Chapter 432: The Giant Hand That Suddenly Appeared!

After hearing Qin Xuan’s words, Beirut and the others also let go of their worries.Then, they picked up the melons and fruits on the table and ate them, and watched with relish, this rare battle between the four dominance levels!

Seeing that the lady boss was knocked out by herself, Ove hurriedly chased after him, then raised the offensive supreme artifact in his hand and smashed it in the direction of the lady boss!


The terrifying sword mark instantly enveloped thousands of miles around!

At this time, gray energy suddenly flashed in front of it, and this gray energy instantly turned into a huge punch, and suddenly tore the sword mark!

“Of! You bastard, you make me so embarrassed!”

After Ov’s sword mark was torn apart, I saw a figure rushing towards Ov quickly.This figure is not the boss of the Nether Hotel, who else can it be!

Before he could think about it, Ove hurriedly summoned the own defensive supreme artifact, ready to block this strike!


It was too late to say that it was fast, and in an instant, Ove was hit by the boss’s wife, and then flew out!

I saw that the lady boss was now gritting her teeth and staring at the direction Ove was shot out, and she was still panting hard, she looked very embarrassed, and she still had some weeds on her head!

“Ahem! What kind of physique is this? It won’t hurt like this!”

After being knocked into the air, Ov 373 did not suffer any injuries due to the protection of the supreme artifact.

“Asshole! Do you care about the physique of the old lady. Give me death!”

But the lady boss was angry now, she didn’t care about Ove’s words at all, screamed fiercely, and then rushed towards him again, this time she wouldn’t care if The Netherworld would be destroyed!

“This lunatic!”

Seeing this, Ove cursed secretly, and then greeted him!

In an instant, the two fought together again!

After that, the four masters were not staying in the battle, and the aftermath was getting bigger and bigger, covering half of The Netherworld!

Destroyed countless mountains and towns, countless creatures were wiped out in the battle of the four dominance levels!

the other side!

After the Lord Death came out of the chaos, she hurried to the direction of The Netherworld.Since the space cannot be broken here, she can only fly!

Not long after, Lord Death rushed back. The moment he entered The Netherworld, he felt the fluctuation of the battle. At the moment, he released Divine Sense to investigate!


After Divine Sense was released, the entire The Netherworld was enveloped. After seeing The Netherworld being broken (agaj) in half due to the battle of four people, the Death master couldn’t help but raged into the sky, and couldn’t help but curse at the moment. One sentence!

After speaking, a dashing person has disappeared!

In front of the Nether Hotel!

“Senior! Don’t you really stop it? If they continue to fight like this, I’m afraid the entire The Netherworld will be destroyed!”

Beirut looked at Qin Xuan, who was drinking leisurely next to him, and then asked with uncertainty!

As the main god of Beirut, Divine Sense is naturally powerful.Although it is still not able to cover the entire The Netherworld, a small half is still fine!

Now in the area covered by his Divine Sense, the aftermath of the battle that has been basically destroyed by these four dominators has been destroyed.If they keep moving, I am afraid the entire The Netherworld will be destroyed!

At the same time, Beirut is also very strange. If such a major event usually happens, I am afraid that the Supreme God will have appeared long ago, but this time I don’t know why, since there is no present, and, as the controller of The Netherworld, Death is the ruler. I don’t know where I went, I haven’t stopped it now!

“Block? Why block? If you block, where is there such a good-looking scene? What’s more, the owner of The Netherworld is back, and I don’t have to stop it!”

Hearing that, Qin Xuan looked at Beirut with a strange face, and then asked!


After hearing Qin Xuan’s explanation at the beginning, everyone’s foreheads were covered with black lines, but when they heard it at the end, everyone was shocked!

“The owner of The Netherworld? Could it be that the Lord Death is back?”

Everyone guessed in their hearts!

“Senior, you mean, Lord Death is back?”

Beirut asked Qin Xuan!

“Yeah! Otherwise, who else do you think of The Netherworld?”

Qin Xuan gave everyone a blank look, and then asked!

“You bastards, stop me!”

Just when everyone wanted to continue to ask, suddenly an angry voice resounded throughout The Netherworld!

As soon as the words fell, I saw a giant hand straddling time and space, grabbing toward the four people who were fighting!

The speed was so fast that Ov and the others who were fighting were caught by this giant hand before they could react at all!


“How can it be.……….

“Is it the Supreme God?

It wasn’t until the four of them were caught by the giant hand that this reacted, and immediately struggled hard without even thinking about it!

But no matter how hard they struggled, they were still firmly grasped by this giant hand, which was of no use!

At this moment, the lady boss seemed to feel something, her face couldn’t help showing an awkward look, she didn’t dare to continue struggling at the moment, she just lowered her head and didn’t know what she was thinking!

Not only Auf and others were stunned, the entire Wu world was stunned.Even Beirut and the others in front of the Nether Hotel were caught when they saw Auf and they were dumbfounded on the spot!

“This… is this the Supreme God’s action?”

George looked at Ove and the others who were caught by the giant hand, and couldn’t help but stammered at the moment!

“I do not know either!”

Beirut’s eyes widened, and then he stammered in reply!

You know, these four people are all dominance-level existences.They are the highest existences in the entire world.




At this moment, I saw that the giant hand was used fiercely, the fate ruled Ov, the light ruled Augusta, and the destruction ruled Utreid, the three were thrown out and hit the ground!

Three giant pits were smashed in an instant, and the moment the three were thrown out, the giant hand slowly disappeared, leaving only the lady boss who was bowing her head!


The three of Ov who were thrown out by the giant hands spit out a mouthful of blood, and their breath suddenly withered. They were obviously severely injured, but at this time they didn’t want to care about the injury, but stood strong. I got up, and then watched vigilantly in the direction where the giant hand disappeared!

After all, the feeling just now was something they had never felt in their entire life. It was a kind of powerlessness, and they were caught without the slightest resistance. How can this make them feel at ease to check their own injuries!

At the same time, the three of them were also very puzzled.The four of them were caught by the giant hands at the same time.

Did she know the owner of that giant hand? Didn’t she get thrown out?”

The three of Ove couldn’t help but guess!

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