Chapter 438: Gap!

The crush of a finger! I think we should solve it now!”

Lin Lei shook his head and said!

“I don’t know what to do!

Seeing this, Augusta didn’t want to say any more, only saw a divine sword suddenly appeared in his hand, this divine sword was his supreme divine weapon, and then he waved at Lin Lei, a thousand-meter-long Sword Qi. Charged towards Lin Lei!

In an instant, Sword Qi had already arrived in front of Lin Lei, but Lin Lei didn’t open much at all. He seemed to be frightened stupidly, just looking at him in amazement, and rushing towards him, Qianzhangyi Sword Qi!

Seeing this, Augusta couldn’t help but sneered, did Lin Lei think he was seriously injured, so he dared to come here so presumptuously!


A sound like a collision of gold and stones sounded!


Augusta exclaimed fiercely!

The several Guangming Lord Gods beside them also widened their eyes, it is hard to believe that I saw all this!

Only destiny rules’ Ove frowned slightly!

“How is it possible! Master Augusta’s attack can’t break that person’s defense? Does he have a supreme defense artifact?”

A Guangming Lord God yelled in disbelief!

Regarding Augusta’s attack just now, he could still feel from the Qianzhang Sword Qi that if he didn’t avoid it, he would definitely fall, but this man didn’t even use his own body to resist. So how powerful is his physical body!


Seeing this, Augusta didn’t dare to hesitate, and directly waved at the several light master gods next to him, and then rushed towards Lin himself!

Seeing a few people rushing towards him, Lin Lei’s cold eyes stared at Augusta, and then, strangely, Lin Lei grinned.

This smile made Augusta see, and suddenly felt a palpitation.

But at this time, he couldn’t take care of that much.In an instant, he came to Lin Lei, then raised the divine sword in his hand, and slammed it down at Lin Lei!

Suddenly, a terrifying force radiated from the divine sword, and the surrounding space was suddenly distorted!

At this moment, Lin Lei slowly raised his hand, and then stretched out a finger to block Augusta’s Excalibur!


“Lin Lei actually blocked two own supreme artifacts with one finger!”

Augusta’s pupils shrank sharply, and looked at Lin Lei in front of him in disbelief!

Seeing this, Lin Lei thought for a moment, and then stretched out his other hand, which was also a finger, and suddenly pointed towards Augusta’s chest!

“Danger! The breath of Death! Will you die?

Augusta had a premonition of heart palpitations, that I had never felt before!

How could it be possible! It’s just a finger, so I can actually feel Death! Augusta can’t believe it!

“Retreat! I must avoid it! Otherwise, I will really die!”

Augusta believes in own feeling!

However, Lin Lei shot too quickly, when Augusta wanted to avoid it, it was too late!



I saw a wave of ripples on Augusta’s chest, and then violently exploded, as if he was hit by a huge force, he spit out a mouthful of blood, and then flew out!

All this happened in the blink of an eye. Before the light master gods rushed halfway, they saw Augusta vomiting blood at his mouth, flying out, and stopped immediately, with a look of disbelief. Lei!

“What! Master Augusta was actually beaten into the air by that person!

“No! This is not true!”

“It must be our hallucinations. Master Augusta is invincible. How could he lose?”

Looking at the angels here from a distance, they were in an uproar, all with an expression that could not believe it!


Augusta flew out and sank an island all at once!

“Another one! First is the Death ruler, and now this Lin Lei is like this! He is obviously not the ruler, but why is he so strong? Is there any secret he doesn’t know?”

Seeing this, destiny is the ruler’ Ove’s mind is also blank, and his heart can’t help but become messed up!


Several bright master gods hurriedly chased in the direction of Augusta’s flying backwards!

Seeing this, Lin Lei did not stop him, let them go!

After a while, Augusta was helped back by those light master gods!

At this moment, Augusta can be said to be extremely embarrassed.

“How is it possible! This is definitely an illusion, why are you so strong?

Augusta looked at Lin Lei in disbelief, and then roared!

It was a finger that made him fly upside down. Although he was injured at the time, his Cultivation Base did not have much impact.

If it were not for his light experience, he would never believe that he was actually crushed with a finger!

“Believe it or not that’s your business! Augusta, now I ask you, how can I get rid of the angel who controls you?”

0….seeking flowers…

Hearing this, Lin Lei shook his head helplessly, and then asked him!

Now he is a little impatient, and he doesn’t want to continue to talk to them, he should save his mother first!

“The angel who lifted my control hahaha?!”

After listening to Lin Lei’s words, Augusta couldn’t help but stunned, and then laughed frantically!

“what do you mean?”

Lin Lei frowned slightly, then looked at Augusta who was laughing wildly and asked!

This Augusta won’t be fooled by me! If he is foolish, he still doesn’t know the way to save his mother!!

“Haha! What do you mean? Lin Lei, among these angels, are there your relatives or friends?

Augusta finally stopped, and then said to Lin Lei jokingly!

“Yes, so what? No, so what?”

Lin Lei looked at him blankly, and then asked!

“That’s it! It seems that you came to me this time, mainly because of my angels, there are your relatives or friends!”

Although Lin Lei did not admit it, Augusta was still able to guess something. He couldn’t help but continue to say: “Lin Lei, if you want to come here to save your relatives or friends, I advise you to give up early, because I won’t Let them go!”

“I think you are looking for death!”

Seeing that Augusta actually dared to be so rampant, Lin Lei’s expression couldn’t help but his eyes were filled with cold light!

At the moment, I slapped Augusta and took a picture!

Suddenly, a giant palm nearly a thousand meters in size appeared in the sky.This giant palm was all transformed with energy, and it took a picture of Augusta with the aura of ruining the world!

I don’t know if it is Augusta, even the Lord of Destiny next to him, as well as the Lord of Light, are shrouded in giant palms!

Seeing this, Augusta couldn’t help showing a look of panic in his eyes, and he was ready to hide, but suddenly realized that the surrounding space had actually frozen, making him unable to move!

Not only Augusta, but also the Lord of Destiny and the Lord of Light next to him were also immobile.They looked desperately at the giant palm that was being photographed!

“Bang! Bang! Bang!”


With unmatched power, the giant palm directly suppressed the Augusta mortal into the ground, and left a huge palm print on the ground!

When the angels around saw all this and looked at Lin Lei, they couldn’t help showing a look of horror, as if Lin Lei was a terrifying existence!

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