Chapter 364 The Entire Profound Realm Has Been Annihilated

Shi Wu and the girl flew all the way to Du’s family. Inside the profound realm, there was a sea of ​​corpses and bones.

When she arrived at Du’s house, the girl rushed into Du’s house impatiently!

Seeing this, Shi Hao also shook his head helplessly, because he felt that there was no stranger aura in this mansion, in other words, all the people in this mansion had been killed!

Sure enough, not long after the girl rushed in, there was a mournful cry!

“Father, mother, grandpa, grandma, you are dead, what should I do?”


Shi Wu sighed, then walked in!

Entering the mansion, Shi Hao saw that there were mutilated corpses everywhere, and the girl Shiji was kneeling in front of the four corpses, crying sadly!

After a while, the girl finally stopped crying “Two Three Three”, she stood up, and then said to Shi Hao: “Senior, can you give me some time, I will give my parents, grandparents, and clansmen Buried!”


Seeing the girl’s red and swollen eyes, Shi Hao didn’t know how to comfort him, so he nodded!

As for looking for the ancient Demon Monarch, Shi Wu didn’t feel anxious for a while.

Therefore, Shi Hao sat down cross-legged and watched the girl dig the pit, and then put all the corpses into the pit, he was also helpless tank, and then closed his eyes, not seeing or getting annoyed!

Since Shi Wu’s cultivation, I don’t know how many battles, and even saw scenes more tragic than this, so to him, these dead people are nothing at all, just seeing a young girl crying and crying, and I don’t feel like it. !

It’s strange to say that after entering the profound realm, Shi Hao released his own Divine Sense and swept the entire profound realm. He didn’t find any aura of strangers in it at all, in other words, the entire profound realm. The people inside are all dead, and even the breath of an animal is not felt!

Isn’t it that there are strong people in the profound realm? Why can’t I feel it? Is it hiding?

However, Shi Wu believes that unless he is at the same level as himself, or surpasses own, no one will be able to detect his own Divine Sense more!

In other words, these people who wiped out the entire profound realm have already left the profound realm. Thinking of this, Shi Hao can’t help but feel depressed! So when he came to the profound realm, didn’t he make a trip in vain?

However, at this moment, Shi Hao suddenly felt a vibrating sound coming from the entrance!

Isn’t there no one in the entire Profound Realm? How come there is still a vibration?

Therefore, he released Divine Sense again and explored it, and saw that the sound of vibration was actually that the two entered the mysterious realm just now and saw the stone pillar at the entrance!

At this moment, the one suddenly broke, and the moment the stone pillar broke, Shi Wu saw that a crack had actually opened at the entrance of the profound realm!

“It seems that someone was outside, impacting the seal, that’s why this stone pillar broke!”

Seeing this, Shi Hao couldn’t help but secretly said!

It seems that not only oneself, but others are also coming to explore the profound realm to see what happened!

Thinking of this, Shi Hao stopped paying attention, but took back Divine Sense, and continued to wait for the girl who was burying the tribe!

Time passed slowly like this!

After a few hours, the girl finally buried the own people together!

“Senior, my business is finished, I am embarrassed to keep you waiting!”

The girl walked up to Shi Hao, saw her bow, and said respectfully!

You know, if there is no Shi Hao, her parents, grandparents, and even the clansmen will be left in the wilderness, and she will never have the opportunity to bury the clansmen together, so can she not be grateful to Shi Wu?

“It won’t take long, it won’t get in the way! By the way, I just checked the entire profound realm and found that there are basically no people in the entire profound realm. In other words, the people who wiped out the entire profound realm have left!”

Hearing this, Shi Hao waved his hand at her, and then said!

As for the profound world seal being smashed, Shi Wu felt that there was no need to tell her, because Shi Wu knew that even if he said it, what can the girl do, wait until she sees it in person!

“All left?”

After hearing Shi Hao’s words, the girl was obviously taken aback, and then said with a wry smile: “Aha! Have you all left! Forget it, even if I meet them now, I don’t have the ability to avenge the people!”

“Hmm! Are you going to be here now, or leave the Profound Realm with me?”

Hearing this, Shi Hao also nodded, and then continued to ask!

“I’m still very senior and leave here! When I have a chance in the future, I will come and see again!”

The girl said!

This used to be a place of my own joy, but now, this place is a place full of sorrow for myself, and I am here, which is only a sorrow! So, let’s leave!

“So, let’s go!”

Seeing this, Shi Hao didn’t ask much, just said something right, indicating that she was very good!

After speaking, he turned and flew towards the entrance of the profound realm!

And the girl hurriedly followed!

After a while, the two returned to the entrance of the profound world again!

“Hey! Didn’t this and Shizhu work well when we came in? Why are they broken now?”

The girl came to the entrance, saw the broken stone pillar, couldn’t help but asked in confusion!

“Hey! This is the seal that links the entrance to the stone pillar! It should be someone bombarding the seal outside, so this is only broken with the stone pillar:” Shi Wu responded, and then explained:


The girl yelled, and then she didn’t ask any more!

Because she knew that even if she knew the reason, she couldn’t stand the profound realm. When she thought, the own family had just been destroyed, and now she couldn’t even keep her address. Thinking of this, the girl couldn’t help but feel a sense of powerlessness!

“It seems that being weak is the original sin! In this world where strength is respected, if you don’t have strength, you are a plaything in the hands of others. As long as that person gets tired of playing, you will be crushed!”

“Moreover, if one’s own strength is enough, will the own family still be destroyed? Your own family’s clan land will still be robbed?

The girl couldn’t help but think of it!

Thinking of this, when the girl saw Shi Hao in the front 0.9, her eyes lit up, and she also had an idea in her heart, that is, to worship the senior in front of her as her teacher?

But after a while, the girl’s eyes dimmed again, and she shook her head with a wry smile!

Even if I want to worship this senior as a teacher, will people accept myself as a disciple? This is just own wishful thinking!

But if I want revenge, what else can I do besides this? The girl couldn’t help but become confused!

As for worshiping other strong people as teachers, let’s not laugh, is it such a simple thing to worship strong people as teachers? If it is so easy to become a teacher, I am afraid the whole world will swarm!

“No! I have to worship this senior as a teacher anyway, even if he refuses, he must stay by his side if he is a bull and a horse!”

Suddenly, the girl seemed to have thought of something, her eyes became firm again!

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