Chapter 382 Chaos Body

On a hilltop a million miles away from the Netherworld, there are seven figures standing on it!

All of these seven figures seem ordinary, but if anyone who knows them is here, they will be very shocked, because these seven figures are actually the main gods!

“Do you know what happened in Nether Mountain? And who is it that exudes that powerful aura?”

One of the seven figures suddenly asked!

“I don’t know! It should be related to Lord Death!”

Hearing that, a main god next to him shook his head, and then said uncertainly!

“It is impossible for Death to dominate adults. Although the powerful aura is indeed transmitted from Nether Mountain, I have felt the aura of Death dominating adults, it is not like this at all!”

Immediately after the master myth was finished, the other master god retorted directly!

“Since that powerful aura is not dominated by Death, who is it? Moreover, this Nether Mountain is where Death dominates, so who dares to be presumptuous in it?” Hearing the words, the first god to speak , Asked involuntarily!

“I don’t know this anymore!”

“That’s 310! Don’t fight anymore. Instead of guessing here, let’s keep watching! When the Lord Death comes out, don’t we know what happened?”

At this time, a main god who had not spoken next to him suddenly said!

Hearing this, the main gods who were arguing couldn’t help but fell silent, because they all knew that the main god who was speaking was right, and I was guessing here, I might as well continue to see where the final result came out. Didn’t you understand everything at that time?

In the palace on the top of the Nether Mountain!

Qin Xuan and the pretty girl stared at the gray dome without turning their eyes. After this period of time, the dome began to shrink slowly, and now it has only been found about three meters away!


Suddenly, there was an intentional move in the gray dome!

I saw that the gray dome actually began to crack, as if it was about to break, and the cracks on the gray dome continued to spread.As time passed bit by bit, the cracks had spread to the entire gray dome!

“(agaj) 5F!

With more and more cracks, the gray dome finally couldn’t bear it, and it broke all at once!

After the gray dome shattered, the figure of the Death ruler gradually emerged, and she was sitting there cross-legged, without any aura, just like an ordinary person without a Cultivation Base!

However, although the Death dominator does not have the slightest aura, the pretty girl in Qin Fangxuan feels the boundless pressure from the Death dominator!

It feels as if the one in front of her is not her own main body, but a giant like the sky.As long as she moves her body, the whole world will not be able to bear it, and it will be broken!

This kind of feeling is something I have never felt since I was born. Even when I faced the Supreme God, I never felt this way, no. The two are simply incomparable!

At this moment, Lord Death feels completely different from what she usually sees.Although her appearance is still the same as before, the aura and even the soul of her body have completely changed. That’s why the Lord God just said , I don’t feel the breath of Death dominating!

You know, you are her god clone. Although Cultivation Base is not as tall as hers, thanks to the induction between the two, you can still vaguely feel her Cultivation Base!

But now, let’s not say that I feel her Cultivation Base anymore, even the feeling between myself and her seems to be gone!

At this moment, Lord Death, who was sitting there, suddenly opened his eyes, and saw two divine lights shooting out of her eyes, and suddenly the space in front of her was pierced!

The Death Lord slowly stood up, then looked at Qin Xuan and the pretty girl!

Suddenly, the pretty girl only felt that in the eyes of the deity, there was no secret at all. Those eyes seemed to be able to penetrate the ages, own everything, under these eyes, there was nothing to hide!

“This deity?”

Seeing Lord Death’s gaze staying on Own, the pretty girl suddenly became a little nervous, and she stammered a bit when she saw her words!

“Ah! Why didn’t you recognize me after a while?

Hearing that, the Death Lord couldn’t help but smile, and then said!

“No! Your deity succeeded, haven’t you?”

Seeing this, the heart of the pretty girl finally let go!

“Yeah! It worked!”

Lord Death nodded and turned back!

“That… how do you feel now? Is that chaotic body very powerful?”

The pretty girl looked at Lord Death curiously, and then asked!

“Strong! Very strong! Now I feel that with a wave of my hand, the entire The Netherworld can be destroyed in an instant!”

Hearing that, Lord Death couldn’t help but show a smile, she opened her hands, made a hug gesture, and then nodded and turned back!

“The deity! Are you strong now, or are the four supreme gods strong?”

“The Supreme God?”

“Ah! Don’t talk about the four supreme gods! Even if hundreds of thousands of supreme gods come, as long as I want to, I can destroy them in an instant!”

Hearing that, a trace of contempt flashed in the eyes of Lord Death, and then he couldn’t deny it!

After fusing the two powers of rules and laws, the power in the body becomes the Qi of Chaos, and the body of own body is transformed into the body of Chaos, the whole person seems to be transformed!

Regardless of whether it is the consciousness or the body, it seems to have separated from this world and evolved to a higher level.She felt that as long as she wanted, the whole world seemed to be able to burst at any time, so she dared to say such a big thing!

“Ah! That deity, you are not invincible now?”

Upon hearing this, the pretty girl couldn’t help but exclaimed, her entire face flushed with excitement and said:

“Uh.! This world invincible doesn’t seem to be!

After hearing the words of his own god clone, Lord Death couldn’t help but stunned, and then replied a little embarrassingly!

After speaking, his eyes should unconsciously turn to Qin Xuan who is smiling at Mimi next to him!

When she first merged into the Chaos Qi, she once thought that she was invincible in the world, but when she saw Qin Xuan, this idea was instantly extinguished by her in her heart!

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