Chapter 380 The entire The Netherworld shook!

At this moment, the entire Nether Mountain was shaking!

Qin Xuan and the pretty girl also stopped fighting, and the people living in the Nether Hotel also felt that the entire Nether Mountain was shaking violently, and they ran out of the Nether Hotel, and then vacated to see what happened. what’s up!

“The deity!”

The pretty girl looked at the direction of Nether Mountain, her eyes were a little excited and worried, she couldn’t help muttering to herself!

At this time, a terrible breath came from the Nether Mountain, which instantly tore the entire sky apart, and a huge crack appeared in the sky, as if it was splitting the entire sky in half, like a giant about to swallow the world. The beast is opening his big mouth, like he wants to swallow the whole world!

The breath became stronger and stronger, and the people near Nether Mountain, under this breath, also felt unusually heavy, as if they were to be pressed down!

You know, Netherworld is the first dangerous place in The Netherworld, so how can people who come here have a low Cultivation Base? The people who come here are basically people from the upper god Cultivation Base, and only a few follow those upper ones. The middle god from god!

But now, under this breath, even the upper gods feel heavy, and the 06 middle gods, under this pressure, can’t resist and are overwhelmed in an instant!

And the pressure of this breath is still strong, and it is still spreading beyond the Nether Mountain, wherever the pressure goes, as long as the creatures below the upper god Cultivation Base are instantly overwhelmed to the ground!

“What the hell is going on? How can this Nether Mountain have such a strong pressure!”

In front of the Netherworld Hotel, a person with the upper god Cultivation Base was looking up at the extremely tall Nether Mountain, then frowned and said!

It’s not that he doesn’t want to investigate what happened in the Nether Mountain, but as the pressure is getting stronger and stronger, even the upper gods can’t fly and can only walk.How can he go to the Nether Mountain to investigate?

Walk? Don’t be silly, now this Nether Mountain seems to be very close, but everyone who has entered Nether Mountain knows that this is just this mountain and it has to confuse you on the surface. If you really walk into Nether Mountain, I’m afraid you Don’t even think of reaching the top of the mountain for billions of years!

“I don’t know! Let’s quickly let those middle-ranked gods leave here, otherwise, as this coercion continues to strengthen, I am afraid they will kill them!”

At this moment, another high-ranking god next to him said solemnly!


The upper god who began to speak also nodded and agreed with him!

Because he knows that now those middle-ranked gods are leaving here, I’m afraid they can’t move under this pressure!

As time passed bit by bit, this coercion did not mean to stop in the slightest, but it continued to increase, and it was spreading to the outside quickly!

“Senior! She will be fine, right?”

The pretty girl looked in the direction of Nether Mountain, her eyes filled with worry, and then asked Qin Xuan next to her!

“Don’t worry! Your deity is fine! Even if there is something, isn’t there still me?”

Hearing that, Qin Xuan gave her a relieved look, and then comforted!

At this time, the pressure suddenly skyrocketed, and in an instant, all the upper gods near the Nether Mountain were also overwhelmed to the ground!

The breath suddenly spread to the entire The Netherworld. Suddenly, the sky of The Netherworld gradually became gloomy.The huge thunder in the sky continued to shuttle back and forth. This scene is as serious as the end of the world!

But just for an instant, these scenes changed and disappeared, and the powerful pressure disappeared without a trace, as if everything just now was just an illusion. If they didn’t see themselves still lying on the ground, everyone thought they were themselves Hallucinations!

The main gods in The Netherworld are also aware of the abnormalities, and the source of these abnormalities is Nether Mountain!

For Nether Mountain, those ordinary cultivators may not know what is in it, but can the main god not know?

In the Nether Mountain, the ruler of the entire The Netherworld lives, and the first powerhouse of the entire The Netherworld, Death Lord!

If they don’t have the permission of the Death Lord, they will not dare to enter rashly, otherwise the Death Lord will be blamed, who can bear it!

However, something major seems to have happened to Nether Mountain this time, so the main gods can’t control that much, and they fly directly in the direction of Nether Mountain!

In fact, the reason why the coercion stopped was all Qin Xuan’s hands!

It turned out that Qin Xuan saw this pressure getting stronger and stronger and spreading to the entire The Netherworld. The coercion is shielded within the Nether Mountain!

“Go! Let’s go in! See what is going on with your deity!”

At this moment, Qin Xuan suddenly said to the pretty girl next to her!

After speaking, only a space door appeared in front of them, and then Qin Xuan walked in without saying a word!

Seeing this, the pretty girl hurriedly followed!

In the palace on the summit of Nether Mountain!

Lord Death is sitting on the throne with a serious face, and the pressure just now clearly radiates from her!

At this moment, I saw the Death Lord constantly appearing, various colors of divine light, and each color of these divine lights seemed to represent a kind of rule or law!

The entire palace, under these colorful divine lights, became very dazzling!


At this time, I saw Lord Death’s face, and a painful look began to appear, and his mouth could not help but make a painful sound!

There was a regular gleam of divine light on her body, and it suddenly became chaotic!

At this time, a space door suddenly appeared in the palace, and Qin Xuan and the pretty girl walked out of it!

After the pretty girl came out, she saw the master of her own main body Death, as if something had happened, the whole person was shaking violently, and the whole face seemed to be distorted, as if trying to endure terrible pain!

“Tang senior! What’s wrong with this deity?”

Seeing this, the pretty girl couldn’t help asking Qin Xuan anxiously!

“Aha! It’s okay! Don’t worry, now should be the most critical moment. If she can survive, there will be another peak powerhouse in this world!”

Seeing the pretty girl looking at herself anxiously, Qin Xuan couldn’t help but waved her hand, and then explained with a smile!

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