Chapter 362-The Entrance of the Profound Realm

But he said that Shi Hao was hearing that there might be a strong man in the Du Family Profound Realm, so he rushed over!

But not far from the Du Family Profound Realm, I saw a young girl squatting helplessly and crying, so I went to see what happened!

Shi Wu flashed away and came behind the crying girl, and then asked, “Little girl, why are you crying here?”

Who knows, after hearing the voice of own, the girl actually panicked, so Shi Hao said again: “Um, I’m behind you!”

Hearing that, the girl quickly turned around. The moment she saw Shi Hao, her eyes were even more desperate. She saw her crazy Chongshi Wu shouting: “You are sent by Taikoo Demon Monarch! Unexpectedly, My Du family has been wiped out by you, and now you don’t even let me go!”

“Uh! That that!”

Hearing this, Shi Hao was stunned and realized that this girl seemed to have misunderstood herself, so he was ready to explain!

“You don’t need to say! Anyway, I am the only one left in the Du family, father and mother, but they are no longer there, and I don’t want to steal my life, come on!”

The girl yelled, as if she wanted to vent the fear in her heart!

After speaking, he stopped paying attention to Shi Hao, but closed his eyes and waited for death!

“Um! That… that, little girl, you seem to be mistaken, I am not sent by Demon Monarch, I just passed by here and saw you crying here, so 233 came to have a look!”

Shi Wu scratched his head, then explained!

In fact, Shi Wu had already guessed the course of some things from the girl’s words!

The Nadu family may have been destroyed by the Demon Monarch, and this girl may have escaped for some reason, and this girl may also be the only survivor of the Du family.

Therefore, after she saw herself, she thought she was the one sent by Demon Monarch to kill her, so she was so flustered!

Thinking of this, Shi Wu couldn’t help touching Own’s face. Is Own’s face really so bad?

The girl had already closed her eyes and was ready to wait for death, but after hearing Shi Hao’s words, she opened her eyes again, looked at Shi Hao with a puzzled look and asked, “You…you are not sent by Demon Monarch to kill me. People!”

“No! And, what is Demon Monarch, what qualifications is there to order me to kill? No one except my master can order me to do what I don’t want to do!” Hearing this, Shi Hao shook his head, and then looked disdainful. Said!

Seeing that the man in front of me was so disdainful of Taikoo Demon Monarch, the girl was also taken aback for a while, and then the whole heart of mentioning it was gradually let go!

Because she knew that if this person had been sent by Taikoo Demon Monarch, she wouldn’t have said such a thing!


“Right! Little girl, is that ancient Demon Monarch in your mouth strong?”

At this moment, Shi Hao suddenly thought of what he was here for, so he asked the girl!

“Uh! Strong, terrible strong!”

Although I don’t know what this person is asking, the girl answered honestly!

Can it be strong? If it is not strong, can the entire Du family be destroyed?

Thinking of Du’s house being destroyed, the girl’s tears began to flow again unknowingly!

“Hey hey! Why are you crying again!”

Seeing the girl start to cry again, Shi Hao couldn’t help being speechless!

“I… I don’t want to cry either, but… But when I think of the death of 50,000 people in my Du’s family, I can’t help crying!” The girl replied while choking!

“Okay! Stop crying!”

Seeing the girl still crying, Shi Hao was also a little impatient, so he said!

Sure enough, as Shi Hao’s words just fell silent, the girl’s choking sound was obviously much smaller!

“By the way! Are you afraid of death? If you are not afraid of death, can you take me to find that Demon Monarch!”

This “senior! What are you doing with Demon Lord?”

Hearing this, the girl asked with a puzzled look!

“Didn’t you say that Demon Monarch is a strong man? I will challenge him!” Shi Hao directly replied without thinking!

“Challenge Demon Monarch?”

The girl was also fooled by Shi Hao’s words!

She still knows a little about the rumors of Taikoo Demon Monarch. Taikoo Demon Monarch is a famous and peerless killing god. Back then, seven Taikoo Demon Monarch entered the heavens, but they turned the entire heavens and killed them on their horses, and finally they did not die. How many people have driven those Demon Monarchs away!

And now, this senior actually threatened to challenge Taikoo Demon Monarch, and the girl suddenly felt that this person must be a lunatic, or she had misheard it!

“Senior! You mean let me take you to find Taikoo Demon Monarch so that you can challenge them?”

The girl stared at Shi Hao, and then asked again uncertainly!

Shi Wu nodded definitely!

“Huh. senior! Do you know who Taikoo Demon Monarch is?”

Upon hearing this, the girl let out a sigh of relief, and then asked with a skeptical expression on her face!

“How do I know who the Taikoo Demon Monarch is, and I don’t want to know, I just know that they are strong! By the way, I will let you lead the way, why are you talking non-stop, can you take it? Take me there?” Seeing that girl was still roaring, Shi Hao gave her an impatient look, and then asked!


Seeing this, the girl couldn’t help but sweat on her forehead, and she said inwardly: “This person must be a fool, or else he won’t challenge Swire Demon Monarch!

But thinking of the tragic death of 50,000 people in her Du family, the girl gritted her teeth and said: “Okay! Senior, I will take you there!!

Anyway, my own parents, Big Brother, and grandparents are all dead, and I don’t want to live anymore!

What’s more, this senior may also be a strong man, and maybe he will be able to fight his enemies by then!

“Okay! You quickly lead the way!”

Hearing this, Shi Hao said quickly!

When he thought that he would be able to fight the strong again, Shi Hao couldn’t help but become excited, and his eyes were even more shocking!

It’s just that only peak powerhouse can feel this shocking fighting spirit, so the girl can’t feel it!

After the two flew forward for a while, the girl stopped suddenly, then pointed to a space and said, “Senior! There is the entrance to the profound realm!”

“Since we are at the entrance, what are we waiting for? Let’s go in quickly!

“Uh! senior, this entrance is sealed, only Elder and the patriarch can open it, and I don’t have the ability to open it!”

The girl gave a wry smile, and then explained!

“The entrance is sealed?”

Hearing this, Shi Hao was also taken aback, and then looked at the girl with a strange look and asked: “Your Du family is also true, how can a good entrance be saved and sealed? Is it because your Du family has done a lot of bad things before, the enemy It’s too much, so I have to seal the entrance?

“Uh! I don’t know this anymore!

Hearing that, the girl looked at Shi Hao with black lines, then shook her head and turned back!

How upright this senior’s heart is, no one speaks bad things about other people’s homes in front of others!

“Senior! What should we do now?”

“What else? Of course, open the seal, and then we go in!”

Shi Wu said carelessly!

This “I know! But… But, I can’t open this seal with me!”

The girl said silently!

I kept spitting out in my heart: “I don’t need you to tell me this too! The key is that I don’t have the ability to open this seal!”

“Stupid! You can’t open this seal, can’t I open it?”

Shi Wu glared at the girl fiercely, and then said!

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