Chapter 407: Hogg Baruch

the other side!

A place in The Netherworld!

The sky is dim, black earth wine.

This is the Ashbel Wilderness in the northern part of the undead world. Skeleton groups and zombie groups can also be seen on the wasteland. Most of the undead are group activities, and there are very few who dare to act alone.

Suddenly, the zombies that came slowly turned their heads and looked in one direction.

There was a rhythmic vibration from the ground.


A golden retriever zombie raised its hair and roared, and the entire zombie group immediately began to move quickly, but in just a moment, more than a dozen black shadows galloped over from the distant earth, these more than a dozen black shadows are the more powerful black knights among the undead. .

The weakest of the Black Knights is the fifth-level undead.

The black knight team had a total of nineteen people, but the head of the man was wearing a blood-red armor, his face was also covered by a mask, and his stern gaze swept around through the mask. Those weak and small undead had been scared to flee long ago, and they could chase at the speed of the black knight.


Suddenly, the headed black knight raised his head and roared, seeming to vent something.

The eighteen black knights behind him are all puzzled by 343. Their lord is a powerful sanctuary black knight. He is also a king-level figure in the undead world. knight. But today, this emperor led the black knights under his command to run wildly on this plain.

It seems to be running around like venting!

“Okay, let’s go back.” After venting for a while, the black knight leader suddenly turned his head and said indifferently to the 18 black knights behind him!

“Yes, my lord.

Although the eighteen black knights didn’t understand, they still responded respectfully!

After that, the nineteen black knights ran along the way home again. In the Ashbell Wasteland, every sanctuary is considered a peak powerhouse, and this black knight is one of the newly emerging powerhouses in this wasteland.

“I, I actually restored my previous life memory, what’s the matter?” The black knight leader was shocked and puzzled.

“Me, can I return to the Magnolia Continent plane again?” The Black Knight leader said silently in his heart.

“My sons, Lin Lei and Wo. How are they doing now? In the past two thousand years, did they become the sanctuary dragon blood warriors, or did they not reach the sanctuary. Are they undead?” The black knight leader is very complicated in his heart. Since he knew the memory, he hasn’t stopped for a moment.

The leader of the black knight is Lin Lei’s father, Hog Baruch.!

At the Black Knight Castle, Hogg, still wearing blood-colored armor, sat on the top of the castle, looking up at the dim sky, but the thoughts in his heart did not know where it was floating!

Just when Hogg was absent-minded, suddenly a figure flew from the south at great speed.


When this figure was about to approach the castle, Hogg also felt it, and stood up immediately.


The incoming person dived directly, very fast.

“who is it!

Hogg looked up, then let out a low whine, then rushed out!


After hearing Hogg’s low drink, almost at the same time, a large number of black knights in the castle stood up.

“Ha ha..

After hearing Hogg’s shout, the figure finally stopped, just floating above the castle!

Seeing Hogg rushing out, the figure laughed, and at the same time a terrible coercion came from the person. The powerful divine might instantly covered the entire castle, and all the black knights in the castle felt like the end is coming, one by one knelt down in horror, that was an absolute gap in level.

Even the Hogg who rushed out was almost suppressed under this powerful pressure, but the pressure came and went quickly, and after a moment, he disappeared without a trace. !

At this time, Hogg finally raised his head and saw the appearance of the incoming person, and saw that he was a boy with a baby face!

At this moment, the boy with the baby face suddenly called Hogg: “Hogg?”

Hearing this, Hogg couldn’t help being surprised. You know, he didn’t even know his name was Hogg until he recovered his memory.

Therefore, in Hogg’s view, apart from himself, nobody in this world probably knows his true identity. But the baby-faced boy in front of him actually called out his name directly, how could this not make Hogg frightened!

Master Beirut actually has a godhead? “Who are you?”

Although Hogg was shocked, he still didn’t forget to shout in front of the baby’s face!

“Are you called Hogg Baruch?”

But the boy didn’t answer his words at all, instead asked him directly!

“Yes. My name is Hogg! Are you recovering my memory?”

Hearing that, Hogg also nodded, and then admitted!

Although I don’t know what this young man came to do with him, he can still feel an extremely powerful aura from this young man. For such a powerfulness, Hogg also knows that it is impossible for him to hide it from him. It’s better to admit it directly!

“Ah! I don’t have the ability to restore your memory. To restore the memory of the undead, only masters have the ability!”

Seeing Hogg confessed, the baby-faced boy finally laughed, and said!


Hearing this, Hogg’s brows couldn’t help but frowned. How could he not know the Dominator, but why did the Dominator restore his own memory?

“Okay! Since you are Hogg! Come with me!”

Before Hoggard thought, he heard the baby-faced boy say!

“Masters dominate…

Before Hogg had time to refute, a divine power directly restrained him, and the young man forced Hogg abducted like this and hurried to the south.

During the fast flight, the young man was still muttering: “This undead is so far away. It is far enough to get here from The Netherworld, and then to Nether Mountain.”

In the castle, the black knights didn’t even react, they saw the leader of own being taken away, but there was nothing they could do, and they could only watch all this in amazement!

“What shall we do now?

After recovering, one of the black knights suddenly said!

“What can you do? That person is so strong. We might not be his opponent if we go together. It’s better to wait here for the leader to come back. Think about it, the strong man did not attack the leader just now. I think there should be a stronger person to meet. The boss! So, there shouldn’t be any danger for the boss!”

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