Chapter 405

“Thank you Big Sister!

Hearing that, Vivia was cautious at the moment, putting away the gray ball of light in Lord Death’s hand, and then thanked her!

“With our relationship, how can you thank you! Okay! Then you go to Closed Door Training first!

The Death ruler gave her a white look, and then said angrily!

“Yeah! Then Big Sister, I will go to Closed Door Training first, and strive to be able to cultivate into Chaos Body as soon as possible!”

“Yeah! Go!”

Seeing that Vivia, the master of life, had gone to Closed Door Training, Lord Death turned her head and looked at the periphery of Nether Mountain. Her eyes seemed to penetrate the space, and she immediately saw Lin Lei who was cultivating in the Nether Hotel, and then spoke. “Lin Lei! Come see me soon!”

And Lin Lei, who was cultivating, suddenly shook his body and stood up abruptly, and then said to Beibei next to him: “Bebe! Lord Death is back, let’s see her!

“What, Lord Master is back! Boss, what are we waiting for, don’t hurry up to see Master Master 06!”

Hearing Lin Lei’s call, Beibei opened her eyes sharply. After hearing Lin Lei’s words, she hurriedly said!

After speaking, they walked outside the Nether Hotel where they left the Nether Hotel, and the two rushed towards the depths of the Nether Mountain!

After a while, Lin Lei and Bei Bei arrived at the palace on the top of Nether Mountain!

“come in!

At this time, a voice came into the ears of the two!

Hearing that, the two did not hesitate, and immediately walked into the palace!

“Lin Lei (Bebe) has seen Death Lord Lord!!

After seeing Lord Death, the two hurriedly saluted!

“Hey! Get up!”

Seeing this, Lord Death also nodded, indicating that they don’t need to be polite!

“Lin Lei, Beibei! Your merits have been counted! Based on your merits in the face-to-face war, I can give you three main artifacts! Let’s say, what type of main artifacts do you want?”

After seeing the two get up, Lord Death said with a smile!

This time the face-to-face war between Wu Jie and Tian Jie, the reason why Lin Lei and Bei Bei were able to win was also a great contribution. Netherworld won’t win either!

So I am quite satisfied with the two, the Death master!

“Back to Master! I want an attack-type main artifact, a soul-type defense main artifact, and a defensive main artifact!”

Hearing this, Lin Lei and Bei Bei couldn’t help but smile, and after some eye contact, Lin Lei spoke!

Looking at the ring, there are actually so many Heavenly and Mortal Treasures, Lin Lei couldn’t help but said in doubt: “Master! These are…

“Aha! You have a lot of credit for winning The Netherworld this time. I will reward you with these Heavenly and Mortal Treasures!

Lord Death said with a smile!

“So, then Lin Lei would like to thank Master Domination!”

Hearing this, Lin Lei understood her meaning at once, and said without delay at the moment!

“Yeah! By the way, dominate your lord, I don’t know what my father is doing now?”

At this moment, Lin Lei seemed to think of something, and couldn’t help asking now!

“They! I, I have sent someone to pick them up, I think it won’t be long before I can reach Nether Mountain!”

Hearing that, the Death dominator groaned for a while, and then said!

“Lin Lei, since I have already sent the reward to you! Then you go down first! As for your father and the others, I will let someone bring it directly to you!

Lord Death said again!

“Yes! Master master! Beibei and I will leave first!”

Hearing this, Lin Lei arched his cupped hands towards the Death Lord, and then responded!

After speaking, they were ready to turn around and leave with Beibei!

“and many more!”

Just as Lin Lei and Beibei turned around and were about to leave, Lord Death seemed to have thought of something, and immediately stopped them!

Hearing this, Lin Lei and Bei Bei stopped again, and then looked at Lord Death with puzzled faces!

“Lin Lei! In the face-to-face war, did you get a supreme artifact? And, the supreme artifact is still in your hands?”

Seeing the doubts of the two, Lord Death couldn’t help but say!

Hearing this, Lin Lei couldn’t help but be surprised, and now he couldn’t help but watch Death Lord with vigilance!

“Don’t worry! I won’t grab your supreme artifact! What’s more, I changed this supreme artifact to Ove back then!”

Seeing this, Lord Death couldn’t help but smiled, and then said!

“What! This supreme artifact is the master? But the master, why did you change it to Ov, the master of fate?”

When I heard that Lord Death would not rob himself, Lin Lei and Beibei couldn’t help but heaved a sigh of relief for the supreme artifact obtained from the war of face position, but when they heard that this supreme artifact was once dominated by Death, it has been replaced. After fate dominates Ootian, the two can’t help but exclaim!

I am even more puzzled. You must know that the supreme artifact is the most powerful artifact so far. It is not comparable to the main artifact, but it is such a powerful artifact. The Death ruler has been replaced. How can it not let them 327 Doubt!

“Aha! As for why I switched to Off, you don’t need to know that, I do it naturally. My reason! It made the two of them puzzled, and Lord Death didn’t explain it, but said with a smile!

“Huh! The return ticket dominates your lord, that supreme artifact is indeed in my hands now!”

After hearing Lord Death’s words, Lin Lei was not entangled either, he exhaled at the moment, then nodded and said!

“Sure enough! Since the supreme artifact is still in your hands, you’d better be careful when you go out. Although Off will not do it on you personally because of Face, Augusta will not care about Face. Ah!”

Hearing this, Lord Death nodded, and then said to the two!

“Augusta? Does the light rule Augusta?”

After listening to Lord Death’s explanation, Lin Lei flashed a cold light in his eyes, and then continued: “Don’t worry, Lord Lord, I will be careful!

“Yeah! So then you go down first!”

Seeing that Lin Lei understood the meaning of own, Lord Death waved his hands to the two of them, indicating that they could leave!

Hearing this, Lin Lei and Bei Bei turned around and walked out towards the palace!

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