Chapter 412 Qin Xuan finally:…

On this day, Lin Lei and Own’s father Hogg talked all night, and when the day was about to dawn, Hogg went back to Own room!

the next day!

Lin Lei just walked out of the Nether Hotel when he saw a blond man walking towards him, and this blond man was going to pick up George’s Beverly!

“I have seen Master Lin Lei!”

Beverly came to Lin Lei and called out respectfully!

“Hey! Here you are! Come in with me!”

Seeing this, Lin Lei nodded with Beverly, and then motioned for him to come in with him!

Although Lin Lei didn’t know what was going on calling him to come, Beverly still followed!

Lin Lei’s room!

“Master Lin Lei! I don’t know if you call me here, what’s the point?”

After Lin Lei sat down, Beverly asked cautiously!

Can you not be careful? The one in front of you is a famous killer! The reason why you can win this face war in The Netherworld is because of this killer!

He didn’t know how much blood of the gods was on his hands, and even the blood of the palace chief was not a minority!

“Aha! Relax, I am calling you here this time, mainly because there is one thing for you to help!”

Seeing Beverly looking at him nervously, Lin Lei couldn’t help but smiled, and then said!

“Huh! Lord Lin Lei! If you have anything to tell you, just say it! Even if it’s going up to the sword and down to the sea of ​​flames, I will die!”

After hearing Lin Lei’s explanation, Beverly finally breathed a sigh of relief, and couldn’t help but pat his chest to say!

“Aha! It’s not that exaggerated! I only want you to go to a place, notify someone, and let him come to The Netherworld!”

Hearing this, Lin Lei couldn’t help but shook his head, and then said with a smile! At the end, there was a flash of light in his eyes!

“Master Lin Lei, where is the person you told me to inform?”

“Magnolia continent!

Lin Lei narrowed his eyes, then said word by word!

“When you arrive at the Magnolia Continent, you are like this… and then like this,

“Master Lin Lei, don’t worry, I will definitely bring your words!”

Beverly promised!

The Magnolia Continent is just a physical aspect. In that physical aspect, the Spiritual Qi is thin, and the laws are even more difficult to comprehend. Therefore, the person inside is the highest god, and his own seven-star demon is definitely there. The existence of invincibility, so, at Beverly, there is no worry at all, what dangers will be in there!

“Aha! Then I will wait for your good news! Don’t worry, when you come back, your benefits will be indispensable!”

Hearing this, Lin Lei nodded and said while standing!

“It’s so mocking! Lord Lin Lei, just wait for my good news!”

Beverly replied with a smile too!

After speaking, Beverly turned and walked out of the room, and then wanted to fly outside!

Looking at Beverly’s disappearing back (agaj) shadow, Lin Lei couldn’t help but sighed, and finally shook his head helplessly, and then walked out of the room!

Outside the Nether Hotel!

“Hey! Beibei, where are you going?”

As soon as he walked out of the Nether Hotel, Lin Lei saw Beibei and his parents, as well as George and Yale, the house, and asked curiously!

“Hehe! Boss! I’m planning to take them to the lake for fishing!

Beibei smiled and replied!

“Yeah! The third child, I just went to see you, and saw that your door was closed tightly. I thought you hadn’t gotten up yet, so I didn’t call you! How about you come together?”

When George next to him saw Lin Lei, he also explained with a smile!

“Aha! OK! Anyway, it’s okay now, I’ll be with you!”

Hearing this, Lin Lei also smiled and replied!

“Huh? Lin Lei, where are you going?”

At this time, Hogg also came out!

“Hehe! We are about to go fishing in the lake!”

Beibei repeated the words just now!

“Father! Or you go with us too! Act as a relaxation!”

Lin Lei Ben Hogg said!

“Fishing? Good!”

Hearing that, Hogg was also taken aback, and then he nodded cheerfully!

From childhood to adulthood, Hogg has been supervising himself, let himself work hard to cultivate, and never relax for a moment, there is no leisure time!

You know, in the former Magnolia continent, the own family was also the top existence. At that time, the dragon blood warriors of the Baruch family, the undead warriors of the Hyde family, the purple flame warriors of the Amanda family, and the tiger warriors of the Boley family, In the Magnolia Continent, they were called the four ultimate fighters, but they fell for some reason later!

But even so, it is still a more famous existence, and Hogg has been inspiring since he was a child, restoring the reputation of the dragon blood warrior back then, but his own talent is limited, and he did not succeed in the end!

But after having Lin Lei and Wharton, Hogg pinned his hopes on them, so he can be more strict with the two brothers of Lin Lei. In the end, Lin Lei did not let him down, but let him know Dao heart wish!

When a group of Lin Lei came to the lake, they saw Qin Xuan and the pretty girl were already fishing here!.

“Lin Lei Beibei has met Tang senior! He has met Lord Sovereign!”

Lin Lei and Bei Bei saw Qin Xuan and they bowed in salute to them!

Qin Xuan turned his head and they smiled, and then turned his head again and stared at the lake, to be precise, staring at the fish floats on the lake!

“Woo! Why did Lin Lei come to the lake to fish in such a leisurely day! Are these people the ones who restored the memory of your deity? Don’t call it the master, just call me the lady boss!”

The pretty girl turned her head, looked at everyone with a smile, and then joked at Lin Lei!


The people next to Lin Lei were stunned when they heard Lin Lei and Bei Bei call this girl the master!

The title of Domination is only one in The Netherworld, so the identity of this red-haired girl will soon be revealed? Who else is there besides the Death Dominator?

Originally, they thought that the ruler should be exuding a high aura, but the pretty girl with red hair in front of them feels like a little girl leading the house, and it doesn’t look like one at all, controlling The Netherworld. The death master of billions of creatures!

Although everyone felt that the master had already entered and departed, there was some contrast, but if Lin Lei and Beibei both called them that way, then they must not be wrong. Everyone hurriedly shouted: “I have seen Master Domination!”

“Ah! No need to be polite! And I am not the ruler, I am just the god clone of the Death ruler. You should call me the boss lady! Because the Nether Hotel you are staying in now is mine!”

Seeing this, the pretty girl couldn’t help but smiled at everyone, and then explained!


Everyone didn’t know how to answer for a while, so they had to turn their heads and look at Lin next to him!

Seeing this, Lin Lei had no choice but to nodded at everyone!

“Ha ha!”

At this time, a laugh interrupted everyone’s thinking!

Following the reputation, I saw Qin Xuan laughing there, with a fishing rod in his hand, and a slap-sized fish hanging on the hook!

“Haha! More than a million years! I finally fell to a normal fish!”

Qin Xuan laughed excitedly, as if he had done something extraordinary!

This can’t be blamed on Qin Xuan. Although his Cultivation Base is terribly high, he really has no talent for fishing. Although he usually catches fish, the biggest one is only as big as a finger. He caught the biggest fish for the first time, of course, without the premise of Magic power!

Hearing that, everyone’s foreheads couldn’t help but feel dissatisfied with the black line!

“Is this Tang senior really a second-second, what is it? Why would I think so?!

Pretty girl, Lin Lei, Beibei secretly said!

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