Chapter 410: Finally Reunited!

“If it’s not, you can be quiet!”

Seeing this, Lin Lei said angrily!

Just when George was still trying to refute, Lin Lei suddenly felt that a group of people was flying towards him in the distance!

After taking a closer look, Lin Lei found that these people’s breaths were very familiar, and immediately said, “Second, don’t make a noise! ​​They are here!”

“What’s coming? Is it your father and Yale boss?”

Hearing this, George was stunned immediately, and then asked excitedly!

“What do you say!”

At this time, the group of people came not far from Lin Lei and George, and then stopped!

Second child “, third child. Why are you here?”

As soon as Yale arrived, he was madly surprised when he saw Lin Lei and George.

“Yale boss.”

Lin Lei and George couldn’t help but greet them, and the three brothers gave a hug. Then Yale could not help crying when he thought of the suffering he had suffered for so many years.

“It surprised me that!

Yale’s eyes were moist, but his face was full of excitement and smiles. At the moment, he couldn’t help but sigh 06 and said: “I thought it would be over if I died, but who would think that a dead soul of me can restore the memories of previous lives and be brought here specially. Our three brothers will get together again. Third, I have to thank you for giving me hope again, extending the hope of my Dawson family, the hope of revenge!”

“The Netherworld is full of crises. My cultivation was in a trance, and I died shortly after entering The Netherworld area. Fortunately, I was vigilant and left the sanctuary in the undead world. I thought that I would end my life in the panic of killing. , Lei, thank you.

Dixie, who was next to him, was also embarrassed!

At the Ernst Academy of Magic, Dixie and Lin Lei were also called double stars of the Academy.

And now…

That young magician, however, has a great influence, and he can even act as a master.

“Father, mother!”

At this time, Lin Lei heard Beibei cheering and followed her reputation. At this moment, there was a couple standing beside Beibei. They were Beibei’s parents, and Beibei’s mother was very kind, wearing a purple robe. The Killing intent between Beibei’s father’s eyebrows was very heavy, and the whole person seemed very cold. But at this moment, he also showed a smile.

Seeing this, Lin Lei couldn’t help but show a smile on his face!

Suddenly, Lin Lei seemed to feel something, the whole person was also stunned, and then raised his head excitedly and looked towards the sky, but in a blink of an eye, the person had disappeared!

the other side

Hogg and the baby-faced boy appeared in the mid-air not far from the Nether Hotel. At this time, a phantom flashed across the sky, and the speed also frightened the baby-faced boy. The phantom condensed into entities.


Hogg looked closely at the person in front of him.

Wearing a sky blue robe, brown hair and long hair, that face still has the shadow of the past.

“he is?”

But Hogg didn’t dare to recognize it. He felt that the speed of the person in front of him was teleporting just now. At such a speed, even the seven-star demon next to him couldn’t do it. Such a master, could he be his son?

“You, are you Lord Lin Lei?

When he saw the incoming person clearly, the baby-faced boy was also a little frightened, and he couldn’t help but shout at the moment!

But Lin Lei has no time to pay attention to him now, staring at Hogg next to him with his eyes!

Scenes emerge in my mind…

Father’s strength and loneliness, at that time, he cared for Lin Lei and Wharton’s two children

The request of his father to Lin Lei, he hoped that Lin Lei would be slaughtered by the sword…

The suffering in my father’s heart can only be endured alone

When his father died, only the suicide note was left. Only then did Lin Lei know his father’s suffering…

Lin Lei stared at the man in front of him, his eyes moist with excitement.


Lin Lei shouted.

Ge couldn’t believe that he looked at the person in front of him.When he died, Lin Lei was still a teenager.Although he can still vaguely see what Lin Lei looked like back then, no matter his temperament or other things, Lin Lei is now the Dzogchen upper god, compared to his boyhood. The changes are too great.

“Lin Lei? Yes, it’s you?

Trige couldn’t help being shocked and excited, and looked at Lin Lei carefully.

“It’s me, father!”

Lin Lei couldn’t control himself, tears flowed down.

At this moment, a group of people including Yale, George, and Beibei were all in the distance, smiling, watching the father and son meet again after many years.

“What! Hogg is Lord Lin Lei’s father?”

After hearing Lin Lei’s words, the baby-faced boy couldn’t help but exclaimed!

He also only gave the order of Lord Death to take Hogg over. He didn’t know anything else, but he didn’t expect that the Hogg he took over was actually the famous man who killed the god Lin Lei in the face-to-face war. Father, how can this not scare him!

At the same time, he couldn’t help but feel a little grateful in his heart. Fortunately, he didn’t look down on Hogg because he was a Sacred Cultivation Base. Otherwise, Master Lin Lei knew about this. Then he didn’t hate himself, and he would be finished. NS!

“I have seen Master Lin Lei!”

Thinking of this, the baby-faced boy hurriedly bowed to Lin Lei and saluted!

“Yeah! No gift!

Lin Lei is in a particularly good mood now, so he nodded at him immediately, and then 343 smiled!

“Um? Lin Lei, what’s the matter?”

Hogg, who was next to him, saw this scene, and felt a little emotional, and asked inexplicably at the moment!

“Aha! Father, I asked Master Master to restore your memory, and then you picked it up! I think he should be the one sent by Master Master to pick you up!”

Lin Lei explained with a smile!

“Okay! You have to go back and return to Lord Master, I won’t keep you!”

After his father like Own finished explaining, Lin Lei waved his hand at the baby-faced boy and said!

“So! Lord Lin Lei, then I will leave first!”

After speaking, the baby-faced boy didn’t dare to stay too much, turned around and left quickly!

“Father, go, let’s stop outside, go to the Nether Hotel and speak slowly.”

After everyone had finished eating, Lin Lei gave everyone a room in the Nether Hotel!

In one room, Lin Lei and Hogg sat facing each other!

In the chat with everyone just now, Hogg also knew that his son is now a powerful existence!

What is the Dzogchen High-Rank God? Among all the planes, there are many gods, and that is in units of trillions, and the Dzogchen High-Rank God is also the top existence of this god!,

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