Chapter 440 Beibei: Boss! Why are you so stupid?

At the moment, Lin Lei couldn’t help but keep an eye on it, but it is not the time to think about this. The most important thing now is whether his mother is back free and is not being controlled by Augusta! Lin Lei and Hogg look forward to it. Looking at the female angel!

At this time, the female angel finally opened her eyes, and saw her looking around with a confused face.When she saw Hogg and Lin Lei, she couldn’t help but pause, and then a thoughtful expression appeared on her face!

“Linlena! Do you remember me?

Seeing the female angel looking at him, Hogg couldn’t help but say excitedly!

“You…who are you?”

But the female angel still didn’t seem to know Hogg, she looked at him with a confused look and asked!

“Lina! This is Hogg, your husband! Don’t you remember?”

Hearing that, Hogg said more excitedly now!

“Hogg? Husband? What is a husband?”

The female angel still asked with a confused look!

“Then do you still remember the rainy night we were on Wushan? Remember, our home, Wushan Town? Remember, the night when you were robbed of the Finlay City Hotel 06?”

Linna was startled slightly, with doubts in her eyes, she shook her head slightly: “I, I don’t know.

Hogg couldn’t help looking sad, but he even said: “It’s okay, you will know in the future. I will take you back to the Magnolia plane.”

“However, I feel your breath, so familiar. Although in my memory, I can’t find the reason.”

Linna smiled brightly, and said!

“Huh? Augusta! What’s going on? Why didn’t my mother recover her memory?”

Seeing this, Lin Lei couldn’t help but questioned Augusta!

The murderous intent on Lin Lei appeared again, and Augusta and the surrounding angels could not help but shudder!

“Lin Lei! Listen to my explanation! I really lifted your mother’s control!”

Augusta said quickly!

“Then why didn’t my mother recover her memory?”

Lin Lei looked at Augusta suspiciously!

“Lin Lei, this angel is a soul sacrificed on the material plane, and then in the reincarnation pool of angels, and finally transformed into an angel! And there is another saying, that is, the angel family is also a humanoid weapon. They are no longer a life.

“What’s more, you also know that cultivation is not easy. It needs to be done step by step. A mortal soul suddenly becomes a twelve-winged god angel. The strength becomes so strong? If it is life, is it possible?”

Having said that, Augusta paused, then looked at Lin Lei carefully, and saw that he had no reaction, then continued: When they changed in the angel reincarnation pool, even their souls had already changed a little. Their souls are not in their minds. It’s in “the heart of angels. The heart of angels is their core!”

“Moreover, when the soul accepts the change, the memory of the past will be blank. In their hearts, only absolute loyalty to me!”

“Augusta! You mean…

Hearing this, Lin Lei frowned slightly!

“Yes, the angel reincarnation pool was born from heaven and earth. It is not what we can create. The process of transforming the soul is irreversible! Your mother, now under my control, I will let your mother be free. Your mother, She just became a free god angel. However, she still has no memory of becoming an angel!”

Seeing Lin Lei frowned, Augusta was also shocked, but he continued to explain!

“Is there no way to restore my mother’s memory?”

Lin Lei asked unwillingly!

“I don’t know this! Although this angel reincarnation pool belongs to me, it was not made by me after all. However, I have solved the connection between her and the angel reincarnation pool. I think she will restore her previous memories after coming here!

Hearing that, Augusta didn’t dare to say with the slightest concealment!

After listening to Augusta’s explanation, Lin Lei couldn’t help thinking!

After a while, Lin Lei looked up and stared at Augusta, and then said: “Augusta, I will let you go first, but if I find out that what you said today is a lie to me, I promise to let him You might as well die!!

Lin Lei has not yet determined whether killing Augusta will harm his mother, Lin Lei dare not kill him!

Don’t worry “! Up to now, how dare I lie to you!”

Augusta nodded, then assuredly said!

“hope so!”

Hearing this, Lin Lei nodded and said!

Then, he turned to Hogg beside him and said, “Father! Let’s go!”

After speaking, he took Hogg and Linna into the door of space!

Looking at the gradually disappearing door of space, Ov, the master of fate, flew towards it too!

Off came to Augusta, then looked at each other, and the corners of their mouths couldn’t help but for a moment!

The Netherworld!

In front of the Nether Hotel!

Beibei and others all walked around with anxious expressions!

At this time, a space door appeared not far from everyone, and Lin Lei walked out of it, followed by Hogg, and a female angel with a confused face!

“Boss (Lin Lei, youngest.) You are back!”

After seeing Lin Lei, everyone hurriedly greeted him!


Lin Lei also smiled and nodded!

“Boss! Is this your mother?”

Beibei looked at Linna curiously, and then asked Lin Lei!

“Yeah! She is indeed my mother!”

Hearing this, Lin Lei nodded again, and then said to Linna behind him: “Mother, come, let me introduce to you, this is the brother who has been born to death with me, his name is Beibei, this is the lord of Beirut. The two are Beibei’s parents, and this mother, they are all from the Yulan Continent!”


467 Linna smiled slightly, then nodded towards everyone!

“Boss! What’s the matter! Auntie doesn’t seem to know his uncle! Didn’t Auntie not restore her memory?”

Seeing that Linna seemed to be confused at Lin Lei and Hogg, Bei Bei couldn’t help but ask Lin Lei in a low voice!

“Hey! Mother really hasn’t recovered his memory! So, he doesn’t know anyone now!”

“Huh? What’s going on? Didn’t the Lord of Light restore Auntie’s memory?”

Bei Bei asked with a strange look!

Seeing Beibei’s curious look, Lin Lei told the whole story!

“Boss! Do you think it is the ruler of light?”

After listening to Lin Leilin’s explanation, Bei Bei frowned slightly, and then asked!

“I’ve thought about this too! But I didn’t dare to act rashly until I was not sure whether killing Augusta would put my mother in danger!”

Hearing this, Lin Lei also said with a bitter smile helplessly!

“Boss! Why are you so stupid! You don’t know that doesn’t mean that others don’t know! You can ask Tang senior, you know, Tang senior’s tricks are heaven-defying, and he still does this. It’s not a catch.

“No matter how bad you are, you can ask Death Lord Master! If she wants to come, she should also know what it is not!”

Seeing Lin Lei was smiling bitterly, Bebe suddenly gave him an angry look, and then said!

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