Chapter 406 Death Master: If you want to breakthrough, go to Tang senior!

“You are now the upper god of Dzogchen. If you want Ascension, you can only become the main god. If you want to come to Tang senior, you should come back! You go to him, maybe he has a way to make you breakthrough the main god Realm!

When the two of them left the palace, suddenly the voice of Lord Death came over, and Lin Lei suddenly paused, and then continued to walk forward!

The Netherworld, Beimu Mansion, the robber’s lair of the Eighteen Mountains, one of the veins.

The dark cloud in the shape of a black dragon shrouded the night sky, and the bloody demon moon could be faintly seen from the gap in the cloud.

George was at the window of his house at the moment, looking up at the Scarlet Demon Moon.

“The accumulation of land and money is almost enough to buy a house in the city.” George was thinking in his heart. “The most important thing now is to seize the opportunity to go to the city. Well, three months later, people in the mountains will be sent to the city to sell some of the looted items, just three months later!”

George has been waiting silently, without arrogance or impetuosity, although he is the housekeeper in the bandit gang, and he is responsible for allocating the finances.

But George didn’t dare to be too greedy. However, George has been in officialdom for so many years. Most of these people who only know how to cultivate and fight, and don’t know anything about finances, are also very easy to manage. For so many years, within this band of robbers. To George, I still like it very much.

In their eyes. The butler was generous and fair in distributing property, which convinced everyone.

At this moment, a voice came from outside, and George frowned involuntarily, and then walked outside!

When he saw that he was a brawny bald man outside, George arched his cupped hands and asked strangely: “Boss! What’s the matter! So anxious?”

“Steward George! The chieftain is coming to us, and he also called to see you! Wait for you to greet me!” the bald man explained!

“Huh? Boss! Do you know why the Chieftain wants to see me?”

Hearing that, George frowned involuntarily. It seemed that he didn’t have any intersection with the chieftain. How could he call me by name? Now George couldn’t help but ask in confusion!

“I don’t know about that! I also received a notice just now that the Chieftain is coming here and called to see you!

The brawny bald man shook his head, and said with a puzzled expression!

“Forget it! After you see the chief, don’t you know?”

Although he was puzzled in his heart, he could only temporarily suppress it, and then said to the bald man: “Boss! Then let’s go! lest the Chieftain wait a long time!”

Therefore, the two of them walked outside!

After waiting outside for a while, George saw the bearded dwarf and a blond man in purple robes walking towards him. George knew the bearded dwarf. He is Cleopatra, the leader of the Eighteen Mountains!

“I have seen the Chieftain! and this lord!”

Seeing the two, George and the bald man hurriedly bowed and called!

“Yeah! This one next to me is the Seven Star Demon Beverly.” The bearded dwarf nodded at the two, and then said to them.

“Meet Master Beverly!”

Hearing this, the two bowed and saluted again!

“Yeah! No courtesy. Your name is George, right?”

The blond man named Beverly also nodded to the two of them, and then looked at George next to him and asked! Seeing George admitted that Beverly’s indifferent expression finally showed a smile, and then continued to ask: ” , Is it from the Magnolia Continent?”

“Uh… yes! How did you know your lord?”

Hearing this, George was taken aback for a moment, and then asked suspiciously!

“You don’t need to know this! You admit it, then come with me!”

Beverly nodded, and then said!

“Dare to ask Lord Beverly, what is he going to do to take George away?” But the brawny bald man continued, for so many years. George acts as a butler. He was very satisfied. Everything is done in an orderly manner, and he doesn’t need to worry about it. Really reluctant to let George go.

Beverly, the blond man in a purple robe, frowned.

“Old twelve.”

Seeing this, the bearded dwarf beside him could not help but yelled.

Chief “. Just let me go with him. There shouldn’t be any danger! I am such a small person, it shouldn’t be worthy of Master Beverly to come and find him personally!”

George also felt that the brawny man with the laser head stood up at this time, but he knew it. Seven-star demon’s request, this band of robbers dare not go against it.


The brawny bald man looked at him, patted George on the shoulder, and George squeezed out a smile. At this moment, George didn’t feel like: “After preparing for so many years, I am about to go to the city. Why is someone suddenly taking me away? This way. The future is unpredictable. It seems that it is even more difficult to reunite with the third child. NS.”

“Don’t worry, this is not a bad thing. Master Master wants to see you! I am only responsible for taking you to see Master Master!”

Seeing that the two of them seemed to be separated from each other, Beverly, the blond man in purple robe, couldn’t help but give them a look, and then said indifferently.

“What! Lord Master wants to see George?”

Hearing that, the chieftain next to him and the bald-headed man couldn’t help exclaiming!

After exclaiming, he looked at George with excitement!

Although they are a group of bandits with little strength, they still know how to dominate them.Only the controller of The Netherworld, Death, dominates them!

Others may not be able to see the master once in their entire life, and now, the master actually wants to meet George, no matter what the reason, it is a great thing for George to let the master meet!

“The one who sees me is the master (okay, okay)?”

Even George himself was short-circuited after listening to Beverly’s words.

“Master Willy! Do you know why Lord Master received me?

George looked at Beverly, and then asked cautiously!

“I don’t know about this! I just know that errands, only obey the command of the master, and take you to see her, I don’t know anything else!”

Beverly shook his head, then replied!

“Okay! Come with me now! Don’t let Master Master wait for a long time!”


Hearing this, George shook his head, and then replied!

After finishing speaking, I saw Beverly wave his hand, he directly took George into the air, and then disappeared into the west of the sky!

Only the tranced leader and the bald brawny are left!.

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