Chapter 383 The horror of the seven main gods of The Netherworld!

Indeed, as the pretty girl thought, not only the pretty girl thought of it, but her deity, Death Lord, also thought of this.Now that she can have such a Cultivation Base, it is indeed from the mysterious Tang senior’s hands!

If it weren’t for him, he is still a person who dominates the Cultivation Base, and he has no chance to surpass the possibility of this world!

In this world, the Supreme God is not a Realm, but it is indeed a ditch. As long as you exceed the Supreme God Cultivation Base, you can see the essence of this world and detach from this world!

Bridget “Thanks to Tang senior! If it weren’t for Tang senior, Bridget was still ignorant and would never be able to get out of this world!”

Lord Death bowed respectfully to Qin Xuan, and said gratefully!

“Haha! This is your own effort! You don’t have to thank me! The reason why I helped you is also for your own purpose!”

Hearing this, Qin Xuan couldn’t help but laughed, then waved her hand and said!

“Regardless of the senior’s purpose and purpose, it does help me! So, thank you for what I have to say anyway!”

After hearing Qin Xuan’s words, Lord Death still shook his head, and said with a serious face!

“Uh! It’s up to you!”

Seeing Death dominator’s face looks serious, Qin Xuan also shrugged helplessly!

By the way! This time your breakthrough caused a lot of movement, so now the entire Nether Mountain outside should be overcrowded, you should solve these people first!

Hearing that, Lord Death couldn’t help frowning, and then released Divine Sense. In an instant, he saw countless people surrounding the entire Nether Mountain!

“Okay! Senior, I said these people have been dispersed!”

After taking Divine Sense back, Lord Death said to Qin Xuan next to him!

“Yeah! Go!”

Hearing that, Qin Xuan nodded and motioned her to do it!

As soon as Qin Xuan’s words were over, the Death Lord had disappeared!

A mountain top a million miles away in Nether Mountain!

“What can you do when you come to Nether Mountain!”

The seven main gods who were watching suddenly heard a voice in their ears!

The seven main gods followed the prestige, only to see them behind them, at some unknown time, there was a figure standing there looking at them blankly!

“See Lord Master!”

The moment the seven main gods saw this figure, they couldn’t help but be shocked, but they quickly recovered, and then respectfully said to the figure!

This figure is the Death Lord.When she released Divine Sense just now, she had already detected them, so after leaving the palace, she came directly to these seven masters!

After seeing Lord Death, the seven main gods couldn’t help but lower their heads, not daring to raise their heads to look directly at her!

At the same time, the seven of them were horrified. You know, they have seen the Death Lord, and even the strongest Destiny Lord Ov, they have also seen it! But they have never felt this way!

However, this time when they saw Lord Death, they felt boundless pressure, and they even had the urge to kneel down and worship Lord Death!

They believed that if they waited for someone to look directly at the Death Lord, they would definitely kneel down and worship, so they didn’t dare to raise their heads now!

It seems that the strongest title of Destiny Ruler is about to be released, and I am afraid that the current Lord Death is the strongest existence under the four supreme gods!

As for why the Death ruler is the strongest existence under the four supreme gods?

Because they couldn’t believe in their hearts that the Death ruler would surpass the four supreme gods, this is also a rule that has not changed since ancient times!

From the beginning of heaven and earth, the highest of all creatures can only cultivate to dominate Realm, and no one can cultivate to the Realm of the Supreme God, or even surpass the Supreme God!

Therefore, the seven people will feel that Death dominates themselves more than destiny, becoming the strongest existence under the Supreme God!

“It seems that the powerful aura from before is also exuded by the Lord Domination!”

The seven main gods couldn’t help but guess in their hearts!

But no matter what the seven of them think in their hearts, it is impossible for these Death masters to know. She nodded to the seven, and then said: “The momentum was indeed emitted by me just now, so you should not continue to investigate. NS!”

“Return to Master! We already know!”

Hearing that, the seven quickly replied respectfully!

“That’s right! Before you leave, by the way, help me disperse the cultivator around Nether Mountain!

At this moment, Lord Death suddenly said to the seven!


The seven people still bow their heads, respectfully answering!

“Hey! Then I’ll leave it to you! I’ll go back first!”

Hearing that, Lord Death nodded in satisfaction, and then said!

0……Look for flowers……………

After speaking, the whole person slowly disappeared!


After a while, after the seven determined that Lord Death had left, they couldn’t help but heaved a sigh of relief.

At this time, their clothes had been soaked in own sweat. It is true that the pressure on them by the Death Lord just now is too great!

This is also the most stressful of the people they have seen in their lives! It even surpassed the Supreme God!

“You said! Death dominates the Cultivation Base, will it have reached the Realm of the Supreme God? It even surpassed the Supreme God?”

At this moment, a main god suddenly said to the remaining six main gods!

“Impossible! If it were so easy to cultivate to the Supreme God Realm, then there would not have been only four Supreme Gods since Heng ancient times!”


As soon as this main god finished speaking, another main god retorted!

“Then can you explain, what is going on with that powerful aura before? That is not the aura that should be the master!”

Seeing Own’s words were refuted, the main god also retorted in dissatisfaction!


Hearing this, the main god who retorted was choked all of a sudden, not just how to answer this question!

He also felt the previous aura, that is indeed not a master, it can exude aura!

“Then there is only one explanation! That is, the Cultivation Base dominated by Death broke through to the Supreme God Realm, and even surpassed the Supreme God!”

At this time, another main god guessed!

Hear the words! The remaining six main gods are silent!

“You said! Death dominates your lord, do you know how to break through to the highest god?”

There was silence for a while, and then a strange light flashed in the eyes of one of the main gods, and then said to the remaining six main gods!

After hearing the words of this main god, the expressions of the other six main gods couldn’t help but change slightly!

If the Death Lord really knows the method of breaking through the Supreme God, it means that she also knows how to Ascension the Lord God’s Cultivation Base, then for them, it is a great way to the sky, no less than the temptation of a supreme artifact!

“Don’t think too much! Let’s disperse the people around Nether Mountain first, and we will talk when we go back!” At this time, one of the silent main gods, after looking around for a while, directed at the other six The Lord God said! Nine

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