Chapter 408 Lin Lei: What!

The other black knight also said at this time!

“So! Then let’s go back and wait for the leader to return!”

After speaking, the black knights walked towards the inside of the castle!

On this day, the same thing happened in several places in The Netherworld!

Whether it is Lin Lei’s father, or Yale, George, Dixie and others. Including Beibei’s parents, they were all taken away by Death dominator arrangements.

Nether Mountain

The lakeside of the Nether Hotel.

“Senior! Do you have a way to make me break through the realm of the master god?”

Lin Lei looked at Qin Xuan who was fishing next to him, and then asked!

“Breakthrough the main god Realm?

Hearing that, Qin Xuan gave him a different look, and then continued: “Is Lord Death telling you?”

“Death dominates this little Nizi always likes to trouble me!”

Seeing Lin Lei’s admission, Qin Xuan couldn’t help but break a sentence!

“Little Nizi?”

After hearing Qin Xuan’s mutter, a black line appeared on the alternative forehead!

Lin Lei still knows a little bit about Lord Death, Lord Death is the first creature born in The Netherworld, but this Tang senior actually calls her Xiao Nizi, how can this not shock Lin Lei!

“Boy! What you should be cultivating is, earth, fire and phoenix, water, four elements of law!”

Qin Xuan didn’t care about Lin Lei’s shock, but directly asked him!

“Yeah! I really cultivate the four laws of land, fire, wind, and water!”

Hearing this, Lin Lei nodded and said!

At the same time, Lin Lei was also very shocked, shocked that this Tang senior could see his details at a glance!

“I can let you break through the realm, but your future achievements will stop at this! At that time, let alone defeat the ruler of light, Augusta, I am afraid that you can’t even beat a middle-ranked god. !So, do you still want me to help you?

Qin Xuan continued!

Hearing this, Lin Lei’s expression became stiff involuntarily, and his heart suddenly became tangled!

“Huh! So, then you don’t have to trouble senior!”

After pondering for a while, Lin Lei raised his head and said slowly!

For the arrogant Lin Lei, let him stop at the main god Realm forever, how can this make him bear it!

You know, Own mother is still subject to the light dominates Augusta. If she stops at the main god Cultivation Base forever, how can I defeat the light dominates Augusta and save Own mother?

“Senior! Do you know how to make my boss improve the Cultivation Base quickly? Of course, it’s not the kind with sequelae!

At this time, Bei Bei also suddenly asked Qin Xuan!

“I know! Then refine the Lord Godhead!”

Hearing that, Qin Xuan said without thinking about it!

This senior, why do you say so easily about the refining master godhead?

Who doesn’t know this method? But before becoming the main god, who can be the opponent of the main god, let alone kill the main god and refine his main godhead!

Apart from “this method, are there other ways?”

Beibei still asked unwillingly!

“there is none left!”

Qin Xuan said without looking back!

Hearing this, Lin Lei’s expression suddenly became a little sad!

The reason Lin Lei wanted to become the Lord God so quickly was mainly to have a trace of self-preservation. You know, he has offended Ove, the ruler of fate, and Augusta, the ruler of light!

I am afraid that as soon as I leave The Netherworld, these two people will come to the door.Although the Death Lord once said that the Fate Lord Ov may be hindered by Face and will not take it personally, but the Light Lord Augusta will not be like this!

I am afraid that as soon as I leave The Netherworld, Augusta, the ruler of light, will directly shoot at me. Since my current Cultivation Base is no longer ruled by the light, I am afraid that it is a lower god who has come, so I will stop cooking directly. Don’t say that I rescued my mother, I’m afraid it is still a matter of whether I can live or not!

“That’s right! Lin Fu forgot to tell you! Beirut seems to have two main gods in his hands!

At this moment, Qin Xuan suddenly said to the two of them!

“What? Master Beirut has two main gods in his hands?”

Upon hearing this, Lin Lei and Bei Bei couldn’t help but exclaimed!

“Well! He does have an earth element, a water element, and two main godheads in his hands!”

Qin Xuan nodded again, then said affirmatively!

“But since Master Beirut has a nominative personality, why doesn’t he refine the main godhead to become the main god?”

0……Look for flowers…………

Lin Lei asked puzzledly!

“Because he is the main god! Why refining the main godhead?”

Qin Xuan gave the two of them a white look, and then said!

“What! Master Beirut is actually the main god?”

Upon hearing this, the two cried out again!

“Beirut is the main god. Didn’t I tell you the last time? Why are you still asking me now?”

Qin Xuan glared at the two of them, and then said!

“Um! Senior, did you say it? But… maybe we forgot!”

Seeing Qin Xuan glaring at both of them, Lin Lei and Beibei suddenly became a little embarrassed!

At this time, they also want to say that it seems that the Tang senior did mention it last time, but the two of them didn’t care too much!

“Yeah! I’ve told you the way! As for how to contact Beirut, that’s your business! Okay, you two can get out of here! Don’t bother me fishing, you know?”

Seeing this, Qin Xuan waved to the two impatiently, and then said!

“Yes! We know!”

Hearing that, the two responded quickly!

After that, Lin Lei and Bei Bei ran away rolling and crawling!

“These two boys don’t show them any color, they have developed dependence, and they have to rely on others for everything!”

Looking at Lin Lei and Beibei who left, Qin Xuan couldn’t help but shook his head, and then said!

“Cut! I think senior you are just lazy! You are so righteous!”

When the pretty girl next to her heard it, she also scratched her mouth in disdain, and then said angrily!

Hearing this, Qin Zhan’s expression froze, then turned his head to continue fishing, ignoring it!

the other side!

“Huh! I didn’t expect Tang senior to start a fire, it is so terrible! I just felt like my own heart was about to jump out!”

After leaving the lake, Beibei turned her head to look at the lake with lingering fears, then patted own chest and said!

Thinking of Qin Xuan’s drink just now, Beibei only felt boundless pressure, and suddenly the whole world seemed to lose its color, as if she had been isolated and abandoned by this world, and seemed out of place with this world! Nine!

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