Chapter 384 The news that shakes the entire The Netherworld!

Nether Mountain!

At this time, there were a lot of people gathered around, and most of those who could come here were upper gods, and only a few gods came here!

“I have a friend who works as a guard at Palace Master’s house. He heard from the Palace Master that the aura that came from Nether Mountain before can only be radiated by the Lord God!”

“You said, is the previous momentum exuded by the main god that was rumored a while ago?”

An upper god suddenly said to the person next to him!

“Yeah! It’s possible!”

Hearing this, the people around also nodded in agreement!

“But… But, is the aura of the main god so powerful? I heard that the previous aura spread to the entire The Netherworld?”

At this moment, a middle-ranked god carefully looked at the people around him, and then said!



Hearing this, the upper god who had just started talking couldn’t help being stunned. When he saw a middle god daring to refute the words of own, he waited for him and then reprimanded: “What do you know as a middle god? Have you seen the main god? Do you know how powerful the main god is?”

At that time, “I was fortunate enough to meet a main god once. Do you know how powerful the main god was at that time?”

“Don’t say decompress the entire The Netherworld, I am afraid that the main god waved his hand, and the entire The Netherworld will be destroyed by him! If you don’t believe me, ask those people who have a higher god Cultivation Base. I think they should have a lot of people. People who have seen the main god, see if they are the same as what I said!”

Being reprimanded like this, the middle-ranked god was also taken aback, and suddenly he didn’t dare to continue talking!

In fact, this upper god had never seen the main god before, he just didn’t want to face so many people and be put down by a middle god, so he said that!

By the way, the high-ranking gods who watched the excitement around were all pulled into the water!

“Yes! I have seen the Lord God, but it is very powerful!”

“Well! The main god is indeed very powerful!”

“Youth! You don’t need to talk nonsense if you don’t know. You have to know that the main god has been cultivation for trillions of years before he has achieved his current achievements, so can he not be strong?”

The high-ranking gods around, although they are also very unhappy with this person, they are not easy to refute in front of so many people.At the moment, they can only violate their own conscience, and then nodded and said!

Seeing so many people accusing himself, that middle-ranked god couldn’t help shrinking his neck at the moment, and he didn’t dare to raise his head at all!

While everyone was still talking about it, seven figures suddenly appeared in mid-air. When these seven figures appeared, they all exuded a strong aura at the same time.In an instant, those who were not in the upper god Cultivation Base were suddenly crushed. On the ground, only the person who has the upper god Cultivation Base is still struggling to support this!

“Lord… the lord god! Must be the lord god!

“Only the main god has such a powerful aura!”

“And, all of a sudden, there are seven!”

Those middle gods who were pressed down on the ground were all at a loss and didn’t know what was going on!

Only those upper gods who were still struggling to support, raised their heads with difficulty, looked into the air, and when they saw these seven figures again, they were shocked!

“What happened to Nether Mountain! Even the seven main gods of The Netherworld are here!”

Those upper gods couldn’t help but guess!

And the seven figures in the air were just ordered by the Death Lord to disperse these people!

At this time, only one main god came out, looked at the people below blankly, and then said: “Leave Nether Mountain! This is not something you can mix in!

The sound was so loud that it spread all over the entire Nether Mountain at once!

After finishing speaking, the seven main gods recovered their aura at the same time.

At the same time, those who were overwhelmed to the ground also stood up one after another, and then they all forgot to look over in midair!

However, after hearing what the main god said, everyone present was shocked!

You know, most of the people who can come here have the upper god Cultivation Base, and even some palace owners also come, only a small part of the middle god!

However, now listening to the main god, what happened on Netherworld Mountain can’t even be mixed with the higher gods, how can this not shock everyone present!

Although everyone was shocked in their hearts, they didn’t dare to refute the Lord God’s words, unless he didn’t want to live anymore!

Therefore, everyone is ready to leave Nether Mountain. Of course, there are some who are thinking about what artifacts have been unearthed in Nether Mountain, which can even improve the treasures of Cultivation Base. Sneak into Nether Mountain to find treasures!

However, the main god’s Divine Sense can be so powerful, if they can usually succeed, but now the seven main gods have been ordered by the Death Lord to disperse the people around the Nether Mountain, and don’t let people enter the Nether Mountain!

I saw a group of upper gods sneaking into the Nether Mountain, but they were detected by the main god’s Divine Sense before they got in. At the moment, the main god shot without mercy and prepared to destroy them all. Kill!

I saw that the group was still sneaking up, and the people who were about to enter the Nether Mountain did not know the whereabouts of themselves and others, and they were exposed to the eyes of the Lord God!

At this time, I saw a palm above them suddenly appeared, a palm transformed from energy, and suddenly pressed down on them!

The speed is so fast, before they can react, they are wiped out by the palm of the hand that can be transformed!

What happened at the same time was more than this. I don’t know how many people around Nether Mountain who wanted to sneak into Nether Mountain were killed by the seven main gods!

At the same time, those who left Nether Mountain also shared what happened in Nether Mountain!

Rumor 0.9, powerful treasures were unearthed in Nether Mountain, therefore, the seven main gods of The Netherworld drove everyone around Nether Mountain away! So as to swallow that powerful treasure!

The rumors spread more and more, and the versions are also multi-model and diversified, and even worse, the rumor is that the treasure of Nether Mountain is something that can increase the Cultivation Base. Whoever gets it may become the main god, or even the master, which can be said to be a step to the sky! ! The outside matter is resolved?”

Seeing that the deity went out for a while, he came back again.At the moment, the pretty girl couldn’t help but ask in confusion!

“Hmm! Solved!”

Lord Death nodded and turned back!

“So fast?”

“Originally, if I came to solve it really not so fast, but I feel that the seven main gods of my The Netherworld have also come! So, I went to find them and let them handle it for me!”

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