Chapter 415: The Arrival of Beirut!

“What’s the matter? Why does George roar so loudly?”

After seeing Lin Lei and Beibei return, Hogg and Beibei’s parents themselves Yale asked a little strangely!

The voice of George just now, even when they were in the hotel, heard it very clearly, the voice was extremely sad, as if he regretted what he had done!

How can this not make them curious?

Hearing this, Lin Lei and Bei Bei shrugged helplessly, and then they told the cause and effect of the incident!

After hearing the explanations of Lin Lei and Beibei, Hogg and others also did not know whether to laugh or cry, but they felt sorry for George more!

After all, if such a great opportunity slips away from one’s own eyes, no one can accept it!

When everyone was chatting, they saw George walking in feebly from the outside, and Yale quickly comforted: “Second! You don’t have to fight hard. It’s a big deal to find that senior again tomorrow, and then win him and The bottom is up to the sky!”

Hearing that, George is also bright before his eyes, and will not dim soon, because he knows that such a good opportunity is impossible to have a second time. The reason why this senior compares himself with himself today may be because of a certain Kind of, otherwise, he would not have this opportunity!

“Boss”! Don’t comfort me! How can this kind of thing happen again? Oh, forget it, you guys! I can’t eat it now in 06!

George sighed, then said!

After speaking, I walked towards the own room!

Seeing this, everyone couldn’t help it. Didn’t know whether to laugh or cry!

“Aah! Let’s eat! Don’t worry, George is like this, he will be fine after tomorrow!”

Seeing this, Lin Lei couldn’t help but smiled, and then said!

“Woo! It’s all here!”

At this time, a voice came over, following the reputation, I saw the pretty girl walking towards!

“Meet the dead boss!”

Seeing the pretty girl who was walking towards her, everyone stood up and bowed in salute, but when she thought of what she had said today, she quickly changed her words!

“Ah! No need to be polite! By the way, what about the person who competed with Tang senior today? Why didn’t you see him? Didn’t they finish the trial?”

The pretty girl waved her hand to everyone, and then asked curiously!

“The comparison is over! But he is sadly unable to eat, so he will go back to the room first!”

Lin Lei explained!

“Sad and can’t eat?”

Hearing this, the pretty girl couldn’t help but stunned, and then said with a strange look: “What? Did he lose? But it’s impossible. With Tang senior’s fishing technology, he can actually win?”

“Um! George won the competition, but because he won! But the reason why he is sad is not because of winning or losing!”

Lin Lei explained with a wry smile!

After speaking, I will repeat what I just said, and I will tell the pretty girl!

After listening to Lin Lei’s explanation, the pretty girl suddenly felt something Didn’t know whether to laugh or cry!

Mrs. boss “! Would you like to eat with us?”

Lin Lei asked!

Nope “! Eat it! I won’t bother you!”

The pretty girl shook her head and said!

After speaking, he turned and left!

Time passed like this!

the next day

Sure enough, George’s gloomy expression yesterday has long been lost, but he is still complacent, and he can win a high-ranking god from Qin Xuan!

George “! Are you not going to refine the Godhead now?

Seeing that George’s depression had disappeared without a trace, Lin Lei suddenly felt a little funny, and couldn’t help but ask!

“Now I am not ready to refine the godhead!”


Lin Lei asked curiously!

“Because, I haven’t seen the godhead of the upper god, so I have to keep it for at least one day before refining it!”

George explained!

After finishing speaking, I didn’t forget to caress the godhead in this hand carefully, it looked like it was touching a girl’s hand, very gentle!


Listening to George’s explanation, Lin Lei suddenly became speechless, and immediately ignored George’s turning and leaving!

A few years have passed!

On this day, there were two people standing in front of the Nether Hotel, one of them was Beverly who took George over!

The other is that the whole body is covered with dragon grass in the black robe, making people unable to see the appearance.The only thing that can be sure is that this person is a man!

Lord”! Lord Lin Lei lives here!

Beverly respectfully turned to the side, and the person in the black robe said!

“Yeah! Let’s go in!”

The black robe man nodded, then said!

After speaking, I walked into the Nether Hotel!

Seeing this, Beverly also hurriedly followed!

After a while, under the leadership of Beverly, the two came to Lin Lei’s door!

In the room

“Boom boom boom!”

Lin Lei, who was meditating, suddenly heard a knock on the door, and immediately released Divine Sense. When he found out that the door was Beverly, Lin Lei was also happy, and then quickly stood up and walked over to open the door. !

“Master Lin Lei! I’m back!”

After seeing Lin Lei, Beverly also respectfully said!

“Yeah! Beverly thank you this time! You can go back first! Wait for the afternoon, then come to me!”

Hearing this, Lin Lei nodded, then thanked Beverly!

“Yes! Then I will leave first!”

After speaking, Beverly turned and left!

After seeing Beverly leave, Lin Lei invited the black-robed man in. After closing the door, he respectfully bowed to the black-robed man, and said, “Master Beirut! It’s been a long time!”

“Ah! It’s been a long time! I didn’t expect your Cultivation Base to be the Dzogchen Supreme God in just a million years!”

Hearing this, the black-robed man couldn’t help but smiled, and then said with some sigh, his voice was abnormally hoarse!

After speaking, the black robe man took off his own hat.

He saw his long black hair dangled and his beard grew to his chest. It looks like an old man.

343 This man is the first deity devourer among countless faces, and Beibei’s grandfather should be the grandfather he recognizes! It was also the ancestor of The Four Divine Beasts family who was killed by the light and robbed from the light. Go away and hide in Beirut in the Magnolia Continent!

“Where! Compared to Master Beirut, my Cultivation Base is nothing!”

Seeing Beirut praised himself, Lin Lei also said modestly!

“Aha! Lin Lei, you don’t have to be too modest, at least among the countless faces, you have not heard of that person who can cultivate to the Cultivation Base of the Dzogchen Supreme God in a mere million years!”

Hearing that, Beirut couldn’t help but said with a smile!

“That’s right! Lin Lei, what do you want to do with me this time?”

“Master Beirut! The reason I am looking for you this time is because I want to ask you for a godhead!

Hearing Beirut’s question, Lin Lei lowered his head and fell silent.After a while, he raised his head and said slowly!

“Huh? Lord Godhead? Lin Lei, how do you know that I have Lord Godhead?”

After listening to Lin Lei, Beirut did not answer him directly, but asked with a strange look!

Only some of the main gods and eleven masters knew about the fact that he had a master godhead. How could Lin Lei know? Could it be that a certain master god or master told him?

However, how did the person who told him know that Lin Lei has something to do with him?

“That’s right! Beibei. Beibei is the second God-Eater. I want to come and guess after they saw Beibei!”

Beirut couldn’t help but guess!

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