Chapter 381 The whole The Netherworld is boiling!

Just when the pretty girl wanted to say something, at this moment, those divine lights on Death Lord suddenly merged together slowly!

The space inside the palace shook suddenly, as if it would shatter at any time!

And the divine light that was merging slowly turned into gray, and it was a little bit at the beginning, but as time slowly passed, the gray divine light had spread to the sixth floor and above!

As the gray divine light grew more, Lord Death appeared to be more painful.She was clenching her teeth tightly, her lips seemed to be bitten suddenly, and blood was overflowing from the corners of her mouth!

Six floors, seven floors, eight floors, nine floors…

The gray divine light on Death Lord’s body has already covered the ninth layer!


The surrounding space seemed to finally be unable to hold it, and it suddenly broke apart, and a terrifying torrent of space suddenly violent, as if to rush out from those broken spaces!

Seeing this, Qin Xuan waved his hand, and the broken space slowly recovered!

Time slowly passed, and the gray divine light on Death’s body seemed to be covered by other divine lights, but it was just a little bit, but it was like a world of difference!

At this time, Lord Death became obviously more painful, and the blue veins on her forehead were obvious when her clothes had been soaked in sweat!

“Tang senior! What’s going on at this time? Why is it so bad, but it can’t be integrated?

The pretty girl next to her looked at all this, she was also anxious in her heart, and immediately asked inexplicably!

“Hey! Don’t underestimate this point, it is precisely this point, which is the key to it! It is also the essence of Chaos Qi and Chaos Body!”

“As long as your deity supports this, the next steps will be much easier!”

After hearing this, Qin Xuan explained!

“What if you can’t make it?”

“Can’t hold it? Then it can only be turned into ashes, and fall with this!”

Qin Xuan shrugged, then said!


Upon hearing this, the pretty girl couldn’t help but exclaimed, her eyes filled with panic, she saw that she asked Qin Xuan expectantly: “Tang senior! Is there any way you can help the deity?”

“Yes! That means I have poured my understanding of the body of chaos and the air of chaos into the consciousness of your deity, so that she can merge successfully!!

“Then…that Tang senior, can you help the deity? Fill her with your understanding of Chaos Body and Chaos Qi?”

Hearing that, the pretty girl looked at Qin Xuan with some anxiety, and then asked expectantly!

“No! I won’t do this until the last minute!

Qin Xuan shook his head, then said firmly!


“My understanding is my understanding after all. If you give them all to your deity, it means she is walking my way!”

“The body of chaos and the air of chaos are not exactly the same. The body of chaos and the air of chaos derived from individual people all believe in own understanding, and become different!” Qin Xuan continued to explain!


Although she didn’t quite understand what Tang Senior was saying (a bit convoluted, the author himself didn’t quite understand it!), but she knew that Tang Senior would not be able to help now. At the moment, she can only pray for the deity to persevere!

However, despite saying this, Qin Xuan still took out some chaotic stubborn stones, and then laid out the spirit gathering array around the Death Lord!

As time passes slowly!

Lord Death doesn’t seem to be as painful at the beginning, but the expression on her face is constantly changing, laughing and crying, frowning again, as if she has realized something!

Seeing this, the fellow daoist on the pretty girl’s face dropped a lot, and immediately asked Qin Xuan next to him: “Tang senior! Has the deity survived?”

“Aha! Hey! She did survive the most difficult level, but the chaos gas still did not completely cover the power of dominance in her body!

Hearing that, Qin Xuan smiled and nodded, then said!

“Ah! This is difficult too! The Qi of Chaos is like this! Wouldn’t it be more difficult to transform into a body of Chaos?”

After hearing Qin Xuan’s explanation, the pretty girl frowned and said!

“Aah! That actually is not! The next body of Chaos is much simpler! As long as the Qi of Chaos completely covers the power in your deity, the Qi of Chaos will slowly transform your deity’s body into chaos. Body!”

Hearing this, Qin Xuan couldn’t help but smile, and then said!

Just when the pretty girl wanted to continue to ask, at this moment, she suddenly saw that the light of Death Lord’s body has completely turned gray, which means that she has completely transformed the power in her body into Chaos Qi, and And continue to inject own understanding!

At this moment, the gray divine light suddenly radiated from her, suddenly penetrated the palace, and then spread to the entire Nether Mountain, and instantly enveloped the entire Nether Mountain!

After that, the gray divine light slowly began to shrink again, shrinking to the surrounding area of ​​Lord Death, and then slowly wrapped her up to form a gray egg!

“Uh! What’s going on?”

Seeing this, the pretty girl couldn’t help but feel a little stunned, and then came to the side of the dome, and circled it, and wanted to touch it with her hand!

“Ah! It hurts! Senior what are you doing? Why do you knock me on the head!”

The pretty girl kept touching her head with her hand, and then shouted at Qin Xuan with a dissatisfaction!

“What are you doing? Do you know what these are?”

Hearing this, Qin Xuan gave her an angry look, then pointed at the gray dome next to her, and asked the pretty girl!

“Huh! How do I know!”

The pretty girl gave a cold snort of dissatisfaction, then curled her lips and said slave!

“Aha! I don’t know? I don’t know if you’re still touching? This is Chaos Qi. If you touched it just now, I’m afraid your whole person will be swallowed by Chaos Qi!”

Qin Xuan looked at the pretty girl speechlessly, and then explained!

“Ah! Is it so dangerous!”

Upon hearing this, the pretty girl couldn’t help but exclaimed!

“Aha! What do you say?”

Qin Xuan sneered, then asked back!

“Fortunately, I didn’t touch it just now! Humph! Senior, why didn’t you remind me earlier?”

Seeing this, the pretty girl couldn’t help but patted Own’s chest, her face was also terrified, and she shouted at Qin Xuan with dissatisfaction!


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