Chapter 414 George is a little dumbfounded!

“Damn it! Did you cheat? Otherwise, why did you catch it so quickly?”

Qin Xuan said unwillingly!

“Cheating? Senior, don’t wrong me. If I cheat, can I hide from you?”

Hearing this, George said hurriedly!

This is a high-level god, if you are suspected of cheating, isn’t it just not there?

“Uh! So too!”

Qin Xuan thought for a while, then nodded!

After finishing speaking, he stopped paying attention to George who was proud next to him, and went on fishing for him!

Next, Lin Lei and the others, who were going to come here to fish, also stopped fishing. Instead, they watched the match between George and Qin Xuan, even the pretty girl next to him!

As time went by like this a little bit, did George’s triumphant laughter and the exclamation of Lin Lei and others come from the lake!

Qin Xuan’s face also darkened bit by bit, and at the same time he began to doubt life a little bit, thinking in his heart, is his own luck really so bad “three, four, three”?

Turning his head and looking to the side to catch another fish, George, who was triumphant, and everyone who exclaimed, Qin Xuan is completely uncomfortable now! Is it because my fishing technology really doesn’t work?

“No! Something must be wrong! My technology can’t be so bad!”

Qin Xuan shook his head and said inwardly!

Up to now, Qin Xuan still refuses to admit his poor fishing technology!

“Senior! Or you still surrender!

At this moment, George looked at Qin Zhan and said! His expression was indescribably triumphant!

“Huh! It is absolutely impossible for me to admit defeat! Before the end, it is not certain who loses and who wins!”

Qin Xuan said in dissatisfaction!

Hearing that, everyone looked at the bucket full of fish next to George, and then looked at Qin Xuan.

“What is the confidence of Tang senior, who dare to say such a thing?”

Everyone can’t help but secretly!

“Ahem! Tang senior! Why don’t you just forget it? Anyway, it’s just a high-ranking god, if you don’t have one, I can give it for you!”

The pretty girl pointed her forehead, then said helplessly!

“What do you mean? I don’t have a higher godhood?”

Hearing this, Qin Xuan glared at her once, and then said!

Seeing Qin Xuan glaring at herself, the pretty girl couldn’t help but shrank her neck, she didn’t dare to speak anymore!

“Uh-huh! That, senior, or forget it! We can’t compare!

Seeing this, George said quickly!

“Why? You look down on me? Compare. We continue to compare! Until the winner is determined!

Qin Xuan’s tough reply!

“Good, good! It’s better, but senior, please tell me the time! After all, I can’t be like you, fishing here for a million years!!

Seeing that Qin Xuan is so tough, George couldn’t help but feel a little helpless, and he couldn’t help but say!

“Ahem! Evening! Let’s try until evening!

Qin Xuan said!


George answered!

Time is in the helplessness of everyone, slowly passing by!


There are four people sitting by the lake!

“How is it possible! I actually caught only one fish today, the one he just caught!

Qin Xuan screamed from the lake, and in the voice, I suddenly couldn’t believe it was true!

“Ha! The time has finally come! For senior, it seems that I won the competition!”

George looked at Qin Xuan with an incredible face, and then said weakly!

At the same time, I swear to myself, “I’m not looking for this senior to try fishing! It’s really torture!”

“Ah! Is the competition over? Then let’s go back! Beibei is up! Let’s go back to eat!”

Seeing this, Lin Lei stood up to move his body, and then said!

After speaking, he also woke up Beibei next to him!

“Ah! Is the comparison over?”

Beibei, who was awakened by Lin Lei and hadn’t recovered yet, asked in a daze at the moment!

“Well! The comparison is over! You can go back!”

Hearing this, George nodded and said!

After speaking, the few people were ready to walk to the Nether Hotel!

“and many more!

Just when Lin Lei and others were about to leave, Qin Xuan’s voice came over again!

“Senior! We can’t compare! Isn’t it OK if I lose? You let me go!

Lin Lei and the others stopped, and George turned and said with a wry smile!

“What do you mean? Am I such a bad guy? Mouth, this is your winning prize!”

Qin Xuan glared at him, then handed him a crystal-like thing!

“This is?”

“Aha! It’s you who won my prize today! Thank you too! I haven’t been so relaxed in a long time!”

Seeing this, Qin Xuan couldn’t help but smiled, and then said!

After speaking, he walked towards the Nether Hotel!

Only the dumbfounded Lin Lei and Bei Bei were left!

Because they don’t know what Qin Xuan means, why do they still thank someone if they lose?

“Well, this thing is really the godhead of the upper gods?

As for George, he didn’t listen to Qin Xuan at all.He has now focused his attention on the crystal-like godhead in his hand!

At this time, Lin Lei and Bei Bei also recovered. Seeing that George was actually biting the godhead with his teeth, Lin Lei couldn’t help but slap him on the back of the head!

“Ah! The third child, why are you hitting me?”

George who was awakened by Lin Lei’s slap, I roared right now!

“Where are you?”

“I’m not trying, is this Godhead?”

George replied!

Hearing that, Lin Lei and Bei Bei couldn’t help but roll their eyes. Did you try the God Test like this? Can you try it out with your teeth?

“Okay! You don’t have to try! That’s a real godhead! Tang senior will not use a fake higher godhead to deceive you!”

Lin Lei said angrily!

I think he met Qin Xuan with Beibei, and even the main godhead, main artifact, and even artifacts higher than the main artifact were taken out.Will he deceive you for the sake of a district’s higher godhood?

“Eh? The third child, you haven’t even watched it. How do you know this is true?”

Hearing that, George was still a little unbelievable, and couldn’t help but ask curiously at the moment!

You know, this is the upper god’s godhead. I think he has come to The Netherworld for so many years, and he hasn’t seen what the upper god’s godhead is like!

Seeing that George didn’t believe it, Lin Lei told how Beibei had bet with Qin Xuan!

“Ah? Didn’t I lose?”

Hearing this, George was a little dumbfounded!

“Asshole! Old third, why didn’t you tell me earlier? With that senior’s fishing technology, I can win him up to the sky!”

George, who felt that he had missed a great opportunity, couldn’t help but glared at Lin Lei, and then asked!

“Idiot! We have reminded you many times! But you simply ignore us!”

At this time, Beibei said angrily without 0.9!

“Have you reminded me? Why don’t I know?”

George thought for a while, then asked!

We “give you so many winks, you don’t even bother, so what can we do?”

Lin Lei replied silently!

“Ah! Winking? What winks are you making? Can you just tell me?”

George cried out angrily!

When I think of this great opportunity, I sneak away from my eyes, and George’s heart hurts!

“Idiot! Do you think we don’t want to tell you directly? But in front of Tang senior, you are giving me ten guts, we dare not say!”

Lin Lei said helplessly!

After speaking, Lin Lei said to Beibei next to him: “Alright! Beibei, let’s go back!


Seeing the two of them go further and further away, George couldn’t help looking at the sky silently, and then shouted: “Heaven! Earth! What did I do wrong? Why are you doing this to me?”

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