Chapter 430 The Boss VS Off

There is no wink in one place, only a gray place. There are floating gray air currents everywhere. From time to time, Chaos Storm and World Exterminating Thunder flash by. If they are struck by these Chaos Storm and World Exterminating Thunder, the Lord God will also Turn to ashes in an instant, even if the master is immortal, it has to peel off!

And in this dangerous place, there are actually a man, two women, and three people sitting cross-legged to absorb those gray energy.Those chaotic storms and the Destroyer Thunder struck them, and disappeared, as if they were turned into nutrients by these three people. Absorbed!

Needless to say, these three men, two women, are of course Hongmeng, the ruler of Death and the ruler of life!

And this place full of gray energy, what else can it be if it is not the land of chaos!

After the life ruler breakthrough, the Death ruler took her to Hongmeng Space to see Hongmeng, the creator of this world!

However, after coming to the Hongmeng space, I found that Hongmeng was not there, and immediately brought the life master to the chaotic land, ready to let her absorb the chaotic air here, so that the chaotic air in her body can be filled!

But after coming to the land of chaos, I found that Hongmeng himself was here, absorbing the chaotic air here, and did not disturb Hongmeng at the moment, but sat down cross-legged not far away from him, and began to suck 06 and put away the chaotic air. !

Hundreds of years passed like this!

On this day, Lord Death, who was cultivating in the chaotic land, seemed to feel something. He suddenly opened his eyes and muttered to himself: “Huh? What happened to The Netherworld?”

After speaking, she looked towards The Netherworld, her eyes seemed to penetrate the space, and she saw what was happening in The Netherworld at once!

Seeing the four people at war, the Death Dominator’s brows couldn’t help but condensed, and then when I saw that most of The Netherworld, they were all destroyed in the aftermath of the four-person war, and the Death Lord couldn’t help but become angry!

“What’s the matter with this little Nizi? I don’t know how to go to other places in the war. Do I have to destroy the entire The Netherworld to be reconciled?

The Death Lord said with some dissatisfaction!

Big Sister “! What happened?”

At this time, the master of life also discovered the strangeness of the death master, and he couldn’t help but ask in doubt!

“Yeah! Something has happened to The Netherworld! I am going to deal with it!”

Lord Death nodded, and then said!

“Do you need my help?”

Life Master Vivia asked again!

“Aha! No, it’s just a small matter, don’t you believe my current Cultivation Base? Okay, you slowly cultivate, and I will come after the matter is handled!”

Hearing that, Lord Death smiled at Vivia, then waved his hand and said!

After speaking, he tore a crack in the space directly, and then walked in!

After seeing Lord Death leave, Vivia shook her head, and then stopped paying attention!

Because she believes that with Big Sister’s current Cultivation Base, there is no one or anything in the whole world that is hard for her, of course, except for Tang senior, and the person not far from her!

Thinking of this, Vivia couldn’t help but looked at Hongmeng with some curiosity!

“I heard from Big Sister that that person is the creator of the entire world and can create a big world, so how powerful his Cultivation Base should be!”

“You know, I can only create a supreme position now, and after creating a supreme aspect, I will definitely jump off if I am tired, and I have no cultivation and several trillion years of time, I am afraid that I can’t recover!”

“You know, people usually say that the four highest planes are very large, but she knows that compared with those physical planes, the four highest planes are really incomparable. Although the physical planes are small, they are better. There are so many!”

Life Lord Vivia took a look at Hongmeng, and then secretly said in her heart!

“Forget it! The creation of the big world is still too far away for me now, I should still cultivate honestly! Maybe someday, I might reach this level too!”

Vivia shook her head, then whispered in a low voice!

After speaking, Vivia closed her eyes again, and then began to absorb the chaos around her!

the other side!

The Netherworld!


There was a violent collision, and the radius of hundreds of millions of miles was razed to the ground in an instant!

The entire The Netherworld shook violently in the battle of the four masters, as if it would be broken at any time!

This day, for all the cultivators of The Netherworld, is a day full of disasters!

They didn’t even know what was going on. They were cultivating or playing at home, and they saw a terrible energy flying over, instantly destroying a big city, or a mountain range, and all the creatures in the city or the mountain range. Turn to ashes in an instant!

It can be said that a small half of The Netherworld has disappeared in this battle!


The Lord of Destruction was knocked out instantly!

After Ov, the Lord of Destiny, knocked the Lord of Destruction into the air, he chased him up again, preparing to give him a fatal blow!

Seeing this, the lady boss also repelled the Lord of Light with a single blow, and then she stood in front of the Lord of Destiny, and then fought with him!


The Lord of Destruction stood up, and he couldn’t help but cursed inwardly, and then rushed towards the Lord of Light on the other side!

He knew that he was not the opponent of Fate Dominating Off, so he did not try to be strong, but although he is not the opponent of Fate Dominating Off, it is very simple to clean up a Light Dominator!

The Lord of Destruction came to the Lord of Light, and then grabbed the black spear, and smashed him!

Seeing this, the Lord of Light knew that he couldn’t stop it, so he had to dodge!

“Hey! Do you dare to hide? I’m not the opponent of crying sky, can’t you still be the ruler of you?

357 Seeing Augusta dodge, the Destruction Lord couldn’t help but curse secretly, then grabbed the spear in his hand and drew it at Augusta!

Seeing this, Augusta, the ruler of the light, knew that he couldn’t dodge, and now he took up his whole body’s power, gathered on his own artifact, and prepared to resist this strike!


The long spear of the Destroyer Lord hit the artifact of the Light Lord Augusta, and the terrifying force knocked Augusta away!

In an instant, it hit the ground, and under this terrible force, the ground was instantly smashed into a huge pit, and cracks spread everywhere!

the other side!

Seeing Augusta being abused by the Destroyer Lord, Ov, the Destiny Lord, became anxious now!

“You just hid your strength!

Off looked at the boss’s wife with a sullen expression!

“A rule of ruler is not qualified to let me do my best!”

The lady boss said unyieldingly!

“I thought I was the one who hides the deepest, but I didn’t expect that the one who hides the deepest is you, a avatar of a god who can be ruled by rules. No one believes it!”

Off stared at the boss’s wife, and then said!

“Haha! To each other! Do you have any trump cards, don’t use them as soon as possible, or else your god clone will almost be unable to hold it!”

Hearing this, the lady boss couldn’t help laughing happily, and then said jokingly!

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