Chapter 431 Time and Space Confusion

Hearing that, Augusta had a cold face, and then raised his head and screamed frantically.


Vague shadows gradually emerged.

A phantom of Vermillion Bird appeared on Augusta’s head. On the left side of Augusta, there was a two- to three-meter-long Azure Dragon phantom, and on its right side was the phantom of the beast White Tiger. Below Augusta’s half-length body, lies the phantom of the sacred beast Black Tortoise.

“Huh? The Four Divine Beasts?”

Seeing this, the lady boss frowned involuntarily!

The Lord of Destruction was also aware of the huge movement Ove made. He turned his head and looked around. When he saw Ove’s vision, he couldn’t help but stunned, and then shouted at the boss’s wife: “He’s this trick. It is “Time and space disorder! A unique trick that can affect time and space!”

Sure enough, just after the words of Domination of Destruction came to an end, the surrounding space turbulent area had already begun to change because of “temporal and space chaos.”

When the phantom of The Four Divine Beasts appeared, a peculiar and invisible energy spread out hundreds of millions of miles in the area. The area of ​​the turbulent flow of hundreds of millions of miles stopped instantly, and the unbroken and disappeared space cracks instantly solidified and stopped, while the invisible energy over 90% was completely acting on the boss’s body.

“Huh? Space is bound and distorted! The flow of time changes?”

Feeling the strangeness in her body, the lady boss couldn’t help but look at Ove and said!

The lady boss stared at the phantoms of The Four Divine Beasts around Off’s body in the distance. Each phantom produced special energy and combined with each other to form this trick. These four peculiar energies can stir the world and affect space and time.

I hope “You can take this trick from me!

Destiny Master Ove shouted to the boss!

In an instant, the terrifying energy was approaching the lady boss!


Seeing this, the lady boss took a deep breath, and then suddenly shouted: “Chaos body!”

I saw a gray divine light suddenly appeared on the lady boss, and when the terrible energy was about to hit the lady boss, she disappeared strangely, no, it should be said that it was absorbed!

“Huh? How is this possible!”

Ov, the master of fate, looked at all of this with an unbelievable look!

Not only him, but even the Destroyer Lord on the other side opened his eyes wide, and didn’t understand how this terrible trick disappeared!

You know, although this trick is currently used by Ove, this trick is indeed created by him. He naturally knows the power of this trick, but the boss’s wife is so easy to follow, how can this not shock him !

Off “! I have to say that this trick you used really makes me feel a little dangerous!”

Seeing Ove’s face in disbelief, the lady boss smiled politely and said!

“It just makes you feel a bit of danger?”

Off looked at the boss’s wife with an incredible expression!

“Since you have made a move, please take this move from me too!”

The boss’s eyes twitched slightly, and then said!

After finishing speaking, I saw that gray energy appeared on her body, and then she punched Ove!


The gray energy instantly drowned Off!

“Huh? It was actually blocked!”

The lady boss frowned slightly!

Seeing this scene from a distance, the master of destruction and the master gods couldn’t help but exclaim. Although they don’t know the power of the gray energy used by the god clone of Death, they can still feel it. The power of this kind of energy was still blocked by Ove!


Off couldn’t help laughing.

Since the birth of Heaven and Earth, including the one that you just completed Lin Lei, a total of six Supreme God missions have been issued. Among them, the other three rule masters have each obtained a supreme artifact, and they have completed three missions! The soul defense supreme artifact, Augusta, got the supreme artifact of attack. However, there is another task of the supreme god. Do you know who completed it? “Auf is very proud.

“Huh? Could it be that you didn’t finish it?”

Hearing that, the lady boss raised her brows slightly, and then asked!

“Unexpectedly, this Ofe actually has so many supreme artifacts, it seems that it is still difficult to defeat her! Of course, although it is difficult to defeat him, he should not defeat himself.

“But if you continue to fight like this, I’m afraid the entire The Netherworld will be ruined! Why hasn’t the deity come back yet? Didn’t she feel it?”

The lady boss couldn’t help but secretly said!

“You’re right, it’s me.”

Fate dominates’ Off with a smile, “This supreme artifact is the supreme artifact of material defense!”

With that said, a piece of pure black armor appeared on the surface of Auf’s body, and this supreme defensive artifact had been integrated with Auf’s skin.

“Usually, I just turn this defensive supreme artifact into the’August Garden.’ I have already refined it and recognized it. Under my control, it does not emit a trace of breath. Although many people are curious about my floating garden and know that Ogu Garden is unusual, no one knows that it is the supreme artifact of material defense.

Off said with a smile!

“Of! I admit that you have hidden deep enough, but you still can’t beat me just like this!”

The lady boss shook her head, and then said:

The most important thing for her now is to delay time, waiting for the deity to come back, if the deity comes back, then everything is very simple!

“Would you like to ask Tang senior to do it?”

The lady boss secretly said in her heart!

Thinking of this, the lady boss couldn’t help looking at Qin Xuan!

It’s okay if you don’t look at it, the boss is suddenly full of black lines!

In front of the Netherworld Hotel, Qin Xuan, Beirut and others were sitting cross-legged on the ground. There was a table in front of their senior who had moved from nowhere. On the table were some melon seeds and fruits, and there was even a pot of wine!

Moreover, this Tang senior also pointed out from time to time, and then said something to Beirut who looked curious!

“I’m here to fight for life and death, but they are still making comments there?

Thinking of this, the lady boss suddenly gritted her teeth!

“You dare to be distracted when you fight against me? You are not sure about To put in one’s eyes!”

At this time, (好李赵) just when the lady boss was gnashing her teeth because of Qin Xuan and the others, suddenly Ove’s voice came from her ear!


When she heard Ove’s voice, the lady boss shuddered in her heart, and quickly turned her head. Seeing Ove had come to her already, she took up all her power without thinking about it, and defended it!


In an instant, the lady boss was knocked out by Ove, and she crashed into many mountains and forests all the way!

“Senior! The boss will be fine, right?”

Seeing that the boss’s wife was shot out, Beirut also asked with some worry!

“Don’t worry! That Xiao Nizi’s defense is very strong!”

Qin Xuan took a sip of the wine glass on the table, and then slowly said!

You know, although Xiao Nizi’s Chaos Body is not comparable to Death Lord, it is also a Chaos Body.Only the blow of Ove just now can’t break her defense. Of course, Xiao Nizi may be somewhat It’s just embarrassing!

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