Chapter 363: Entering the Profound Realm

However, Shi Hao and the girl enlightened the entrance of the Du Family Profound Realm, and found that the entrance was actually sealed, and the girl couldn’t open it!

Stupid “! You can’t open this seal, can’t I open it?”

Shi Wu glared at the girl fiercely, and then said!

“Senior! Do you know how to open this seal?”

Hearing that, the girl didn’t care about Shi Hao’s tone at all, but asked with joy!

Shi Hao nodded!

“what way?”

“You step aside! I will open this seal now~!”

The Shi Wuchong girl waved her hand and motioned to her to stay away!

Hearing that, although the girl didn’t know what method Shi Wu was going to use to open this entrance seal, she still obediently retreated-opened!

After seeing the girl retreat, Shi Hao nodded in satisfaction, and then looked at the space the girl was pointing at!

I saw him raise his hand, clenched it into a fist, and then took out the space and punched it all over!

A terrible breath emanated from him, and instantly slammed the girl in the distance to the ground!



I saw that the space actually shattered, and the broken space continued to spread and expand, until it expanded only a hundred miles before it stopped!

“It seems to be too hard!”

Seeing this, Shi Hao couldn’t help showing a trace of embarrassment on his face.He was originally strong and blasted out a 100-meter-sized space tunnel, but he didn’t expect that his own power was too great. Shattered!

On the other side, the girl who jumped off under the pressure of Shi Hao’s breath had her mouth wide open, her eyes widened, and she looked at all this with incredible expression!

I kept thinking: “This is what you said, the way to open the seal?”

“How about it! Didn’t you see that the entrance to the profound realm was opened?” Shi Hao turned his head and said to the girl with an incredible expression!

“Well! This…this is indeed a good way!

Hearing that, the girl got up, and then looked at Shi Wu stuttering like a ghost!

“Then what are you waiting for! Let’s go in!”

Shi Wu smiled, Suddenly, he was very satisfied with the girl’s words, so he said!

After speaking, he flew to the broken space!

“Hey! senior, wait for me!”

Seeing this, the girl also hurriedly pursued it!

The shattered space, after Shi Hao and the girl entered, began to slowly recover, and after a while, it had completely recovered!

Not long after Shi Hao and the girl entered the Du Family Profound Realm, a few Daoist shadows suddenly appeared at the entrance of the Profound Realm.

Not long after these figures appeared, a few more people appeared not far from them, and there was also a group of people in the distance flying towards the flight. After a while, they came not far from the entrance of the Du Family Profound Realm, and then stopped. Down!

This group of people have emerald green pupils and golden hair. They are obviously not from the East!

At this time, I saw the first few figures that appeared first, and one of them suddenly said: “Elemental Earth God, if I fail, I will definitely do something for you. If I succeed, don’t forget your promise. I need to use your earth elemental supernatural power to dig for me.

Hearing that, one of the western group of people came out and saw him replied indifferently: “Well, as long as you can break the sealed Du Family Profound Realm and explore the secrets inside.

It seems that there should be a gambling agreement or agreement between the two people!

If Shi Wu is still here, it must be the person who just started talking, this person is Chen Nan who was saved by Shi Wu!

Seeing this, Chen Nan turned his head and said to the figures behind him: “Purple Golden Dragon, Baby Dragon, Gu Si, and Xiaofeng, we all do it together! We must give me the seal of the entrance to the profound world. open!


Several people nodded and responded quickly!

I saw Chen Nan raised the murderous soldier Fang Tian painted a halberd, and input his own power into it.

After the fierce soldier Fang Tian painted the halberd after Chen Nan input power, the fierce momentum made people feel cold in their bones. Fang Tian painted the halberd, like a sleeping ancient demon awakening, and sent a demon at the mouth of the mysterious world.

Murderous aura swept across the world, and near this mountain range, as if it had entered a severe winter in the twelfth lunar month, all flowers were exhausted, all trees were lost, and the beasts and birds were countless violently killed.

The terrifying killing intent directly destroyed their life energy!

People who were closer to him quickly retreated and flew back to the distant western gods. Although they have not been affected too much, the feeling of being pointed directly at the heart is very bad.

The murderous soldier Fang Tian painted a halberd can only be described as horror.


The terrifying power poured out, and immediately, everything within a hundred li radius was destroyed by this terrifying power!

A gust of wind blew by, and everyone looked at the entrance seal in the distance, and saw that it was actually undamaged under this terrible power.How can this not shock everyone!

When Chen Nan and the others saw this, they couldn’t help but feel horrified.They knew exactly how strong the strike was just now, don’t say anything else, even if Chen Nan himself, under a single strike, I’m afraid the conversation is ashes!

0………Look for flowers 0

“Let’s come again!

Chen Nan roared!

After speaking, he raised the fierce soldier Fang Tian’s painted halberd again, and slammed the seal violently!

Seeing this, other people also used their strongest power to blast past the seal!

Afterwards, a muffled noise came out!

With the continuous bombardment by Chen Nan and others, the seal began to slowly break apart!

Time passed slowly like this!

Two hours later, the fierce collision in the Du Family Profound Realm and the terrifying murderous aura finally subsided. With the final loud noise, the entrance seal was finally broken, and as the seal was broken, the entrance to the Profound Realm began to appear!

Seeing this, Chen Nan and the others couldn’t help but heaved a sigh of relief, then glanced at each other, and rushed in toward the entrance!

Seeing Chen Nan and the others rushed in, the group of people not far away rushed towards the entrance unwilling to show weakness!

On the other side, after Shi Hao and the young girl came out of the shattered space, they saw a stone pillar standing at the entrance of the profound world with endless curses carved on it. The power of the seal actually originated from it.

“It seems that the power of this seal should come from this stone pillar!” Shi Wu went around the stone pillar and said with a spouting voice!

“Senior! Let’s go and take a look inside!”

The girl said anxiously!

Now the girl doesn’t care about the seal or the stone pillar. She just wants to know if there are any members of the own clan in the profound realm who have survived!

“Uh! Okay! Let’s go!”

Hearing this, Shi Hao also understood her feelings, so he nodded and said!

After speaking, the two flew inside!

The two of them flew all the way, and what they saw was a sea of ​​corpses and bones in the Du Family Profound Realm.

Even Shi Hao saw many several-year-old children from these ghosts!

Seeing such a scene, the girl couldn’t help laughing miserably!

“Okay! Now is not the time to be sad, now the most important thing is to find the ancient Demon Monarch!”

Shi Wu patted the girl on the shoulder and said, while his fists were clenched, fierce light flashed in his eyes, and the surrounding air instantly dropped, as if it was about to freeze! Nine

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