Chapter 411 Hogg’s Worry!

After learning the news, after Hogg had breakfast, he pulled Lin Lei into the room, ready to ask him something!

“Lin Lei, the Duke of Padeson of the Finlay Kingdom back then, do you remember? He sent someone to take your mother away. Have you looked for him?”

Hogg couldn’t wait to ask!

“Yeah! Go! And I should kill him myself!”

Lin Lei nodded, then said!

“Then have you asked him why he took your mother away?”

Hogg is very puzzled as to why the Duke of Paterson took Own’s wife for no reason, but he has never had a feud with the Duke of Paterson, so why did he take Own’s wife abducted?

Therefore, Hogg began investigating the matter back then, and in the end he found out that there was a black hand behind the Duke of Padeson, but he was hunted down by Padeson before he could find out, and finally died.

“Yes, the black hand behind him is King Clyde of the Kingdom of Finlay.”

Lin Lei nodded and continued: “Later I killed Clyde in Hess City!”

“Is it King Clyde?

After hearing Lin Lei’s words, Hogg was also shocked immediately.

“Although I killed Clyde, this matter is not over yet. My mother was originally offered by Clyde to the Holy See of Light. The Holy See of Light killed my mother and dedicated her soul to the Lord of Light.”

Without waiting for Hogg’s reaction, Lin Lei continued, his voice was very low, and he seemed to have a great resentment towards the Holy See of Guangming!

“The light governs?”

When Lin Lei mentioned the Lord of Light, Hogg couldn’t keep calm anymore. He exclaimed: “Your mother is just a small person in Magnolia. How could it be possible to involve the Lord of Light?”

Although Hogg has never seen the ruler of light, the people who can be called the ruler are the strongest people at the top of the pyramid in the middle plane. How can such a powerful existence be compared with those in a small plane Parents involved?

“Ah! Because the mother’s soul is very pure! And the angel dominated by the light is transformed through the pure soul. The purer the soul, the stronger the angel will be! Therefore, the light will kill the mother and then kill her Dedicated to the Lord of Light!”

Lin Lei gave a wry smile, and then explained!

Hearing that, Hogg also fell silent. After a while, Hogg raised his head and looked at Lin Lei, and then asked: “Then can you rescue your mother?”

“Oh! It’s difficult! Because once the soul is converted into an angel, it will be erased for a long time, and will be loyal to the Lord of Light! If you want your mother to restore your memory, unless the Lord of Light lets go! Otherwise, there is no other way!”

Lin Lei sighed secretly, and then said slowly!

“Haha, forget it.”

Hogg sighed and said with a smile: “Lin Lei, we father and son can see each other again. I have to thank God already. To be reunited with your mother. That is simply an extravagant hope. You don’t have to think too much, and worry about it.”


Lin Lei looked at Own’s father in surprise and released Lin Lei. But after reading his father’s suicide note, he naturally knew how deep his father’s feelings for his mother were. He didn’t expect that now he would give up?

“Thinking so much farewell, how can things always make Ruyi Scepter?”

At this time, Hogg patted Lin Lei on the shoulder, and then smiled.

Just now, Hogg and Lin Lei, Yale, and George talked enthusiastically about various things in their hometown of Magnolia mainland. After that, Hogg talked about his life in the undead world, and Lin Lei also told about his experiences over the years. Hogg also truly understood the process of Lin Lei’s growth. He was also worried about Lin Lei’s experience of crises again and again, but he also felt a sense of pride in his heart.

However, this smile fell into Lin Lei’s eyes, but it was so bitter.He knew that his father did not want to give up, but was afraid that he was in danger!

But is the danger you can avoid if you want to avoid it? Sometimes the more you avoid it, it just finds you, and Lin Lei can’t help but think of the figure that fate governs Ove, light and Augusta dominate!

“Oh! Lin Lei! Let’s meet Yulan Continent! Never come out again! Your mother’s business, um! Let’s leave it alone!”

At this time, Hogg sighed long, and then said to Lin Lei!

God knows how painful Hogg was when he said this!

On one side is his own wife, on the other side is own son, who knows how much blood he has dripped in his heart when he made this decision!

Hearing this, Lin Lei felt even more uncomfortable. He knew what his father meant and his father’s worries. However, there were some things that you couldn’t hide, so he smiled bitterly and said, “Father! I know what you mean. , But I can’t leave The Netherworld now!”

“What’s the matter? Why can’t you leave The Netherworld? Isn’t it… Is it because you made an agreement with Lord Death to restore our memory?”

Hearing this, Hogg couldn’t help being surprised at the moment, and then asked Lin Lei anxiously!

“Hehe! Father, rest assured! Lord Master did not embarrass me! But I have already offended the Lord of Light! Not only the Lord of Light, but also the Lord of Destiny!”

Lin Lei shook his head, and then explained!


Hearing this, Hogg couldn’t help exclaiming, then looked at Lin Lei and asked, “How can you offend the two masters? If they attack you, what can you do?”


At the moment, Lin Lei told him about his participation in the face-to-face war and how to offend the Lord of Destiny and the Lord of Light!

“Then what should I do now?”

After hearing his son’s explanation, Hogg also looked at him worriedly!

“Father! Don’t worry! The destiny is due to Face won’t take action against a small person like me, and the light governor does not have the guts yet, come to The Netherworld to make a shot at my feast (okay)! I won’t do it myself!”

“It’s just! It’s hard for me to get out of The Netherworld! Once I get out of The Netherworld! The Lord of Light will be able to shoot at me without any scruples!”

Seeing Hogg looking at him worriedly, Lin Lei couldn’t help but smile immediately, and then explained!

“That said, but this is not a long-term solution!

Although he knew that his son would not be in danger as long as he stayed in The Netherworld, Hogg said worriedly!

“Father! Just leave it alone! I will take care of it!

Seeing this, Lin Lei shook his head, and then said West!

Having said this, a golden light flashed in Lin Lei’s eyes!

“As long as you wait for a period of time, it will be a period of time! I can appear in front of everyone in an upright manner. At that time, as long as my destiny does not do anything to myself, I will not be in danger!”

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