultivated the Qi of Chaos, his Divine Sense is indeed stronger than the Dominator. Therefore, just now he felt that Augusta’s soul was indeed damaged, but his soul was damaged, it seems that it was not because of lifting What’s damaged by his mother’s control is like he did it deliberately!

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