Chapter 416: The Lord Godhead

“Lin Lei! How do you know that I have a godhead?”

Beirut couldn’t help but asked curiously!

“Ah! Tang senior told me!”

Lin Lei explained with a smile!

“Don senior?”

Upon hearing this, Beirut frowned involuntarily!

Among the people I know, there seems to be no one with the surname Tang!

Moreover, among the main gods, there doesn’t seem to be a person surnamed Tang!

“Lin Lei! Is this Tang senior still here? Can you recommend me?”

Beirut looked at Lin Lei expectantly, and then asked!

“Master Beirut, don’t worry, Tang senior is here now, and I will introduce you later!”

Hearing this, Lin Lei couldn’t help but said with a smile!

“Lin Lei! You want the Lord Godhead, why don’t you go back to the Magnolia Continent to find me personally, but send someone to inform me?”

Beirut asked suspiciously!

“I also want to return to the Magnolia Continent to find you! But the point is that I can’t leave The Netherworld!

Hearing this, Lin Lei couldn’t help but smile wryly!


“Because I have offended the Lord of Light. There is Lord of Death in The Netherworld. The Lord of Light can’t do anything to me, but once I leave The Netherworld, I am afraid that the Lord of Light will find me the first time!”

Lin Lei helplessly spread his hands, and then explained!

“The ruler of light? It’s him again? How come there is him everywhere?”

Hearing this, Beirut couldn’t help squinting his eyes, and then said!

“What? Master Beirut, are you… By the way, I remember that Lord Death once said, Master Beirut, you seem to have offended the Lord of Light, right?”

Lin Mian looked at Beirut curiously, and then asked.Suddenly, Lin Lei seemed to think of something, and couldn’t help but say!

“Unexpectedly, Lord Death would actually tell you this!”

Hearing this, Beirut looked at Lin Lei in surprise, then nodded and said, “Indeed, I did offend the Lord of Light!”

Having said that, Beirut paused. Seeing that Lin Lei didn’t ask himself, but looked at Own curiously, he continued and said: “Back then, my ancestors, the four main gods of The Four Divine Beasts family, were also related. Very good. Later, for unknown reasons, the four of them were killed by the Lord of Light, and I took their godheads, and finally chased by the Lord of Light, leading me to hide in the Magnolia Continent!”

“That’s it! I didn’t expect that besides my mother, I still have this relationship with the Lord of Light!”

Hearing this, Lin Lei also suddenly realized!

“How about you? How did you offend the rule of light?”

Beirut asked curiously!

He was very curious about how Lin Lei offended the Lord of Light.Although Lin Lei is now a Dzogchen high-ranking god, it is really nothing to the Lord!

Seeing Beirut looking at him curiously, Lin Lei told him how he had offended the ruler of light in the face-to-face war!

“Okay boy! Unexpectedly, in these millions of years, you actually did so many things!”

After listening to Lin Lei’s explanation, I couldn’t help but look at him without crying, and then said with a smile!

“Ah! I can’t compare to you, Master Beirut. You stole the Godhead from the Lord of Light back then!”

Seeing this, Lin Lei couldn’t help but said jokingly!

“Aha! You… By the way, now you are going to refine the main godhead in The Netherworld. After you become the main god and have the ability to protect yourself, leave The Netherworld?”

Hearing that, Beirut looked at Lin Lei amusedly, and then said!

“Yes! I did plan that way!”

Lin Lei nodded, then said!

“Well! Indeed, with your current Cultivation Base, leaving The Netherworld without the help of the Death Lord, it is indeed too dangerous!”

Seeing Lin Lei nodded, Beirut agreed with him!

“Gu, these two are the main godheads of the water attribute and the earth attribute. As for the remaining two, I used one, and I gave the other one to Qinghuo!”

At this moment, Beirut took out two crystal-like objects, one yellow and one blue, handed them to Lin Lei, and said!

“Is this the Lord Godhead!”

Seeing this, Lin Lei couldn’t help but be overjoyed!

“Hey! Find a place as soon as possible to refine these two main godheads, so as not to have many dreams in the night!”

Beirut nodded affirmatively, and then said with a serious face!

“Master Beirut! I know!

Lin Lei nodded solemnly after putting away the two main godheads!

Seeing this, Beirut also nodded in relief, and then asked: “Right! Beibei is with you now, right?”

“Then where is he now?”

“They should all be by the lake!”

Lin Lei said with some uncertainty!

“By the lake? What is he going to do by the lake?

Beirut asked strangely!

“Ah! Master Beirut! How about you follow me to the lake to have a look! By the way, the Tang senior I mentioned earlier may be there too!”

Hearing this, Lin Lei smiled mysteriously, and then suggested!

“Okay! I haven’t seen Beibei for a long time! Let’s go and have a look at the lake!”

Beirut thought for a while, then nodded!

After speaking, Beirut took the own hat again, blocked the appearance of own, and walked outside the house!

Seeing this, Lin Lei also smiled, and then followed!


“Senior! How about we compare once?”

George said to Qin Xuan next to him!

“Okay! But this time there is no win!”

Hearing this, Qin Xuan glanced at him and said!

“No prizes? Forget it!”

Seeing Qin Xuan said that there is no lottery, George suddenly lost his interest!

“Boy! Didn’t you have a higher godhead? Why didn’t you go to refining, but instead caught a fish here?”

Seeing George’s depressed look, Qin Xuan said funny now!

“Ah! Tang senior! I will wait for a while to practice again. After all, this is a rare high-ranking god! Now it’s hard to get it, why don’t you play it for a few days!”

George explained with a smile!

Play with “? Your idea of ​​yours is really novel!”

Hearing this, Qin Xuan couldn’t help being speechless!

“Senior! You don’t understand this! Now figure out the godhead of the upper gods. After I have a son with [Okay], I can brag to him! Alas…

George raised his head and said, finally, he seemed to think of something, and he couldn’t help but sighed again!

“Uh? What’s the matter?”

Seeing that George was alright, but now he sighed again, he couldn’t help but ask strangely!

“Ah! senior, I knew that when you bet with me last night, I changed the lottery to the main godhead! If I were to refine the main godhead by then, maybe I could become a powerful main god! ”

George sighed, then explained!

“Hehe! You are really greedy! You are not satisfied with getting a higher godhead! You still want the main godhead?”

Hearing that, Qin Xuan couldn’t help but gave him a funny look, and then said Xi!

“Senior! What you said is wrong! Do you think Ha is wrong with the Bull God? You know, the Lord God is the dream of thousands of creatures!”

Seeing this, George also retorted in dissatisfaction!

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